The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1038: Fairy Blazing Phoenix

Watching the big red bird soaring into the sky, and listening to Fairy Flaming Phoenix's sneer, Mo Xie shook his head slightly.

He knew very well in his heart that what he said was too shocking. If he wanted to gain the trust of the two peerless fairies, he had to wait for the news to come back.

At this moment, Mo Xie also guessed that although the Holy Princess was hiding here, there must be some subordinates outside to help her find useful information.

"You are not high-level, not strong, and you can actually achieve the position of governor. It can be seen that your ability must be very strong. Can you tell me, what is your origin?" The Holy Princess asked with a smile.

"What you say now, Your Royal Highness won't believe me, so let's wait until the fairy news comes back." Mo Xie replied indifferently.

"Boy, don't you cry without seeing the coffin? You can find it here. There must be a Protoss to help you pass the message. If you let this seat know your thoughts, don't blame my ruthless men!" Fairy Fire Phoenix said coldly.

"Fairy is a line of phoenix divine beasts?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"You have to ask, I am a pure Phoenix blood!" Fairy Blazing Phoenix replied proudly.

"There is an injured fire phoenix animal in my territory. He has been looking for his sister after Nirvana. It is said that she is also hiding near the imperial city. It would be great if it were you." Mo Xie smiled.

"Your Excellency, the fire and phoenix beast you mentioned was the guardian beast of Sunset City?" The holy princess asked in surprise with her beautiful eyes lit up.

"Yes, because of the princess's hesitation, the Protoss attacked ahead of schedule, the Fire Phoenix animal was hit hard, and the General Anode was also surrounded. Fortunately, General Anode was jealous of the Protoss. He deliberately let go of General Anode’s subordinates. With the power of today's counterattack. Presumably Her Royal Highness won't be clear about these things, right?" Mo Xie asked back.

" know a lot, I believe you a little bit now. However, it was not that I hesitated, but that the lives of the father and the king were all in the hands of the Protoss. To ensure their safety, I took action. I just hesitated for so little time." Saint Princess said helplessly.

"Because of your hesitation, the Temple of Life was completely destroyed, all the elves were captured, and countless soldiers died tragically! Now you are still hesitant, thinking that I am a Protoss spy. If this continues, too many opportunities will be wasted!" Mo Xie sneered.

"Boy bold! How dare you be so rude!" Fairy Flaming Phoenix shouted.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu, he's right, but now I affect more people's lives. Unless I figure out the situation, I can't easily trust anyone." The Holy Princess shook his head.

"Then wait." Mo Xie lowered his head and stopped talking. It's useless to say anything now. The Saint Princess, who doesn't even believe in the Pearl of Life and the General Token, can only wait for them to figure out the truth. ...

This is also simple, the battle to destroy the orcs, now I am afraid that even the gods know, as long as the existence of this battle is proved, his suspicion will be cleared immediately.

Under the gaze of the holy princess's uncertain eyes, in the fierce lock that Fairy Flaming Phoenix might attack at any time, Mo Xie quietly waited for the passage of time...

"Mo, how are you doing now? Didn't it appear on the overseas map?" Lianna asked curiously when he saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"It's okay, I have found the whereabouts of the holy princess. Now when they prove my identity, my mission can be fully opened." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Ah! You have found the Saint Princess. What does she look like, isn't she very beautiful?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"Just say, is there any Binger Dragon Girl pretty?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

"This princess is not only beautiful, but her temperament is invincible. You will understand when you see it later." Mo Xie couldn't describe the beauty of this princess in words.

"Finally found the holy princess. After they are convinced of your identity, future tasks will be easy." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

"Now everyone is hurrying to upgrade the alliance and enhance the strength, we still have ten days." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood!" All the commanders knew what Mo Xie meant. Whether they can determine the status of the Yaori Empire in the regional warfare, ten days from now will be a crucial battle!

Of course, this is just a battle to drive the Protoss out of Huangcheng Mountain. It is not so easy to wipe out the Protoss...

Ending the chat with his teammates, Mo Xie stood there and waited quietly.

The holy princess has a pair of bright eyes, staring at him all the time, seeming to want to see what his mind is...

Fairy Chihuang is watching him vigilantly, as long as there is any change in him, she will act immediately!

Time slowly passed, a few minutes later, a firelight flashed in the sky, and the huge firebird quickly fell from the sky, turned into firelight and disappeared into Fairy Blazing Phoenix's palm, and a silk cloth scroll appeared impressively.

"Please look at the princess, this is the information returned by the spy." Fairy Blazing Phoenix handed the brocade cloth scroll to her side.

The holy princess immediately took the scroll and opened it to take a closer look...

At a glance, her eyes flashed instantly, and she seemed to smile with surprise.

"He was right. The three towns of Jintang sent troops to fight the orcs, and the southern defenders also sent legions to assist. Nearly half a million troops of the orcs were surrounded everywhere. In the end, the Beast King only took less than 100,000 legions to declare surrender The goal turned out to be..." The Saint Princess raised her head in surprise and looked at Mo Xie...

"No way, really he defeated the orcs?" Fairy Burning Phoenix asked incredulously.

"Your Excellency, I believe what you said." The holy princess took in the brocade cloth scroll and said with a smile.

"Why don't you trust the Pearl of Life and the token of the general?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"The Pearl of Life has been missing since the Temple of Life was destroyed. You can get it, and the Protoss can also get it. This doesn't explain much. And the general token Protoss can also imitate, after all, the current emperor is in their hands. Governor. Your Excellency, please forgive me for being cautious. After the last failure, I dare not trust others too much." The Holy Princess bowed his head in salute.

"His Royal Highness, don't do this. Since you are willing to believe me now, then I can rest assured." Mo Xie smiled.

"Your Excellency, the Orcs have already turned their heads to you, so where are the Beast King and his remnants now housed?" The Saint Princess asked worriedly.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, the contract between the Beastmaster and the Protoss has been completely eliminated. I arranged them in the border area of ​​Sunset City, so that they can live in peace of mind and will never be controlled by the Protoss again." Mo Xie explained.

"Since your Excellency has made proper arrangements, what do you want to do next?" Saint Princess asked.

"His Royal Highness, now that the Protoss has lost the orc army, and the ability to control the imperial city has dropped to the lowest point. After discussing with many imperial generals, I have made a very careful plan."

"Ten days later, it will be the day when the empire will begin. At that time, all the city lord and all the generals of the imperial city will participate in the dynasty meeting. By then, it will be the best practice for us to eradicate the Protoss." Moxie said.

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