Huangfu Qingsong now feels that he is not at all relaxed. This trip to Huaihai was not smooth at all. Originally, he was instructed to catch Jianghua's braid.

Jiang Hua made countless enemies in the capital back then, and the people who were cruel to her were so ruthless that they wanted to tear her apart. But Jiang Hua's character also made some big leaders appreciate her very much. So some people targeted her, while others protected her.

Originally, it shouldn't be difficult to catch Jiang Hua's pigtails this time. But Huangfu Qingsong found that his actions were not smooth at all.

That Huang Gang clearly had a gap with Jiang Hua, but he kept Jiang Hua intentionally or unintentionally. He didn't give Huangfu Qingsong any chance to catch his braids.

It can only be said that Huang Gang is a very open-minded person. He hates Jiang Hua's personal emotions, but he will not affect his official affairs because of his personal emotions, especially for him, this affected official matter is likely to be a prosperity and a loss for him.

Originally, Huangfu Qingsong planned to wait slowly until Jiang Hua made a mistake. Because the incident of the supernatural being running wild in the urban area that just appeared is definitely a major case this year, and the higher authorities will definitely pay attention to it.

If this case is not handled properly, then either Jiang Hua or Huang Gang will get into a lot of trouble. I can stay here and watch slowly, I am not in a hurry. Anyway, someone above will help me settle the time issue.

But when I was just about to do this, a very unlucky thing happened to me. I was actually injured! I didn't do anything in Huaihai, and I was injured just strolling in the special investigation department building? Who would believe this?

Moreover, the way I was injured was particularly shameful, and it was extremely difficult to tell. It was actually hit on the head by someone, and then the tongue was bitten.

The most embarrassing thing now is that I had an operation in the hospital, because a piece of meat on the tip of the tongue was bitten off, and a part of the back was injured. So the doctor gave a rather strict doctor's order.

"It's best not to speak in the last month. As long as people speak, their tongues will move unconsciously. This movement will greatly affect the recovery of the wound." The doctor said this, and stopped Huangfu Qingsong who was about to speak with his hand .

"Don't open your mouth to speak. The more you talk, the slower you will recover. Your wound is very deep. And many nerve units in front of your tongue are injured. Now you are forced to speak with a big tongue. And your tongue was beaten. Anesthetic, the effect of the anesthetic has not faded yet."

Huangfu Qingsong had no choice but to ask someone to find paper and a pen to write: Doctor, how long will it take to heal?

"Well, it will take at least a month." The doctor pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and said.

【so long? ! 】Huangfu Qingsong felt that this time was too long.

"Where does it grow? Think about it, usually when you bite your tongue after eating, it will hurt for three to five days. The tongue is very soft and sensitive, and it has many nerves. It is normal to recover slowly." Doctor He looks gentle and doesn't speak too fast.

But this unhurried way of speaking made Huangfu Qingsong feel anxious.

"During this period of time, you must not speak, or you will have sequelae in the future. For example, talking with a big tongue and drooling. These things are very troublesome." The sequelae that Doctor Jinsi glasses said were unacceptable to Huangfu Qingsong.

If I keep talking and drooling in the future, it will affect my career!

"Also, you can only eat liquid food during this period of time. You can't eat hard things, and you can't eat spicy things. These are all taboos, remember." The doctor said very lightly, but Huangfu Qingsong didn't Huangfu relaxed.

Who would have thought that such a small injury could cause such trouble. This injury is not serious, but it is extremely disgusting to deal with.

The doctor with gold-rimmed glasses left the ward after talking about Huangfu Qingsong's illness, leaving Huangfu Qingsong sulking alone.

He is now thinking about how to deal with this matter. What about the guy who bumped his tongue?

Sue him? But to what extent can I sue? jail? It's a bit difficult, it's hard to be sentenced if you don't intentionally hurt someone.

Use power to mess with him? Forget it, the higher-ups have just finished a meeting recently, and the leaders proposed new opportunities and new transformations for the country. It is time to seize it. If I jump out at this time, I am afraid that I will be caught as a typical example.

Find someone to fuck him in private? Then it seems that there is no need. I am an official person, because it is too worthless for such a trivial matter to be taken into account by some irrelevant people and dark side mice.

After thinking about it, Huangfu Qingsong realized that he had no way to deal with Zhang Tong for a while. He can't roll up his arms and sleeves to fight this person!

The only thing that can be done now seems to be to pursue the other party's civil liability, and that's all for the other party to lose money.

For others, such a trivial matter as losing some money is fine. But for Huangfu Qingsong, he acted inexplicably as if he had lost face and this face could not be recovered.

Just when Huangfu Qingsong was still struggling, Huang Gang came. Still with that dead face, serious like a big leader.

"After learning about Captain Huangfu's injury, I came to see you after finishing the matter at hand." Huang Gang looked businesslike: "Is the injury serious? Oh, forgot, you can't speak now."

Huangfu Qingsong's face was stinky.

"About the injury of Captain Huangfu, Zhang Tong, the person who injured you, has already made a statement. He also expressed his willingness to compensate. However, according to the other police officers who were present at the time: Jiang Hua, Li Tianfeng, and Li Yishan. The statements of these three people come Judging, the main responsibility for this matter does not lie with Zhang Tong." Huang Gang took out a transcript and said to Huangfu Qingsong solemnly.

"Because you suddenly stood behind Zhang Tong, and you belonged to his blind spot. Therefore, in the division of responsibilities, Zhang Tong may only be able to divide 30% of the responsibility, while Captain Huangfu, you have to bear 7% Ten responsibilities."

If Huangfu could speak, he would start swearing. This shit is blatantly partial!

"Of course, if Captain Huangfu is dissatisfied with this decision, he can continue to discuss the appeal. If he thinks that out-of-court mediation is inappropriate, he can sue him. We all support it."

Damn it! If there is going to be an uproar because of such a trivial matter, do you still want your reputation in the system?

"If Captain Huangfu doesn't make any sense, just sign the mediation agreement." Huang Gang put the mediation agreement on Huangfu Qingsong's bedside. It seemed that he was here to do this, and then he planned to leave.

But before walking out of the door, Huang Gang turned his head and said, "Oh, by the way, Vice Captain Huang. I reported your injury and the details."

"I think it should be regarded as a work-related injury, and the higher-ups should approve your vacation. After all, you were injured during working hours. And the doctor also said that you can't speak for a long time? So you should take a rest. I suggest temporarily changing to a special one." Please lead the team. Captain Huangfu, don’t worry about work anymore, take care of your illness.”

After speaking, Huang Gang opened the door and left without giving Huangfu Qingsong any time to react.

It took a while for Huangfu Qingsong to react, and then he ignored the doctor's orders, and shouted with a big tongue: "Wang Gang, Wo Qiaoli!"

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