Cai Kun:"Boss Ye, you are really awesome!!!"

Lei Chen:"Mission??? Where is the mission, Boss Ye? Don't force me to kneel down and beg you."

Huang Li:"This world of gods and demons is really like a game. Even missions have popped up. Does that mean we will have the opportunity to do missions in the future???"

Ye Chuyun:"Everyone, it's actually nothing. I'm lucky. I got a mission token from Boss Wang Gang. The mission is not difficult. I believe that if you are lucky, you can get it."

Ye Chuyun:"Continue to advertise. Collect a lot of spiritual herbs, special props, ores, etc."

Wang Gang:"Good luck》,《Not difficult》"

"Hey, I didn't expect that you, Boss Ye, could really complete that task. I feel like I was totally wrong."

Zhuang Liang:"Boss, your Versailles is really too classic."

Ye Chuyun chuckled and turned off the chat channel.

After completing the task, Ye Chuyun put the alchemy furnace into the storage space.

In the future, he can take out the alchemy furnace at any time when he refines the alchemy.

He can even put the alchemy furnace back into the storage space while waiting, and do anything else during this time.

Suddenly, Ye Chuyun discovered that the corpse on the wooden bed had disappeared, and with it came five colorful pills.

This is the reward for the task!

Name: Five-Colored Spiritual Pill (Wood)

Grade: First-Class Superior Effect: It can improve the body after taking it with other four-color spiritual pills. Name: Five-Colored Spiritual Pill (Gold) Grade: First-Class Superior Effect: It can improve the body after taking it with other four-color spiritual pills.

The five five-color elixirs corresponded to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up and he immediately picked up the elixir. Just as he was about to swallow it, he suddenly thought of something and hesitated.

If he was not mistaken, the five-color elixir should have been transformed by the withered corpse.

If he took the five-color elixir, wouldn't it be...

After struggling for ten seconds, Ye Chuyun simply closed his eyes, held his breath, and swallowed the five-color elixir.

This was a first-grade top-grade elixir, so what if it was made from a corpse?


After swallowing five five-color elixir, Ye Chuyun's whole body was glowing with colorful light.

【Tip: Take the Five-Colored Elixir, the power of the five elements is improving your body】

【Your strength increased by 20 points!】

【Your agility increased by 20 points!】

【Your constitution has increased by 20 points!】

【Your spirit increased by 20 points!】

【Tip: The five-color elixir can only be taken once, and taking it again will have no effect! 】

After a while, the colorful light dissipated.

Ye Chuyun opened his eyes with surprise.

He didn't expect the five-color elixir to be so powerful that it made his strength soar again.

He opened the attribute panel again and took a look.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 3 (300/600)

Strength: 87

Agility: 94

Constitution: 81

Spirit: 64

Combat Power: 702 (652+50)

This time he really took off.

At only level 3, his combat power is enough to rival a level 4 beast. He can basically walk sideways on the periphery of the poisonous swamp.

The more Ye Chuyun thought about it, the happier he was.

In the end, there was only one bronze treasure chest left.

After the task is completed, it can be opened.

【God and Demon Coins +500】

【Skill Stone: Can upgrade any skill】*2

【Strengthening Stone: can strengthen equipment】*2

【First-Tier Spell Scroll: Blizzard】

【Special props: Night vision goggles】

【Green Jade Alchemy Furnace: A second-level alchemy furnace that can increase the success rate of alchemy by 5% and reduce the time of alchemy. 】

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

It's actually a second-level alchemy furnace!!!

If it was in the previous life, it would be a treatment that at least a fourth-level alchemist could enjoy!!

After all, if you want to improve the success rate of alchemy, in addition to constantly refining pills to improve proficiency, the simplest and fastest way is to use the alchemy furnace.

It just so happens that he still has the materials for 4 powerful pills, so he can try the power of the green jade furnace.

After putting all the materials into the furnace, Ye Chuyun found that it only took 7 minutes to refine the powerful pills this time.

Compared with an ordinary furnace, it shortened the time by 3 minutes!

It is worthy of being a second-level furnace!!

While waiting, Ye Chuyun also left the wooden house and walked out of this different space.

Just after he walked out of the different space, the announcement sounded again.

【Announcement: Ye Chuyun is the first to complete the exploration of the alien space, and will be awarded 10 reputation points. 】

The chat channel is constantly @Ye Chuyun, with envy and jealousy

When Ye Chuyun walked out of the alien space, it was already night, and the entire poisonous fog swamp was already pitch black.

Ye Chuyun found a relatively sturdy tree at random, climbed up easily, and took a rest.

A whole day of killing made him feel a little tired.

But the roar that kept echoing in his ears seemed to remind him that he must not take it lightly.

The night greatly reduced the visual range of humans.

Coupled with the intricate terrain of the poisonous fog swamp and the fierce beasts hiding in the darkness waiting for an opportunity to move.

Everyone dared not act rashly.

At this time, there were only 853 people left in the entire chat channel.

This means that 147 people died before the end of the first day.

However, as long as you adapt to this world, the number of deaths will only decrease, not increase.

Most people choose to return to the empty square to rest. Some people volunteered to guard around, while others took the opportunity to use special props to start a fire and barbecue, and even set up stalls and do business.

Everyone ate the barbecue and began to recover their strength.

At this time, Ye Chuyun also bought a barbecue at the trading house. While eating, he opened the trading house and chatted with a comfortable look. He sold several pieces of the beast's spirit and equipment and earned 500 God and Demon coins.

It seems that the others still made a lot of money in a day.

After a while, more than ten spiritual herbs appeared in his storage space.

Now the materials for refining the body-tempering pill are also gathered!

In his previous life, Ye Chuyun spent 100,000 God and Demon coins to buy the recipe of the body-tempering pill and became an alchemist.

Now he only has the recipes for the powerful pill and the body-tempering pill!

But this is not a problem!

He has many ways to obtain various rare recipes in his previous life in his mind.

When he walks out of the novice village, he will find a way to get them one by one!!

Then, Ye Chuyun began to refine the pill!

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, but proficiency did not increase!!】

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, proficiency +1 point!】

【Refining the powerful pill, the proficiency did not increase!】

A total of 4 powerful pills and 2 body-tempering pills were refined, and the proficiency only increased by 3 points.

And if Ye Chuyun wants to upgrade to an intermediate alchemist, he needs 1,000 proficiency points.

There is a long way to go!

After taking all these pills, Ye Chuyun's physique increased by 20 points and his strength increased by 40 points.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 3 (300/600)

Reputation: 30

Strength: 129

Agility: 94

Physique: 101

Spirit: 64

Combat Power: 822 (772+50)

Ye Chuyun felt the changes in his body.

His physique and strength have broken through the 100 mark.

Whether it is strength, physical strength, endurance or defense, it is amazing.

Now even if he is asked to withstand the attack of the green claw beast, he won't even shout.

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