
With a loud bang, everyone's eyes were flooded with a golden light!

When they opened their eyes again, they saw Lu Xiao standing there in the glowing golden armor, his right hand grasping the powerful and extremely sharp green slash!

"Caught... Caught!?"

Hawkeye's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"How did you do that?"

Zoro stared blankly.

""Golden Cloth!" Nami's eyes lit up instantly!

She thought Lu Xiao really hadn't worn this dress!

【Tsunade】:"Ah! The Gold Cloth! So cool!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"He actually caught Hawkeye's attack with his hands?!"

Yue Buqun had seen Hawkeye's performance in the war at the top.

The slash that cut through the ice shocked him for a long time!

At the same time, he felt that the cultivation system in the One Piece world was not only different from their martial arts world, but also much higher in combat power!

Even Zhang Sanfeng's world couldn't catch up! Only those who practiced immortality could touch it!


Lu Xiao used force to crush the slash.

Then he flew into the air and landed between him and Hawkeye, on the wreckage of the Creek Pirate Ship.

"Invitation to a fight? Perfect!"

Eagle Eye jumped and landed opposite Lu Xiao.

"Who are you?"

"Lu Xiao"

"My name is Joracol Mihawk!"

"I know you, so, do you want to compete with me?"

"That's right! Your slash is very powerful!"

Eagle Eyes said with sharp eyes and seriousness.

"OK, I'll satisfy you. Come on."

"Where is your knife?"

"My body is the strongest sword!"

As a gold saint, Shura has already practiced physical skills to the pinnacle. His limbs are as powerful as holy swords, indestructible.

With a flick of his hand, he can cut the planets and split the sky and the earth. This can be called the ultimate bare-handed attack. Therefore, ordinary attacks do not need to burn the microcosm. Just punching has powerful power.

So far, Lu Xiao has not burned the microcosm.

"The body is the strongest sword?!"

Hawkeye thought.

He was known as the world's number one swordsman, and his swordsmanship had already reached perfection, unmatched.

But at the same time, it was extremely difficult for him to surpass himself.

This is why he always looks forward to defeating his opponent, only in this way, he will have the motivation and the opportunity to surpass himself.

At this time, Hawkeye heard Lu Xiao's words and realized something in his heart

"I'm in a hurry, quick fix"

"In that case, I'll do it!"

Hawkeye didn't hesitate, and used pure swordsmanship to start the test.

Although Lu Xiao didn't know swordsmanship, his strong spirit and power that could surpass the speed of light were enough for him to deal with every move of Hawkeye.

Therefore, after the fight, Hawkeye felt the feeling of being suppressed for the first time in a long time!

The more he fought, the more Hawkeye felt that Lu Xiao was like a mountain, suppressing him and blocking him!

No matter how hard Hawkeye tried, he couldn't break through the right hand that emitted a faint golden light!

【Tsunade】:"Although I can't see clearly, Hawkeye seems to be getting anxious?"

【Yue Buqun】:"It's really amazing. Even if I learn the power-absorbing technique, I can't catch up with these two people."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Sect Leader Yue, don't worry. Since you can obtain the art of absorbing energy, maybe you can also obtain the art of becoming an immortal in the future?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Haha, I am borrowing Master Zhang's auspicious words! I believe Master Zhang will be able to become an immortal one day in the future!"

"So fast! I can’t see their moves at all!"

Zoro watched the two people's competition closely, but he was not at that level yet, so he couldn't even see their figures, let alone their moves!

He felt that if he barged in now, he would be cut into pieces in less than a second!

""Oh, this is just the beginning, Big Brother Lu Xiao hasn't even tried his best yet!"

Nami was very proud.

Look, this is their omnipotent group leader!!


Hawkeye jumped out of the battle circle after cutting the last blow.

At this moment, his breathing was a little rapid. From the initial trial, to the increased strength, and finally using all his strength, Hawkeye was unable to break through Lu Xiao's defense and hurt the opponent's body!

In a pure swordsmanship contest, he lost!!

"I lost!"

Hawkeye sighed as if relieved of a heavy burden. The man in front of him was stronger than Red Hair and himself.

"Don’t you want to fight anymore?"

"No, there is one more move, and it is the most powerful force I can use now!"

"One move to decide the outcome? In that case, I should be a little more serious."

Lu Xiao nodded. Since Hawkeye was going to go all out, he would change his moves and burn a little bit of his little universe.

But Lu Xiao was still a little worried. He was afraid that after using this move, he would accidentally cut off Dong Hai.

Lu Xiao said that he really wanted to find someone who could fight and give it his all.

""Heroic color entangled!"


The sea burst out with the domineering color of Hawkeye, and suddenly became turbulent, the waves rolled, and the sky was torn apart!

The dark red domineering completely covered the black knife night, exuding a powerful momentum!

"Is this the top warrior on the sea? ?"

On the pirate ship that was being blown back by the strong wind, Zoro was horrified and extremely shocked!!

Nami held on to the side of the ship tightly and looked at Lu Xiao worriedly.


Usopp hugged the mast in fear, crying loudly and shouting that he wanted to go home!

Indeed, it was a blow to them to encounter a strong man like Hawkeye just after setting out to sea, even before reaching the Grand Line.

The only thing they could do at this moment was to believe in Lu Xiao!

"Old man, what happened? Is there a storm?"

Sanji, with blond hair, stood at the door of the restaurant with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the rough sea, and asked worriedly.

"But the sea area where we are has always been very calm, boss, do you know what's going on?"

"This is not a storm, but a battle between powerful men on the sea."

Red-footed Zhepu looked solemn, looking at the rolling dark clouds in the sky, the storm was about to come, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Are you kidding me!? There is such a person in the East China Sea?!"

The chefs were all shocked!

This is not the Grand Line!

If you said there were such monsters there, they could understand.

But the East China Sea has always been known as the weakest sea area in the four seas. How could there be such a terrifying strong man?!

"Boys, don't underestimate the sea!"

"Quick! Set sail! We can't stay here any longer!"

Zhepu turned around and shouted


"This is my strongest move!"

Hawkeye said, and he moved, wielding the black knife and slashing at Lu Xiao fiercely!

""Draw the holy sword."

Lu Xiao spoke softly, and rushed towards the black knife.

Shura's holy sword does not have a certain degree of sharpness, but it increases with the height of Shura's microcosm.

When it is extremely strong, it can even sublimate into a slash that cuts off the product of God.

At this time, Lu Xiao, who used the holy sword to draw the blade, was considered to have used 20% of his strength.


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