The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 140: I am really scared

Sir, do you know what my first thought was? "

The more he talked, the more vigorous he was. Afterwards, Gou Sangui wanted to communicate with Wang Musheng on the spot.

It's just a pity that Wang Musheng, the audience, doesn't cooperate very much.

Just like that, he looked at Gou Sangui calmly.

Seeing this scene, Gou Sangui was able to laugh awkwardly and continue his story.

"I thought at the time, these guys weren't in the house in the middle of the night, so they wouldn't be going to divide the treasure!

When I think of this, how dare I hesitate!

Immediately he didn't even bother to visit other people's homes, and quickly searched the village.

I just wanted to!

With so many people, no matter how small the movement is, it can't be too small!

And all this is as I expected.

Soon, I found these guys in the center of the village.

My lord, you don't know the scene at that time.

In the dark of the night, these guys didn't even light a torch, just like ghosts crawling out of hell, standing there quietly.

This is not. If my eyes are always good, maybe I rushed directly in front of these people.

And, my lord, what you can't even imagine is what those guys are doing!

They were offering sacrifices. In the center of those people, there was a single torch, which was burning with a green flame, under the deliberate green light.

A figure with a black robe shrouded in a dagger was used to divide it into pieces, one by one, living human beings, male and female, and all of them were young and strong.

At that time, I didn't hold back the situation, and I vomited.

Because of this sound, I was also discovered.

Then, without any pause, I turned around and ran away.

I don't know if those people are chasing them. Anyway, I always feel that there is something terrifying behind me, rushing back at any time.

I dare not look back at all.

That's it, running desperately, wanting to escape from here, to escape from this strange village.

However, I don't know how, I ran and ran back to the original place.

I went on running.

Then it appeared in some strange places.

All over the caves of the dead mountain and the sea of ​​blood, those eyes that were not looking at them, seemed to be constantly questioning, wailing, and terrifying. In those eyes, I really wanted to see the boundless despair and fear.

There is also a world of white bones on the ground, just like the sea, endless, as soon as you step on it, it slowly sinks, sinking continuously, sinking continuously, as if you are about to fall into hell.

I am really scared!

I also saw countless ghosts. They were constantly wailing and struggling. They wanted to break free, and at the same time they wanted to pull me down.

I am really scared!

At that time, my brain was blank, and some were just fear.

There is only one idea.

I don't want to die.

I want to escape from here.

Me, run and run, run and run,...! "


"Not yet awake."

Looking in front of him, his face was pale, shuddering, and cold sweat was flowing, his eyes were once again occupied by boundless fear, and even because of extreme fear, his eyes were angered and bloodshot.

Obviously, this guy has fallen into the devil of fear again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng couldn't help shook his head.

There was another condensed in his hand, breaking the magic golden light, and directly shot into Gou Sangui's body.

With the baptism of the golden light of breaking the magic, Gou Sangui woke up again like a dream, and pulled out from the atmosphere of extreme fear.

However, the fear in his eyes has not completely disappeared.

Obviously, this experience left infinite fear and devil in Gou Sangui's heart.

If Gou Sangui can't get rid of this demon barrier, he will live in this boundless fear and nightmare all his life.

This will be the shadow of his life.


"Thanks to your lord"

Gou Sangui, who woke up, was gasping desperately like a drowning man.

"Let's go!"

Faced with this, Wang Musheng didn't say anything.

Just said a little softly, Bento first turned towards Mingzhong and walked in.

At this time, Gou Sangui discovered that Wang Musheng had already let go of himself, and he had already gained freedom when he did not know.

After a glance, Wang Musheng was slowly walking in towards Mingzhong.

After another glance, Mingwai, the dense forest not far away.

After hesitating for a while, Gou Sangui stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and finally raised his leg, quickly following Wang Musheng's footsteps, and walked towards Mingzhong.

In the near future, whenever I think of what I did today.

Even Gou Sangui didn't know what his purpose was.

However, it is foreseeable that this decision I made at the time was definitely the most correct decision I had made in my entire life.

This is exactly as Gou Sangui said.

The sound of the night is particularly gloomy and fearful.

I don't know if it's not the effect of the heart. At the moment when he stepped into the Ming, Wang Musheng felt inexplicably, as if the temperature here was much lower than the temperature outside.

In the obviously hot summer outside, people feel a bit of coolness here inexplicably.

Of course, this change in temperature has no effect on people of cultivation like Wang Musheng. After all, at this time, they can already ignore the temperature and the changes in the four seasons.

As long as they want, they can adjust their temperature at will.

In the spiritual perception, there is still nothing strange.

At first, Wang Musheng suspected that Gou Sangui was hit by illusion, but Wang Musheng did not feel any trace of illusion in Gou Sangui's body.

Then Wang Musheng suspected that this illusion in Gou Sangui was not infiltrated into the body, but someone constructed a huge illusion in the sound.

However, when Wang Musheng was outside the village before, he scanned the entire Ming with his spiritual sense, but he did not find any trace of the illusion.

Originally, Wang Musheng was still holding hope, because there was something in this existence that isolated his own spiritual sense perception.

After all, the cultivation path I took is different from the traditional cultivation path.

There is no god, no distraction.

Therefore, spiritual consciousness has not transformed into a higher level of spiritual consciousness, there are still many ways to be shielded.

However, when Wang Musheng entered this Ming, he found that he still hadn't found the slightest illusion, or even traces of mana.

So clean, there are only two possibilities. First, there is really no problem with this sound.

However, based on Gou Sangui's experience, this possibility is absolutely impossible.

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