"Lord Lu Xiao, thank you!"

"You should go and have a good talk with your mother first."

"Yes! That’s right! Master Lu Xiao, why didn’t I see Sauro?!"

"He should have died at the hands of Aokiji!"

Robin exclaimed.

"Is it possible that he is not dead?"

"Not dead?!"

Robin couldn't believe it. She had clearly seen Sauro being frozen into an ice sculpture by Aokiji!

"Yes, as long as you keep going forward, you will see him."

Sauro should be living in seclusion in Elbaf Village now.

"I know!"

Robin nodded, and ran to Nicole Olbia with doubts.

She was finally able to meet her mother again!

Lu Xiao, on the other hand, was wandering around O'Hara.

After Robin told Olbia about what had happened in the past few years and what Lu Xiao had done, she said goodbye to Olbia."Ninety-six-three" she was going to continue sailing to the end of the sea to find the lost historical truth!

Especially now that O'Hara has been set rules by Lu Xiao, these scholars can study history better and no longer have any worries.

Soon, Robin found Lu Xiao.

"Brother Lu Xiao!"

"Is it over? Can we leave now?"

"Yes, it is possible, but... there is still one thing to do!"

Robin whispered while pinching his fingers.

"What's up?"

"Please follow me, brother Lu Xiao!"

Robin led Lu Xiao forward.

"This is where I lived when I was a child, and now it has been restored intact."

Robin took Lu Xiao into the house.

"Where's your mother? Shouldn't she live here too?"

"My mother can't wait to go to the Tree of All-Knowing and won't be back for a while."

"I see."

Lu Xiao nodded.

"Brother Lu Xiao……"

Robin suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Xiao


Lu Xiao was puzzled.

Then he was suddenly surprised!

Because Robin suddenly unbuttoned his shirt.

What was he going to do?!

"Robin, you?"

"Brother Lu Xiao, I have nothing to repay your kindness! Only myself!"

"I know that Brother Lu Xiao is willing to help for Nami's sake, but O'Hara's resurrection is so special to me! I can't accept this for nothing!"

"Life in the past few years has taught me that everything has a price, and I don't want Nami to bear this price for me!"

Robin stood in front of Lu Xiao cleanly and honestly.

Even her wheat-colored skin could not completely hide Robin's shy blush.

"But... I really don't need you to give anything. The most I hope is that you can remain loyal and continue to stay with Nami."

Lu Xiao explained.

"I know that Brother Lu Xiao dislikes me... I'm sorry!"

Robin was about to cry and squatted down suddenly.

"Well, I don't dislike you... I just want to make it clear to you so that you don't misunderstand."

"If you are still willing after knowing that I really don’t want anything and I’m just doing it out of boredom, I will definitely not refuse!"

Lu Xiao said that even if I can refuse you now, I can’t refuse you two years later!

You and Nami two years later, that’s the peak, okay!

Whether it’s appearance or figure, it’s enough to make Lu Xiao’s heart beat!

"I do!"

Robin said firmly!

"Now that you said so……"

Lu Xiao silently helped Robin up and accepted Robin's reward


"Why hasn't Brother Lu Xiao come back yet?"

Sauron looked a little anxious.

"Maybe it's because Robin wants to revive more than just her mother."

Nami guessed.

Robin is a mystery to the other crew members, and she didn't experience the Judicial Island incident, so her past experiences have not been exposed.

But Nami knows Robin's past very well.

Therefore, this time when Lu Xiao goes there, he may not only revive one person, but also the entire O'Hara.

At this time, a prompt popped up.

【Congratulations to group member Nami for changing the future of O'Hara and getting 500,000 points.

This is the fourth tip. Franky, Brook, and Chopper have already earned Nami 100,000, 300,000, and 100,000 points respectively.

Including this time, Nami has earned a total of 1 million points.

In addition, Nami has changed a lot of plots by intercepting four of Franky's crew members, and accumulated 500,000 points.

Now she has a total of 1.5 million points.

"Green algae head, do you want to do it too?"

Sanji, who was smoking silently beside him, suddenly spoke up

"The same to you?"

"Yes, but I don't know if Big Brother Lu Xiao is willing to help."

Sanji hesitated.

"Brother Lu Xiao should be able to do it.……"(To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zoro was not sure either.

After Lu Xiao came to the ship for the second time to take Nami away, they got an amazing news!

That is, Lu Xiao can revive the dead!!

At that time, Zoro and Sanji wanted to ask Lu Xiao for help.

In the end, before they could say anything, Lu Xiao left.

So far, they are also looking forward to this day.

"Don't worry, Brother Lu Xiao will help. He has helped so much already, so he won't need the two of you."

"But you, Zoro, Kuina will only be eleven years old when she is resurrected, what will you do then?"

Nami suddenly laughed.

"Humph! Of course I challenge her!!"


Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

Don't you even look at your current strength? You actually want to challenge an eleven-year-old girl?!

"Captain Nami!"

Brook came over with the former captain Yuki.[]

"What's wrong?"

"Captain Nami, Yuki wants to join our pirate group and become the second team. Do you think it's okay?"

Brook explained his intention.

"Captain Nami! Please take us in!"

Yuki bowed solemnly and asked

"Brook, don't you want to return to the Rumba Pirates?"

Nami asked

"Now that I am a member of the Little Cat Pirates, I will not leave."

Brook will not abandon Nami and the others just because the former Captain 3.8 and the crew have been resurrected.

This is not what he should do as a pirate.

"Since you are willing to stay, I definitely agree!"

"From today on, you are the second squad of my Little Thief Cat Fleet!"

"Yuki, you can keep the name of the Rumba Pirates."

Nami announced loudly.

"Yes! Nami, the boss!!"

Yuki shouted excitedly!

""Thank you Captain Nami!"

Brook was also very happy!

Now, they can continue to sail together on the sea!

And there is also a promise with Lab!

They will definitely be able to reunite with Lab again after sailing around the sea!

"Ooooooh! Let's have a party!!"

"Wait until Brother Lu Xiao comes back before opening"

"I'll go prepare the drinks!!"

Franky ran into the cabin


I love you: Ý Chí

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