Chen Chong's words lowered the temperature in the room to freezing point.

The smile on Cao Rongbin's face became stagnant. He looked straight at Chen Chong and slowly moved back a few steps.

"Little brother, you have to think carefully about everything. Some opportunities are not always available."

Chen Chong smiled calmly and said coldly: "I always like to fight for myself. What others give, after all, belongs to others!"

"Come on, take down this spy!"


Cao Rongbin waved his hand, and two black figures rushed out from behind the barracks.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the speed is as fast as lightning, but in Chen Chong's eyes, it is like a turtle crawling. Facing two level two biological weapons.

Chen Chong Laosong meditated and raised his hand to strike.

A large amount of dark red mist condensed at the fist peak, and the two men in black who rushed out in an instant were knocked away with one blow, smashing through the steel plate of the barracks and falling to the ground.

The barracks collapsed, and hundreds of rifles were aimed at Chen Chong. Dozens of snipers were aimed at the nearby building.

One of them was the captain of the special forces team who had previously gone on a mission with Chen Chong.

Two helicopters circled and surrounded him in the sky, and Cao Rongbin left the battlefield far away under the protection of several tall men.

In order to hunt Chen Chong, Cao Rongbin used an entire company of troops this time.

Looking at the prey trapped in a certain death dilemma, Cao Rongbin said with a joking face:

"Chen Chong, you'd better think about what I say. No matter how powerful you are now, what can you do? Can you escape? The strength of an individual is still no match for a group. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Chen Chong felt extremely calm: "Thank you, Captain Cao, for your kindness. How can you know some things if you don't try them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Chong exerted force on his feet. The whole person jumped up from the air like a sharp arrow.

The target disappeared too suddenly, before the soldiers could react. Chen Chong's figure had already rushed towards Cao Rongbin, who was a hundred meters away.

"No! Stop him quickly!"

da da da da

In an instant, hundreds of rifles fired at Chen Chong, and the soldiers who came to hunt were all from the blue helmet special operations brigade. Their individual soldier quality is several levels higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

However, when encountering a monster like Chen Chong, they simply could not keep up with the opponent's speed and could only rely on a dense firepower network to block a large area.

Just as he was about to approach Cao Rongbin, two tall men guarding him on the left and right rushed toward Chen Chong in unison.

The illustration ability once again lost its effect on these two men, but Chen Chong knew very well that these people, like Jill and Tina, were parasitized humans.

"Hehe, I'm worried that I can't find the same genes to hatch for me. Isn't this what happened?"

Chen Chong, who has entered the third level, will emit unimaginable power every time he attacks. After just a brief confrontation, the two parasites were kicked to death by Chen Chong.

The moment the three men's fight paused, a series of bullets were shot into Chen Chong's body.

Before Cao Rongbin could applaud, a shocking scene appeared.

Circles of black and red ripples appeared on Chen Chong's body, and the holes made by the bullets were filled up in an instant by the squirming flesh sprouts.

"How is that possible! He is definitely not human!"

The soldier who shot Chen Chong screamed in collapse. When this stray bullet hits, even a zombie will stumble a few steps, not to mention that the opponent is still a human!

A rocket was fired at the place where Chen Chong was.

With the help of the explosion's fire, Cao Rongbin quickly opened the secret door behind him and jumped down.

Fierce flames burned in the open space, and the soldiers looked into the flames alertly.

"Is he dead?"

"He should be dead. Even a monster can't withstand the rocket attack."


A stream of scarlet blood spurted out from the soldier's mouth, and the two soldiers walking at the front were broken into three pieces in an instant.


Two smoke bombs taken out from the soldiers were thrown to the ground one after another, and billowing smoke emitted. The snipers upstairs sent out signals one after another.

"Lost target at No. 1 position!"

"Lost target in position two!"


"Note that the target may still be hidden in the smoke, fire coverage is recommended."

Da da da da da.

In an instant, hundreds of guns fired violently at the area covered in white smoke, and two rockets were fired into it one after another.

The fight was raging in front, and then a shrill scream sounded from behind. At some point, dense black and red spikes actually grew on the ground.

Dozens of soldiers had their feet pierced by these spikes in an instant.

"Ah! What the hell is this! My foot!"

"No! The target is behind!"

The helicopter in the sky captured the target's location immediately. When the soldiers turned back and fought back, Chen Chong, holding the bodies of two tall men in both hands, rushed into the nearby streets at extremely fast speeds.

"Report to the headquarters, the target rushed into Xihua Street. The hunting plan failed."

"Continue the pursuit and get rid of this monster no matter what the cost." Cao Rongbin, who fled into the tunnel, issued an order to the communicator.

Fortunately, in order to prevent unexpected events, he had arranged the hunting location near the secret passage in advance.

"Damn it! I underestimated this person's power. An evolved person can actually go so far."

Cao Rongbin shook his head with lingering fear, then took big steps along the passage and walked into another room.

Just as the stone door of the passage was raised, a magnetic voice came from the side.

"What? My friend, have you been caught?"

Looking at Thevenin's half-smiling expression, Cao Rongbin returned to his usual calmness: "Brother Dai, there is something I think you will be interested in."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Hmph, I heard that you Umbrella has an underground base in Raccoon City."

"Haha, Mr. Cao, I think this matter is no longer a secret, right?"

Thevenin looked at the other party with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh? Really? Isn't it a secret that the T-virus nemesis is stored in the hive base?"

"What did you say? How did you know about this?"

In an instant, Thevenin's face became extremely shocked. Even he had deduced the secret that the hive stored the T-Virus nemesis through certain channels, and he was still unable to determine the authenticity of the matter.

Now that such a secret was spoken from the mouth of a Daxia person, how could it not shock him.

"Haha, it's not me who knows about this. It's Chen Chong who just escaped from the encirclement." Cao Rongbin smiled and patted his shoulder, "Brother Dai, if you don't want to see him escape, please Show your sincerity."

Thevenin's blue pupils kept rotating, and he slowly stood up in just a few breaths:

"Mr. Cao, in your Daxia terms, now we are grasshoppers on a rope.

I will dispatch the most elite biological weapons to capture him personally, and also ask your subordinates to block the passage out of the town. "

"Very good! Mr. Dai, this time we stand together again."

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