The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1036: The Holy Princess Appears

Ding...System: Warning! Players should not be sad, the front belongs to a private seal area, without the owner's permission to break through the seal forcefully, you will be hit by a hundred times the backlash damage!

Paralyzed on the ground, looking at the system prompts in front of him, Mo Xie quickly took the red bottle to quickly replenish his blood...

What surprised him was that this place was indeed a seal of the beast, but the attack just now left him speechless.

Just touching it lightly is so unfriendly, so be careful next time.

But just now, in the green mask, how could the damage of the divine power of fire appear, which made him very curious.

The Beastmaster also said that the orc spy had already been damaged by the fire divine power, and must find a fire divine power stronger than this divine beast to completely unlock the seal.

But Mo Xie didn't intend to do this. This sacred beast seal could definitely be a friendly camp, and destroying the barrier was equivalent to helping the enemy.

He quickly stood up, patted the fallen leaves on his body, and continued to approach the green mask.

Perhaps it was the movement just now that alarmed the owner in this sealed area. In the large wooden house on the top of the tree, agile figures swiftly across the branches, and a pair of surprised eyes, sneaking through the gaps in every leaf Look at the little figure approaching.

Due to the darkness of the light, he couldn't see what happened in the environment too far away, and he still didn't know anything about what happened in the sealed zone.

Before returning to the green mask again, Mo Xie didn't dare to touch it at will this time.

The seal of the mythical beast this time was different from the last time. Due to the lack of divine power, the fire-phoenix mythical beast could not set up a defensive attack, and could only set up a maze map similar to an illusion.

And the mythical beast here is obviously full of divine power, setting this seal is very dangerous!

"Is there anyone inside? I'm here to meet Her Royal Highness Saint Princess." Mo Xie shouted.

The sound quickly dissipated in the silent forest, but in the green light zone ahead, there was still no one on the ground, and no one could be seen on the top of the tree.

Can't they hear their own voice?

Looking at the sealing mask in front of him, Mo Xie was speechless.

If this seal isolates all external sounds from the sounds inside, then shouting to break the throat will not attract the attention of the owner, but will attract a large group of black robes!

The shout just now, I am afraid it has already alarmed the enemy...

Mo Xie hurriedly withdrew to a nearby big tree, and while climbing up quickly, with a hard throw in his hand, a bamboo pole whizzed and flew into the distance.


As if hitting a tree trunk, the bamboo pole made a dull sound, and the loud sound of Xisuosuo immediately gathered towards that place.

When the enemy was drawn away, Mo Xie was determined.

But how can the guy in the seal get in touch?

You can't shout, and you can't touch the mask. If the people inside always don't look at the outside, then you are in trouble.

After thinking about it, Mo Xie still took out the general token, and now he only has this token, which can represent his mission line to support the empire.

Quietly returned to the green mask. This time he didn't dare to shout loudly, so he had to raise the token and sway it, hoping to be discovered...

But the situation was not as simple as he thought. He kept shaking the token. A few minutes later, Mo Xie knew that this was not the answer. The light in the forest was too dark. He looked from the outside of the seal to the inside, and his sight range was ten meters in length. It's blurry ahead.

And looking out from the inside, standing in the dark, he could only see the vague figure. As for what he was holding, he couldn't see it at all. He thought he was holding a weapon to break through the seal.

Mo Xie opened the package again, preparing to take out the torch to light it, but after thinking about it, he gave up. The torch lit up, and the surrounding monsters gathered again.

However, another prop in the package immediately attracted his attention...

The Pearl of Life!

Since obtaining this holy artifact of the Temple of Life, he has only played a weak function of healing pets or helping himself to replenish blood.

But the Pearl of Life can emit a green light, and Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess seems to be a disciple of the Temple of Life, that's why such a tragic experience occurred in the Temple of Life.

Perhaps the light of the Pearl of Life can attract the attention of the Saint Princess...

Mo Xie immediately took out the Life Orb, spread it in his palm, and the soft green light suddenly shone, which was almost the same as the green mask, so there was no need to worry about attracting the monsters' attention.

But the light was too weak. He deliberately reflected the light of the spirit pearl on the side of the token. The golden light flashed, and the golden light and shadow passed through the light curtain and shone on the trees inside.

Mo Xie deliberately reflected the faint golden light into the dense leaves on the treetops in order to cause what might be hidden in the tree house...

Unexpectedly, this method really worked. As the golden light shone between the leaves, suddenly the branches shook, and an agile figure suddenly appeared, and suddenly passed the big tree and flew to the deep forest...

Finally found!

Mo Xie was overjoyed. Regardless of whether this guy ran away or reported a letter, at least he was certain that there was indeed someone in this sealed area.

Now that they have alarmed each other, no matter how they want to deal with themselves, as long as they are willing to meet.

Mo Xie stood in front of the mask, waiting excitedly...

Time passed quickly, and after five minutes, a large group of people suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him, and quickly gathered in his direction.

So many people suddenly appeared, but they didn't make any sound. It seemed that the sealing mask did block the flow of sound inside.

Looking into the light curtain, the large figure of people got closer and closer, and Mo Xie became more excited about what he saw.

Because these figures are actually countless tall and thin elves!

They were men and women, old and young, but all of them were wearing cyan armor, carrying a long bow with a quiver on their back, or holding two short swords in their hands, and rushed towards Mo Xie.

In a short while, these red names on the top of their heads all mean that they are elves who have been exiled.

These elves looked at Mo Xie nervously, with a long bow and arrow on the string, all locked in his figure, as long as he had any changes, it would definitely be the end of a thousand arrows!

With the hordes of elves constantly pouring in, the number has exceeded the scale of thousands, which surprised Mo Xie.

He has rescued quite a few elves, but he didn’t expect there to be so many here...

The elven archers were lined up, facing Mo Xie across the mask.

But after a while, the elves stepped away from both sides, giving way to a passage.

I saw a large group of elves wearing cyan robes surrounded by priests, and a woman in a white dress, with a noble attitude, walked slowly.

She has a slender figure, gorgeous dress, and her face is covered by a veil from the bridge of her nose, but her delicate curved eyebrows, star-like eyes, and the noble bun on the top of her head all show her unique identity. !

Moreover, she walked as if walking in the clouds, and Mo Xie was stunned by the ethereal feeling.

Although I didn't see the true face of this woman, just with this dignified manner, Mo Xie's heart was locked tightly, and she kept swallowing saliva...

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