
As soon as Tony opened his mouth, he saw a beam of light piercing through Stani's head.

Well, now he doesn't have to hesitate about how to deal with this uncle anymore.

"Pepper Potts?

Tony suddenly remembered Potts and hurried to look for her.

Fortunately, SHIELD knew about Stani's move in advance, so Natasha was always by Pepper's side.

Not to mention Coulson was leading the team and controlling the situation.


Gwen looked a little pale and followed Lu Xiao back to the apartment.

"feeling bad?"

"A little bit."

Gwen nodded. It was her first time seeing a corpse so close, and she was not used to it, especially since Lu Xiao had done it himself.

"This is the price of being a superhero. Now that you have gained powerful strength, you should bear these responsibilities."

Lu Xiao comforted

"You will encounter more super criminals in the future. If you accidentally show mercy to them, and they do not repent and instead kill more people, what will you think?"

"Therefore, when you encounter a heinous person, the best way is to send him to see God."

Lu Xiao thought about it and decided to take Gwen to the Middle East to see how the militants shot.

"I understand. I will get used to it slowly."

Gwen nodded.

"How about resting here? It's late anyway, and uncle and aunt won't come to your room to look for you."

"Humph! Wishful thinking, who knows if you will do anything or not!"

Gwen snorted proudly and teleported away.

Lu Xiao secretly thought it was a pity.

The girl was delicate and weak, but unfortunately she was not old enough.

Unlike Tsunade, she was full of queen.

Although Huang Rong was old enough, it was obvious that she would not agree until the wedding night.

And Lu Xiao could not force her.

"Come to think of it, I have a maid in the second dimension?"

Lu Xiao suddenly remembered that there was also a Kaguya Otsutsuki in his own exclusive space.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiao released Kaguya.

"My Lord."

Kaguya still looked cold and aloof.

"Sorry, I forgot about you these days.."

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it, and I'm satisfied to be able to move freely in space."

This is the truth. After all, Kaguya has been sealed in the moon since ancient times, and has spent countless years in loneliness. She is extremely eager for freedom.

"My Lord, I saw the Ten-Tails and……"

"And the Chakra Fruit?"


"You want it?"

Lu Xiao chuckled.


Kaguya responded with silence.

The Otsutsuki clan, through the Ten-Tails, planted the Divine Tree, and it will absorb the chakra of all creatures on the planet, and eventually all life will die.

After the Divine Tree absorbs everything, it will grow a huge chakra fruit.

The chakra fruit condenses huge energy and genetic information. Eating the fruit can make the Otsutsuki clan evolve.

This is naturally full of temptation for Kaguya.

The last time Lu Xiao went to the Ninja World, he dealt with all the Otsutsuki clan members, and by the way, he also packed up more than a dozen chakra fruits that had matured in the universe and had not been picked yet, as well as the Ten-Tails and took them away.

But later, Lu Xiao did not expect that because of the Otsutsuki Shibaui, he also pulled Kaguya into the space.

"Since you have decided to stay with me, I will not treat you unfairly. This thing is useless for me to keep, so I can give it to you to eat."

Lu Xiao took out a fruit and floated it in front of Kaguya.

"I will definitely follow you and serve you!"

Kaguya's eyes lit up and she immediately expressed her opinion.

"Well, eat it."

After Kaguya ate the chakra fruit and completely dissolved it, she seemed to become more delicate and beautiful.

It seems that both the life level and the strength have indeed evolved.

The final form should be Tsunade's current state, the God of Otsutsuki.

But Kaguya probably can't become a god by relying on the more than ten fruits in Lu Xiao's hand.

After all, Otsutsuki Shibai spent thousands of years to achieve a state infinitely close to God. No one knows how many chakra fruits he took during this period.

However, whether Kaguya's strength improves or not is not important to Lu Xiao. If you want her to live forever, just open a golden jar.

In short, after Kaguya successfully evolved, Lu Xiao pulled Kaguya over to warm the bed. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As a maid, you have to fulfill your duties as a maid, right?


After a day of nothing, the chat group finally had its first offline gathering of netizens.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"How do you say, what time will it be?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Haha, feel free to come anytime, just arrive before lunch!"[]

【Yue Buqun】:"Go early? It's a rare opportunity for us to meet."

【Tsunade】:"All is fine, Lu Xiao?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes, when will Brother Lu Xiao come over?"

【Nami】:"I have everything ready and can go at any time!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"me too"

【Xiao Feng】:"+1!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"OK, go over now, Master Zhang, I sent you an invitation."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The Taoist agreed!"

Zhang Sanfeng quickly agreed, and at the same time sighed that the face of the group leader is indeed the most effective in the group!

Soon, a white light fell beside Zhang Sanfeng

"I’m the old Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, greetings to the group leader!"

"Master Zhang, you are too polite. Just call me Lu Xiao."

"Haha, that’s not right!"

"This is a gift, I hope Master Zhang likes it."

Lu Xiao said, and took out two cultivation techniques from the previous rewards: Taiyang Zhenjing and Taiyin Zhenjing.

This is from the world of Emperor Ye Tian. Taiyin and Taiyang, who is weaker and who is stronger? Yin and Yang work together, and the world is the emperor!

Lu Xiao explained the origin and function of these two techniques, and Zhang Sanfeng was shocked!

"This is too valuable! I can’t accept it!"

Wow, the first thing he offered was a golden jar worth 20,000 points, and two of them!

If you practice, you can become an immortal or an emperor. Who can bear this?!

Anyway, Zhang Sanfeng was frightened and was about to refuse.

"It doesn't matter. I don't need this thing anyway, so you can keep it."

These two cultivation methods are indeed powerful, but they are not in line with Lu Xiao's growth system, and he doesn't need to spend time practicing.

In short, just open the jar and it's done.

"If so, thank you very much, group leader!"

"You're welcome."

As the two were talking, several white lights lit up around them.

Huang Rong and others appeared one after another.

"Brother Lu Xiao!" As soon as

Huang Rong saw Lu Xiao, she hurried over to him, her face full of joy!

But Huang Rong was not the only one who came to Lu Xiao's side. Needless to say, Tsunade almost took Lu Xiao's hand in front of everyone!

Nami also wanted to step forward, but Huang Rong and Tsunade were already standing on Lu Xiao's left and right.

Xiao Longnu stood quietly by the side.

""Master! Master Zhang!"

Yue Buqun appeared and greeted him immediately.

"Master Yue, welcome, welcome!"

"Master Zhang, this is my understanding of the Dao after becoming an immortal in the past few days. I hope Master Zhang will like it!"

Yue Buqun took out a booklet and handed it to Zhang Sanfeng.

"The gift is so precious, I feel unworthy to accept it!"


"In that case, thank you very much, Master Yue!"


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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