"Xiao Lan, I want to eat ice cream."

"Hey? Now? But it's dinner time, elder sister..."

"I don't care, I want to eat, I want to eat!"

Looking at Bletilla striata, who was making noisy on the chair, Wen Xinlan sighed helplessly, as if her mother was gazing at her noisy daughter tenderly, and finally she looked at me and smiled like a okay person.

"Hehe, then I'm leaving now."

"It's really hard for you to serve such an arrogant person."

"Senior sister is a good person."

Wen Xinlan pouted and bumped, and then hurried out the door.

Suddenly, there were only two of us left in the student union room.

At this moment, I turned my gaze to Bletilla striata who was looking at the phone, her eyes gleaming, as if she was paying attention to something.

Thinking about whether to eat at home or outside at night, I took a breath, and then spoke to Bletilla striata.

"Today is really exhausting to me. Should I not come tomorrow, right?"

"The sports meet... is about to begin. This is also an opportunity for publicity."

Baiji didn't answer my words, and muttered to himself.

And I tilted my head, thought for a moment, and then asked back.

"What do you mean, do you plan to do something in the sports meeting?"

"I just want to make the sports meeting look more colorful than usual, so that it can improve the freshness of the students, and the process information can be used as a bargaining chip when the inspection team of the Education Department comes to inspect..."

"Uh, so..."

"I plan to expand the sports event, just like the Olympic Games, not just a general school track and field sports event, but a comprehensive sports event. Basketball, football and tennis are also added... E-sports seems to be very good. It's popular, join in."

"Hey, hey, hey, this is too much to say, right...Ahhhhhh? E-sports? This is ok, maybe boys will be very interested."

"Yeah, although the sports meeting is still close to a month away, we need to start preparations now."

"Okay, let me continue to do this with you! Let's discuss it together!"


Because I was discussing various things with Baiji, I almost sacrificed for one night, and because I had to play with my mobile phone and computer when I went home, I felt depressed the next day.

During lunch break.

"Shion, do you really need my help?"

Although I became very tired from staying up late to play, I always feel that my childhood sweetheart has become even more tired than me because of hard study. Although I don’t hunch like shrimp in class like me, she’s dark. The eye circles are also really shocking.

So when school is over, I specifically plan to take time out to help her make up lessons.

However, as soon as I approached, Shion jumped out of the seat, shouting like she was lying on her hips.

"The melting of atomic crystals only destroys covalent bonds, and the melting of ionic crystals only destroys ionic bonds!!"

"Ah, ah, Shion, what are you talking about..."

She was chanting the content of the textbook as if she had been wicked, and she exuded a terrible temperament that I would never even recognize.

Probably the pressure of studying is too great...

Thinking of this explanation, I naturally became more worried about Shion's situation.

"Yeah, Ayu."

She turned her head, looking at me with some blushing, and then immediately turned her head.

"Sorry, I seem to ignore you..."

"It's okay, it's a good thing to study hard, so that you can get your grades soon and get into a good university..."

"If it weren't for you...I wouldn't plan to go to college..."

Shion, who was comforted by me, did not become cheerful, she just muttered in a low voice.

I scratched my head helplessly.

"Anyway, it's Shion, he has a good mind, and he works hard..."

"No... I've always been an existence hiding behind you, right?"

She lowered her shoulders in frustration, her eyes bleak and gloomy because of her frustration, but she still looked at me secretly.

I always feel that Shion, who is struggling in the sea of ​​studies, is an existence that I can't give up.

With a sigh, I could only touch her head with my hand.

"If you admit that you are not as good as me in your studies, it's not bad for me to teach you."

"That won't work, so I will be inferior to her."

Shion was suddenly shocked, and shook his head while opposing.

I can only helplessly withdraw my hand.

"Then, then you can learn by yourself..."

"Well, I'll go to the library to find some reference books."

After leaving this sentence, she hurriedly walked out of the classroom shaking her braids.


I took a deep breath and lay down on the table.

So tired, I always feel that just letting the body continue to breathe is tiring enough, although I also know this kind of extremely brain-dead saying.

But fortunately, I have already talked to Baiji today. Just let the official members of the student union take care of it. I don't intend to be troubled anymore.

"Okay, I will..."

I muttered to myself while preparing to get up from my seat.


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