The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Spirit Kitchen

Although not Shiweitian personally started.

However, that is also the apprentice of Shiweitian, and the taste of the spiritual food cooked by the senior spiritual chefs is also beautiful.

At least, if you leave here, you can eat what you can't see outside.

After all, it is even more difficult for a spiritual chef to grow up than a high-level monk.

At least, Xiaoyao Palace was not there, and in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, some high-level spiritual cook was found.

Therefore, even though Wang Musheng, their righteous masters did not come out and personally accompany this reception, the standard of this reception is not low at all.

The other party they live in is arranged in Xiaoyao City.

Xiaoyao City is located in the heart of Xiaoyao Island.

Here, it should have been the resident of Xiaoyao Palace.

Even the station is built.

However, because of the appearance of the Mirror Jade Emperor Realm, after various considerations, the new Xiaoyao Palace residence has been moved to the Mirror Jade Emperor Realm.

And this original palace residence was after removing some special existence.

But it has directly become the current Xiaoyao City.

Now Xiaoyao City has become the office of those elders in Xiaoyao Palace.

However, except when there are important things, otherwise, there will not be many people here.

Because of those elders, they all have their own ethnic group, tribe, and resident.

Even independent islands, independent small spaces.

They do not live here.

The more people living here are those under the elders, who are really responsible for handling various things.

However, what is dealt with here is only the development of the cities in the Jade Emperor Realm, the grievances between the cities, the allocation of materials, and the assessment of qualifications.

Really, the major events of the Xiaoyao Palace can no longer be handled here.

Of course, usually, here is also responsible for receiving some less important guests.

For example, these guys who came to watch the ceremony this time.


"Did you find it?"


"My Zhou Tian deduction technique, there is no one and no solution here."

"My astrological divination technique is equally unresponsive. Anyone here, in their body, all I see is chaos."

"It's not easy here!"

"Yes! I dare not touch those horrible existences in the dark."

"Hehe, there are more than a few of these horrible existences. In terms of luck alone, this Jade Emperor Realm is even comparable to that in the entire Southern Region."

"It's really scary! I didn't expect that there would be such a power, and it has never been known to people."

"I don't know if all this is good or bad."

"Is it useful to worry about it? But then again, this jade disc is really amazing!"

"Indeed, even when I waited for this kind of xinxing, I was almost immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself.

At that time, this cultivation way, I am afraid it will be abolished! "

"I can't resist even such existence, so leave as soon as possible! After all, this road is not so smooth."

"That's right, but I just discovered one thing, the beast envoy."


"A unique training system from the Northern Territory."

"Northern Territory! Could it be said that the power of this Xiaoyao Palace is not limited to the Southern Territory."

"Do you think that the Southern Territory alone can give birth to such a terrifying force?"




"Brother, what do you say! I just saw it on this good fortune jade plate just now, this Wang Musheng turned out to be the palace owner of this Xiaoyao Palace.

All this is true, can you meet the girl Qing Yao said? "

It was a female sister who was still talking.

"Hey, it's hard to say!

This Xiaoyao Palace is not a simple existence!

In charge of such a terrifying person, anything is possible.

Take one step at a time!

At that time, let Qingyao's girl, hand-held jade slips up there!

Hope all this is like what Qing Yao girl said! "

This is a handsome middle-aged man with a feminine appearance.

"Now that's the only thing we can do, and we have no choice. I hope all this is like what Qing Yao said!"

These two people came from Tianmen, the sect where Yueqing Rumor was located.

Originally, before this, before the affairs of Tai'a Dynasty, Wang Musheng was going to visit this Tianmen.

As a result, what I didn't expect was that the things of the Tai'ah Dynasty eventually developed into that way.

Wang Musheng was also seriously injured.

In addition, Xiaoyao Palace is about to open the palace, the matter of recruiting children, this matter, but it is nothing.

For special reasons, Tianmen encountered a catastrophe this time.

Yue Qingyao, as the Saintess of Tianmen, was unable to leave.

You can only leave the jade slips with your own hands and hand them over to the suzerain who came to participate in the opening ceremony.

As a result, the two of them, because of the discovery in the Jade Emperor Realm, were deeply concerned.


These, the big men from the immortal world who came to watch the ceremony, were arranged.

However, the trial of the Happy Palace on the other side is in full swing.

In fact, the huge portal that appeared outside, above the void, was at the same time as the portal to the Jade Emperor Realm.

It is also the entrance for those young monks to enter the second level of this trial.

These sect lords who came to observe the ceremony, after stepping through this portal, directly entered the Jade Emperor Realm.

And those young monks, after stepping through this portal, directly entered the second level of trial.

If the first test is to test the perseverance of these people.

Then the second level is to test the xinxing of these people.

The Jade Emperor Realm doesn't need it, it is heinous, and there is no monster with any bottom line.

The same is not necessary, bad people without principles.

The two, no matter which one, may eventually drag the entire Xiaoyao Palace into the bottomless abyss.

At the same time this portal is not simple.

This is the gantry that successfully activated the first gate.

However, only such a terrifying and powerful existence can support the trial of so many monks at the same time.

Otherwise, even the power of these guys is not that great.

But when the scale reaches a certain level, not everyone can do it.


Wu Datong, Wu Xiaodie.

The two are a pair of siblings, but not siblings.

Wu Datong, at the age of sixteen, was nearly two meters tall at a young age, and his stature was also very burly.

Wu Xiaodie, six years old, looks thin and weak, as if only three or four years old.

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