Niu Ben walked slowly on the road in Changtan County, where the adjective "dirty and messy" was used to the extreme.

The sky was covered with lead clouds, the roads were covered with black cinders, and the air was filled with dust that made people cough and uncomfortable. The clothes of pedestrians are mostly dirty and old. The walls of the houses along the street also have a grey-black color that is difficult to clean, and here the blackness of the coal stains everything black.

Including people's hearts...

"Wang Xiaoer, you are still short of three thousand catties of charcoal for me this month. Tell me what to do."

The tall man was wearing a black satin robe and a melon cap. Grinning fiercely, he looked like a tyrant at the entrance of the village [big goose], as if he would peck hard at any passerby at any time.

This man who looks like a big goose is called Liu Baoquan, and he is a well-known rich man in Changtan County. He monopolized 30% of coal mines and charcoal factories.

Among the coal supplies to Jianfeng City, his Tiantonghao is considered to be the number one shop.

Logically speaking, most of the rich who have reached this level will start to [relocate, nourish their bodies]. From time to time, I have to take the lead in building bridges and paving roads in the county, and in times of disaster, I have to open a porridge factory to give alms, to show that I am rich, lenient and so on.

In short, regardless of ancient and modern times, whether it is the Sedum world or the earth world, the rich are doing this.

If there is something bullying the market, overlord treaties, monopolizing the market, forcing people to sell their sons and daughters, or even dying of exhaustion at work. What do these things have to do with those of us who are rich, tolerant and benevolent? We are all good people who give you blessings!

correct! It must be that there is a dog head management who steals, rapes and plays bad things. I will take two and kill them to add to everyone's fun.

The dog managed to be killed, and the people below burst into cheers.

look! What a peaceful scene it was.

Since ancient times, the rich have played such tacit tricks on the people, and everyone still likes it.

After all, the money has reached a certain level, and many times, there is no need to come forward for many things.

But I don't know if Liu Baoquan's nerve is wrong, or he just enjoys the feeling of being a superior person when he bullies others.

Liu Baoquan didn't do what a wealthy family should do. On the contrary, he is very down-to-earth and goes to the fields every day to find troubles for ordinary people.

He is obviously a wealthy family worth millions of taels of silver, but he has the same good habits as a small landlord worth thousands of taels. I like to bully people with my own hands.

No, he is now the owner of a charcoal workshop in the east of the bullying county.

Because Liu Baoquan not only owns mines and factories, but also occupies more than half of the coal sales channels from Changtan County to Jianfeng City.

There is a popular word in the 21st century of the earth, that is, channels are king.

Burned charcoal and want to sell it for money? Big factories naturally have their own methods, but many small workshops can only sell charcoal at a lower price to big merchants like Liu Baoquan.

If I wanted to transport it to Jianfeng City to sell, it would be too difficult.

But this business is still not easy to do. For example, if you sell it to a big merchant like Liu Baoquan, you need to sign a supply and marketing agreement.

For example, Wang Xiaoer's charcoal factory supplies him with ten thousand catties of charcoal every month, and the price is extremely low. For every five catties of charcoal Wang Xiaoer can earn one penny in net profit.

If he did not burn enough charcoal according to the agreement every month, he would either be fined, or Liu Baoquan would refuse to accept charcoal from Wang Xiaoer's family in the future.

No matter which kind it is, it is unbearable for this small workshop-style charcoal factory.

This also led to the fact that although Wang Xiaoer opened a charcoal factory, the ability of this kind of factory to resist risks is extremely poor.

"Master Liu, it rained six times this month, and each time it was pouring rain. We are most afraid of this kind of heavy rain when we burn charcoal. If we are not careful, the furnace will be stuffy and damp will return."

"This month, our small factory has been rushing, but God won't help us. A few furnaces of charcoal were bored, and only three thousand catties were lost."

Wang Xiaoer begged in a low voice.

"Master Liu, your family has a great career. Just hold your hand high. This month, I will make up for the three thousand catties!"

Liu Baoquan walked around Wang Xiaoer twice, and sneered twice.

"You said it's enough to make up? Do you know that there are three thousand catties of charcoal missing, who can I find to make up the gap?! This business is Ding Mao or Mao. Do you know that it's because of your three thousand catties? Charcoal, I lost a big deal!"

Liu Baoquan was talking nonsense, three thousand catties of charcoal was not a small number for Wang Xiaoer. But for Liu Baoquan's business, it's not even a gap between the teeth.

But he just enjoyed the pleasure of intimidating others.

"Let me tell you, I lost a restaurant business in Jianfeng City because I lacked charcoal from your family. Tell me what to do."


When Wang Xiaoer, a simple and honest man in his thirties, heard this, he couldn't sit still.

"This...what to do...this..."

"It's easy to handle. The restaurant is used for burning and heating the guest rooms in winter. I need to order 30,000 catties of charcoal a month. Just make up for the shortfall for me."

Liu Baoquan proposed a condition that Wang Xiaoer could never agree to.

Wang Xiaoer was frightened stupid on the spot, this shortfall is not something he can fill.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, please give me a way to survive! Give me a way to survive!"

"A way to survive? Hehe, the agreement you and I wrote in black and white was clearly written on it. You, Wang Xiaoer, will supply me with 10,000 catties of charcoal every month. If the supply fails to meet the losses, Wang Xiaoer needs to compensate. What? You want to renege on what you signed?"

Wang Xiaoer fell to the ground, speechless for a moment.

The next second he was crying loudly: "This... the coal in Changtan can only be sold through the hands of you Liu, Zhang, and Guan. If you didn't force me to sign this agreement, how could I sign it!"

But Liu Baoquan sneered: "That's not what I forced you to do. If you can't sell coal, it's none of my business. Besides, if you can't sell coal, you can come to work in my mine."

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore. If you give me your small workshop, this matter will be settled. Don't say that I, Liu Baoquan, don't care about the face of the villagers. If you give me the workshop, I will And let you work here to make money. How about it, is it benevolent enough?"

Wang Xiaoer only felt that his blood was surging, and the six workers in Wang's workshop were also very angry. But there was nothing he could do, because there were several martial arts masters standing beside Liu Baoquan.

What can be done? What else can I do but cry? Do you rush up and give someone a beating? After being beaten, don't you still have to be bullied by this kind of person?

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance. You must recognize the words written in black and white. You and I will go to the Yamen to transfer ownership in the yamen early tomorrow morning. This small workshop will belong to me."

After Liu Baoquan left these words lightly, he led his family, servants and nurses away swaggeringly.

It's just that he didn't know that everything he did was seen by a monk.

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