The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 58: real dragon

In terms of strength alone, Godric and the giant dragon are not in the same order of magnitude at all. In the realm of magic, dragons are obviously more dominant than humans.

Among the wizards of the human race, the magic that can change the landscape is generally of the forbidden spell level.

Godric Gryffindor has only seen the depiction of this magical power in ancient books, but he doesn't actually know it.

Looking back at the charred pit behind him, Godric's feet were shaking.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the school motto that he learned from Rey: Sleeping Dragons Don't Disturb.

The magic bullets gathered in the dragon's mouth shot a charred black lake behind him with one blow. If anyone can still stand here indifferently, then he is definitely not a human being.

Godric is a man, not a god. He couldn't do such powerful magic.

Looking back at the giant dragon in the sky, Godric was very complicated. He finally understood the true strength of the object to be challenged.

The black dragon is a rare dragon in the dragon family that can defend against all kinds of magic.

In other words, a lot of magic, hitting this black dragon, is like tickling. Even if it is a magic that is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, it is at most like a needle, just stabbed.

This black dragon is too strong. Much more powerful than the evil dragon that Rey Fasti said.

However, although one blow is enough to change the landscape. However, if the dragon wants to destroy him, it has to hit it.

Godric is a very powerful wizard, and he, a wizard who is good at dueling, has practiced Apparition like a physical instinct.

The giant dragon launched such a powerful attack, at least one or two seconds of preparation time, this time is enough for him to Apparate two or three times.

Therefore, in the face of this powerful blow, he was only shocked by the power of the black dragon, but he was not afraid at all.


"My sword, can I remove this dragon's head?"

After the shocking blow just now, Godric also lacked confidence at this time.

Seeing Godric standing in place and not moving, the black dragon landed to the ground with a bang, and then roared at Godric.

The ferocious dragon head, long neck, and black scale armor.

The giant dragon roared, and the stench of bad breath carried raindrops, pulling Godric's hair and beard back. If it wasn't for him holding down the wizard hat on his head, I believe the hat would have been blown away long ago.

"Human, still want to challenge me?"

After showing his strength, the dragon spoke. The syllables were obscure, but it just so happened that Godric understood the sentence. Because he knows a little bit of dragon language.

The dragons that can communicate with humans in the dragon language are no longer seen.

Only dragons who understand the language of dragons can be regarded as true dragons, and their IQs are often not lower than that of humans. As for the other ones, like the Hungarian Horntail, Iron Belly Dragon, etc., they are just collaterals that inherit the shape of the dragon, and they are not really dragons.

"This dragon is the only descendant of the dragon family..."

The dragon family, such dragons that can communicate with humans, disappeared a long time ago, and the reason is unknown. And with the high-level dragons disappearing, there are elves and dwarves.

In fact, dragons and elves are the darlings of magic. Among the many races, human beings can only be regarded as middle and upper.

Facing the dragon, Godric was shocked, but he had no plans to back down. He smiled heartily and replied loudly, "Of course..."

However, he was only halfway through his words when he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of three others.

Salazar appeared behind Godric and covered his mouth with one hand, making him want to agree to the challenge, but didn't finish speaking. And Rowena Ravenclaw, immediately apologetically added: "Of course no more challenges."

As for Helga Hufflepuff, he grabbed Godric's hand as he drew his sword.

Although the three of them didn't understand the dragon language, they could see that the giant dragon was saying something to Godric.

As for the ambitious Godric, just by looking at his expression, you can know what the conversation between Yilong and one person was just now, so the three talents appeared immediately and stopped Godric who wanted to challenge him.

To the three people who suddenly appeared, the giant dragon didn't have the slightest overreaction. He stared at the three with dark golden eyes. After a while, he raised his head proudly: "Then you should leave here and don't interfere with my mission again."

The dragon's expression is very meaningful. The mission it said made Godric even more puzzled.

Don't ask what the dragon's very meaningful expression was like. In short, Rowena and the other four just understood it.


Demonstrating its mighty strength and warning the four, the dragon spread its wings and returned to the black hole under the main tower of the castle.

"Why stop me?"

Godric was somewhat dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of the three of them. However, Rowena's next sentence immediately shut him up.

"This is where our school was founded. If you really fought with the dragon, what would this place look like?"

Rowena's words were very rude, and directly killed Godric with his eyes.

Hearing this, Godric's aura instantly dropped. Rowena is right, if the fight continues, then nothing here will be left.

The school site is in The establishment of the school is naturally avoided. Therefore, they must defeat the dragon with little fighting.

"Then what do we do next?" Godric was not a fool, he naturally calmed down quickly.

"Let's go back first and talk about it."

Rowena suggested this. In her opinion, this giant dragon that can communicate is rare, and she has to plan carefully.


In Godric's Valley, Rey was still staring at the southern sky, and his heart had already flown to the Forbidden Forest.

"Don't disturb the sleeping dragon!" When he said these four words, Rey knew what happened in the forbidden forest under the southern sky.

"Mom and the others, are you okay?"

"Teacher, should you be fine?"

Helena and Terrence also walked to Rey's side, and the three of them kept the same posture together.

They naturally knew what was going on over there, but they didn't expect the battle to be so loud. In Godric's Valley so far away, they were shaken, so they were not only worried.

"How did such a powerful dragon and four great wizards do it?"

Rey was amazed.

He is Hogwarts from the later generations, so since there is Hogwarts, the four great men must have won the battle against the dragon. Otherwise, how could Hogwarts be established, and how could he stand here.

Since his effect has already stood here, the so-called cause will definitely take shape. This is a necessary equation.

Just as the three of them were worried, a breeze blew through the grass in Godric's Valley.

The four founders of Hogwarts used Apparition to appear not far behind the three of Rey.

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