"Since you know that I am an innate spirit treasure, do you still plan to continue to do it?" The

existence of the innate spirit treasure represents a great deterrent, and the inner avenue can be slashed by the gods.

A sword leveled the sky and made up for the gap.

"Haha. Wu Ling smiled fiercely, his black eyes as black as ink looked directly at Mu Wanqing, the black spiritual power on his body erupted from his body, wrapped around his body, and the black mist was hazy, "Don't confuse me with those ordinary gods!"

At the center of the storm is the Witch Spirit.

Three inches above his head, a small figure appeared, an old man with a turtle's back, holding a dust, but the dust was carved into a snow-white snake, the snake body swam out of the dust handle, coiled around the turtle-backed old man, the snake's head was raised and looked into the distance, full of cold breath.

A symbol of a god, a god with his head three feet up!

His hand reached into the void.


The void suddenly cracked a large hole.

The cave is dark and deep.

I saw that he pulled out a knife, followed by a second knife flying out of the void, and then a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ......

More than ten large knives are connected end to end, all of them are penetrated by a black spiritual power through the tip of the knife, the handle of the first knife against the tip of the second knife, and the handle of the second knife against the tip of the third knife, connected together for six or seven zhang, like a vivid silver dragon flipped and danced in the air.

It seems that countless large knives are shuttling in the river in the river that turns back and forth, shining with silver light, like a huge but extremely flexible shark.

With a murderous look on one's face.

In the hall, there was a strong sword aura.

The ground was overwhelmed and cracked in the form of cobwebs.

Ye Changsheng looked at Mu Wanqing, frowning, although he was blessed with an innate spirit treasure, the power of the god was still not to be underestimated.

"Please rest assured.

Mu Wanqing opened her mouth flatly, raising the sword in her hand above her head, and the tip of the sword pointed at the sky.

The green spiritual power visible to the naked eye sprinkled the earth like rain.

Puff puff ......

Flowers burst out of the ground.

Patches of grass grow on the ground.

Plants and trees grow for ten miles.

"Xingwan, don't let the two of them tear down their home.

Ye Changsheng opened his mouth and said, the battle of the gods, destroying the heavens and the earth, at the beginning, with the help of the blood sacrifice god body, he fought with Ye Yang in Zhongzhou, and even the Lin family, which was very prosperous, was destroyed in the aftermath.

The Ye family's strength is not as good as the Lin family.

The battle between the two of them is only afraid that it will be easy and make the Ye family a ruin again.

Ye Xingwan nodded.

The jade pendant on the chest, the clear light flows.

A soft seven-colored array, like an upside-down glass bowl, enveloped the witch spirit and Mu Wanqing.

The formation master's shot can be imprisoned into a god!"

"Now, I can let go of my hand and kill you."

Mu Wan smiled skillfully, the sword in her hand was sheng, and a strange aura was shrouded in her body.

There is no light, no image, no color, no sound, no sect, no teacher, no teacher, there is a essence, its essence is very true, and there is no outside.

All spiritual power was suppressed and overpowered by everything.

The walls of the array twisted, as if they would shatter at any moment.

Everyone's hearts were tight, that was the Great Dao!

If the formation was broken, all of them would be involved in the battle of the gods.

Even if it's just Yu Wei, they don't know if they will survive.

Ye Renyan was lying on his shoulder with a colorful little snake, and his upside-down snake eyes looked at the colorful formation.

It was Queen Medusa that Ye Renyan brought out in the trial, and she turned into a human form and left the trial with Ye Renyan.

I slept most of the time, and now I have fully woken up.

Her eyes flashed with a human brilliance, and she started to see a colorful lightning bolt hitting the wall of the array.

With a strange attitude, he entered the formation.

In formation.

Wu Ling and Mu Wanqing looked at each other, Shenwei and the Great Dao were intertwined, no one made the first move, and no one paid attention to the colorful little snakes hidden in the grass that appeared because of the Great Dao of Grass and Trees.


the scarlet snake hyacinth spat out, gathering all her breath and looking greedily at the witch spirit.

"You can completely control the grass and trees avenue, but I underestimate you. The

hoarse voice of the witch spirit echoed in the formation.

Although the innate spirit treasure is strong, it must also be able to be mastered by the host.

Otherwise, you can only dance a sledgehammer like a child, you can't hurt others, and you will hurt yourself.


In response to the witch spirit, there was an earth-shattering sword aura.

The sword qi passed, and the space was shattered like a mirror.

Plants and trees take root in the void.

Wrapped in the power of the Great Dao, a sword shatters the void.

With a wave of his hand, the black spiritual power flowed into the palm of his hand, and with a flick of his fingers, the spiritual power condensed into an arrow in the palm of his hand.

The black arrows with a bloody aura converged into a piece, and the tips of the arrows hid their edges, densely packed, crowding an area, making people palpitate and their scalps tingle.

The next moment, it seemed to come out of the bow, bursting rapidly, drawing phantoms in the air, and the sound of breaking the air continued.


Collided with sword qi.

The sword qi in the sky burst and exploded.

Black spiritual power is like ink, rendering the earth and polluting the void.

An aura of destruction emanated from it, and the space was filled with gaps the size of copper coins.

Riddled with.


"But this body is too weak to show my strength.

The witch spirit spoke hoarsely.

The witch god is an ancient god, with the power of the immortal emperor, he can be the body of a primordial baby, and he can only exert the power of the god.

In the grass, there was a colorful lightning bolt, and in the lightning, it was the colorful snake that Medusa had transformed.

In an instant, it had fallen on the back of the witch's neck.

A finger-long fang, in an instant, pierced the witch's skin, and toxins seeped out of the teeth and into his veins.

"Ah!" the

witch screamed.

The face is iron-blue.

Due to emotion, his facial features were distorted, and he could no longer see the human form.

Crooked nose and slanted eyes.

The facial features seem to have been broken and put back together.

He reached out and grabbed at the back of his neck, as fast as lightning, and pinched the seven inches of the colorful snake in one hand.

Black spiritual power rolls.

The space cracked in his hand, but it couldn't crush the scales of the colorful little snake.

On the little snake, colorful brilliance flows.

Soaring into the sky.

Above the small snake that appeared like an umbrella-like multicolored canopy, the witch spirit's hand was bounced away in an instant.

Above the witch's head, a female figure emerged.

Black silk is like a waterfall, draped over the shoulder.

The skin is like jade, fair and flawless.

The posture is graceful, the face is charming, and the lips are like fire.

The purple upside-down eyes, Gu people's minds, without clothes to cover them, a beautiful scene.

At this moment, she clinged to the witch spirit tightly, her body was as soft as a snake, and she coiled on the witch spirit in an indescribable posture.

The teeth were sharp, and the fingers were long, and they bit tightly on the back of the witch spirit's neck, and a stream of black divine power visible to the naked eye was sucked into her mouth.

The phantom is consolidating.

The body of the witch spirit shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, it became a dried corpse.

At this moment, the phantom is solidified, and Medusa is reborn!

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