The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1004: Find the Elf King

"How can this happen, why don't they come out to help?"

Li Hong had already rode through the long gourd valley, and nearly 100,000 golden armor soldiers flew over his head and came behind Li Wei.

"There are only two reasons for not coming out to help. One is that they judge that they can defeat the enemy, and the other is that they have a mission, just defend the prison, and cannot go out of the designated area." Mo Xie analyzed.

"Then the second reason is the most likely. Their duty is not to allow them to leave the fortress." Li Hong said.

"Try it and you'll know." Mo Xie immediately issued an order to let the dozens of players in front of him start walking towards the end of Gourd Valley...

Li Hong followed him forward, and a group of people quickly entered the narrow line of heaven and continued to explore the deep valley.

A group of people moved forward quickly and after a few minutes of running, they finally came to the other side of the narrow valley. The terrain in front of them suddenly became clear, and a large mountain bag appeared on the opposite side of the canyon.

The mountain bag is bare, with numerous holes facing the exit of the canyon.

"Be careful, those holes are archery holes and surveillance holes for the guard soldiers to attack, and the shield soldiers defend in front." Mo Xie ordered.

A row of shield fighters rushed forward with heavy shields, squeezing through the narrow valley mouth one by one, and immediately lined up in a shield wall outside.

Mo Xie and Li Hong led players from other professions quickly out of Taniguchi, hiding behind the shield warriors, and walking forward step by step.

The gorge is getting wider and wider, and the giant mountain bag in front is getting closer and closer. At the center of the foot of the mountain bag, a square gap is faintly visible, and there is the gate of the fortress.

But looking at the cracks, Mo Xie couldn't help but frowned. This gate looked not simple, it seemed to be a heavy iron gate that took off and landed vertically. It would take a lot of effort to open it.

Looking at the huge mountain bag ahead, the rock is very smooth, and it must be designed to prevent the enemy from climbing.

"This fortress is very defensive, I'm afraid it can only be won by a strong attack," Li Hong said softly.

"Let's take a look at their defensive strength first. If it doesn't work, we will deal with them at last." Mo Xie thought.

The shield wall continued forward, already out of the gorge and into the wide flat ground in front of the mountain pack.

At this moment, there was a burst of sharp breaking air in front, and the enemy finally began to attack!


In each black hole, a black long arrow was continuously shot, emitting a cold light in the air, and shooting continuously toward the shield wall.

"Retreat quickly." When Mo Xie heard the voice, he knew that the other party's firepower was very strong, and it was not that these shield fighters could contend.

The clanging percussion sounded suddenly, and the dense rain of arrows kept hitting the shield wall. The blood volume above the shield warriors’ heads dropped rapidly, showing how dense the rain of arrows they faced was just basic damage. The shield fighters couldn't resist.

"Mostly, their arrows are ghosts. They seem to be rain of arrows sent by machines. We really can't resist it." A shield warrior said loudly.

With a jingle, a long arrow whizzed past the players' heads and shot straight into the thick rock!

"I'm going, such a powerful force?" Mo Xie also watched for a moment. For a rain of arrows fired from such a distance, any arrow can shoot through the rock and sink into the length of half a meter!

He hurriedly greeted everyone to retreat quickly, and finally returned to the safety zone at the mouth of the canyon. The arrow in the mountain bag immediately stopped shooting.

Looking at the large black arrows falling to the ground in the distance, Mo Xie was surprised to find that these arrows were as extraordinary as the shield warriors said. Their arrow clusters are spiral-shaped, and there are no arrow feathers, and the arrow shaft emits black. Light metallic luster...

The whole spiral long arrow is made of metal!

Mo Xie stretched out his hand, and a black light flew to the ground, grabbing a long arrow and quickly returning to him...

Armor-piercing spiral arrows: Special arrow clusters for mechanical armour-piercing crossbows. Excellent quality. After shooting the long arrows, they spirally rotate. The range is within 10 meters and the penetration damage is caused. The penetration distance is 5 meters. Bleeding damage is caused within a range of 20 meters, and the bleeding state is 3 seconds. A range of 30 meters away causes an additional 100 hit damage.

Looking at the attributes of the black arrows in his hand, Mo Xie finally understood the power of these arrows.

Fortunately, they were far away just now, but they only activated the Spiral Arrow’s additional 100 points of damage from 30 meters away. If they were closer, I’m afraid they would not be able to return!

Just now, the shield fighters suffered an additional 100 points of damage, and the blood volume would drop rapidly.

"To deal with this fortress, it's impossible to just rely on the number of people to pile up. This kind of arrow rain hurts too much." Li Hong said.

"Yeah, you must think of other methods to conquer this fortress." Mo Xie frowned, looking at the numerous holes in the fortress, which happened to seal the front of the canyon. The 180 attack range with no dead ends was especially troublesome.

If there are too many spiral arrows like this in the fortress, the players are like a group of live targets, and even if they rush under the mountain pack, they cannot find a way to enter.

However, for Mo Xie, there is no perfect thing in the world. There must be some restraint. As long as you patiently search, you will always find the answer.

"You go back first, I'll look at the terrain here." Moxie said.

At this time, several battlefields have entered a fierce battle. The God Alliance players led by Mo Xiaolang rely on the mouth of the canyon as a stronghold, and after setting fire to some of the orcs, they finally created some space for themselves, and the shield fighters stepped forward. Step forward, constantly compressing the space of the orcs.

The air mages and archers are still attacking, suppressing the resistance of the orcs.

The melee legions behind also moved forward with the shield wall, and then drilled out of the shield wall to fight the orcs frontally.

Before the start of this battle, Mo Xie told all the commanders that once the crusade was issued, he must attack the enemy with all his strength, grab the merits as much as possible, and not leave too many opportunities for the arrogant alliance.

Therefore, the players of the God Realm Alliance adopted the tactics of frantic attack from the beginning, and the orcs killed were in a mess, and they could not organize effective tactics in a short time.

And on the ridge, the arrogant alliance fought on both sides, one side sniped the orc army that continued to come for reinforcements, and the other side launched a fierce offensive against the orcs in the canyon on the hillside, and was also thinking of ways to grab merit.

At the mouth of the gorge of the Golden Crow Barracks, a large group of orcs kept rushing forward, but they were suppressed by the defensive tower on the fortress and the arrows and magic of the players. They even rushed several times and were killed. Now they are gathering forces and preparing to launch more ferocious offensive.

The quietest thing is the people along Zhao Ge. The Golden Armored Warriors have already marched towards the Golden Crow Barracks. The tens of thousands of life players he led, posing as Golden Armored soldiers, led a large number of orcs behind him, and continued to approach the south of the city.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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