The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1055: Prepare action plan

Based on the opinions of all his teammates, Mo Xie already knew the meaning of these two phrases in his heart, and all the conditions in it were already clear.

The whole sentence is actually divided into two halves. The first four sentences point out the location of a special place, and the last four sentences are the conditions for opening a certain organ.

Now he has understood that there are a total of five high towers around the sacrificial platform in the imperial city, and one of the Vulcan towers is the key area that hides the mission location.

But after reaching the Vulcan Tower, certain conditions are needed to activate the mechanism, and then the tomb of the holy emperor will appear...

"Xiao Mo, tell me, what are the requirements?" Lianna asked anxiously.

"It's very simple, isn't it clear in the formula, the blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, and the holy axe reappear. The so-called blood of the holy emperor is the blood of the imperial royal family. The blood of the royal family can be dripped in a special place to open the tomb of the holy emperor. Then two materials, dragon scales and phoenix feathers, can be collected to completely open the holy tomb and see the holy axe inside." Mo Xie replied.

"Xiao Mo's statement is correct. From now on, the most important thing is to find the place to open the mechanism, and then to gather all the conditions." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"The blood of the holy emperor is easy to say. The holy princess is the royal princess, and her blood can be used. But the two materials of dragon scales and phoenix feathers are a little troublesome. I don't know what the dragon scales and phoenix feathers are needed to open the holy tomb. What type?" Li Hong said thoughtfully.

"If there are no special requirements, we have actually met the conditions for opening the Holy Tomb. Don't forget Qing Bing'er and that blazing phoenix fairy, they are Shenlong and Phoenix." Zhou Jianing reminded.

"Yes, I don't know if their dragon scales and phoenix feathers can meet the requirements of opening the holy tomb." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"Now there is no time to think about it so much. I will take a day off tomorrow and take action the day after tomorrow. At that time, I will take Qing Binger and Fairy Blazing Phoenix and enter the imperial city together to meet the holy princess." Mo Xie thought.

"This mission is very critical. If you succeed, everyone will be happy, if you fail, it will be very troublesome. Xiao Mo, have you considered the consequences?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"It is precisely because I don't have a bottom in my heart that I want to discuss it with you. Now the formula is almost solved, and the task is imperative. Now what I want to consider is the way out." Moxie said.

"Yes, regardless of success or failure, you will surely alarm the Protoss this time. You must figure out a safe retreat route, especially to protect the holy princess. Her existence is very important. Once she dies, the Protoss will surely unify the world!" Li Hong nodded Tao.

"So I think about it again, we must make corresponding countermeasures. First of all, after we start the task, the inner city gate must be answered. Once we are chased by the Protoss, how to evacuate. Second, if we cannot safely evacuate, how can we protect Holy princess leaves safely?" Mo Xie asked thoughtfully.

A group of teammates gathered there, staring at the tall Huangcheng Mountain model in front of them, all lost in thought...

Time passed quickly, Mo Xie stayed in the City Lord’s Mansion with his core teammates, always discussing the plan for the day after tomorrow, until dinner, they left the City Lord’s Mansion one by one and chose to eat offline.

Mo Xie stood up, waited for Li Hong to get up from the control chair, and stretched out his hand, smiling at the beauty.

"What are you doing?" Li Hongyu blushed and asked shyly.

"Sister Hong, you are all mine, are you still unwilling to accept me?" Mo Xie asked solemnly.

"You bastard, every time you are inexplicably bullied." Li Hong said unwillingly.

"Okay, when should we go on a serious date?" Mo Xie smiled and grabbed her by the hand, leading her to the door.

When the door opened, a group of teammates looked at the two walking out hand in hand in surprise, and suddenly booed loudly in the corridor...

Li Hong even lowered his head and dared not see anyone, while Mo Xie was cheeky to make everyone stop messing around.

"What are you doing, don't you see that the young couple finally succeeded in holding hands?" Mo Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"It's all right now, and Ahong has a home. The two of us will live the rest of our lives." Lianna smiled and looked at Ouyang Jiaojiao.

"What are you talking about, both of us?" Ouyang Jiaojiao's eyes widened, her face flushed suddenly.

"Beauty Na, are you ignoring my existence, two beauties so big, give me one at any rate?" Mo Xiaoyuan said bitterly.

"You kid, when we didn't know, we flicked every day with the beauties at the front desk, helped people bring food and snacks, and quickly recruited them. How far have you developed?" Zhou Jianing laughed.

"I'm going, have you discovered such a secret thing?" Mo Xiaoyuan exclaimed.

"Think carefully about that, sisters can see it clearly." Lianna said disdainfully.

"Let's go, let's have dinner, the three of us can be together." Zhou Jianing embraced Lianna in one hand and Ouyang Jiaojiao's slender waist in the other, and went straight to the entrance of the corridor.

"Eat and eat." Mo Xiaolang waved his hand quickly.

A group of people walked out of the studio with a smile. The sky outside was getting dark, but the entire God Realm League factory area was full of laughing figures...

"Xiao Mo, is our plan determined to be foolproof." Zhou Jianing was eating, still remembering the action plan decided in the afternoon.

"So far, I haven't found any mistakes. After I have discussed with the Holy Princess, I will see if there is anything I need to add." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"According to the current plan, there is really no major problem. When you start to act, we immediately took the brothers to ambush in the city, all kinds of props are ready, and you can leave the inner city at any time." Mo Xiaolang said.

"The only loophole now is that we don't know what the condition of the top of the imperial city mountain is. The model is also a gray area. The craftsman guesses that they don't know the deployment of the mountain top, so we can only make it like that." Li Hong reminded. Tao.

"The top of the mountain is the core area of ​​the Protoss, and it is also the place where the Elf King and the elders are imprisoned. The Holy Princess and I must go up once, but as soon as we encounter danger, we will immediately retreat." Moxie said.

"You can't stay on the top of the mountain for a long time. The map there is special. I worry that once you go up, even the external contact will be closed. So if this happens, you must come out as soon as possible." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Understood. Where to go to level up at night?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"It's better to go to the underground palace, brothers are there, and the few of us have to help catch pets, you can just follow along." Mo Xiaolang said.

"It's also weird these few days. Every time we went to Wan Beast Mountain, the high-level pets we caught were different each time, but we never encountered flying pets like you again. I was really depressed." Lianna complained.

"This kind of probabilistic problem is really a headache. Maybe if you open the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain a thousand times, you may not be able to encounter the same two high-level pets." Mo Xiaolang sighed.

"By the way, Xiao Mo, there are brothers who want to go to the floating island dungeon to catch pets tomorrow. Would you like to help?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked.

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