The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1080: The escaped dragon

"No, the wound is too small. If Xiao Mo can beat a few pieces, we will really convince you." Zhou Jianing shouted.

But as soon as her voice fell, she saw Mo Xie quickly dodge the fire pillar ejected from the dragon head, flying around again from a distance, still holding a mechanical flying claw in his hand.

As soon as he flew close to the wound, he pressed the spring again...

But Mo Xie was not satisfied, and hurriedly flew forward to avoid the attack, and then flew around from the air again. On the way, the mechanical flying claws were installed successfully, and he immediately started again.

The howling cold light flew forward against the dragon god, skimming across the wound position diagonally, and suddenly hit the other dragon scales.

At this time, the entire two dragon scales were turned up high, and they were about to be pulled off again!


The dragon was just about to scream, and as a result, a cloud of black light flew into its big mouth, and the whole head was covered by rocks again.

After being attacked by two sacred artifacts in a row, the mighty fire dragon also began to frighten, and its head suddenly swept towards the ground. The four dragon claws grabbed four houses in one hand, and the sky filled the rocks flying towards the sky, wanting Mo Xie and Li Hong to be killed. .

While Mo Xie was avoiding the attack of the stone, he was surprised to find that this huge fire dragon flew all the way forward, far away without looking back.

"No, did Shenlong escape?" Liana also saw clearly, her eyes widened in surprise.

No one can believe that a fierce fire dragon with top strength, after encountering a few attacks, just ran away so desperately...

"Did it really escape, and will it come back?" Zhou Jianing was also stunned by the scene in front of him. If the fire dragon really escaped, the task would be too easy...

"Let's catch up and have a look. Everyone just stay where they are and pay attention to recovering their state." Mo Xie immediately greeted Li Hong, and the two accelerated from the air to chase after him.

The howling fire dragon flew all the way through a large city, and flew straight to the end of the island, until it flew over the high ridge, but it flew all the way to the end of the blue sea, until it flew over countless floating islands, and finally on the skyline fading away……

Looking at this scene in the distance, Mo Xie and Li Hong hovered over the edge of the island, and they were dumbfounded in surprise.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player Mo Sad Team, you successfully helped the Elemental Spirit Race to expel the evil dragon and protect the safety of Wonderland City. Please go to the temple to receive the task reward!

It wasn't until each player's eyes jumped out a system message that everyone recovered from the shock and was convinced that the fire dragon was really beaten away!

"I'm going, this task... it was scary at first, but now it's so easy!" Lianna exclaimed in excitement.

"It, it really flees like this, which is too embarrassing to the Dragon God." Ouyang Jiaojiao still couldn't believe it.

"It's okay, Shenlong was continuously pulled off the dragon scales, and suffered several serious injuries. The red beauty's sacred weapon restrained it from being unable to activate magic. We won't be beaten like this even if we changed it." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"The system settings are too nonsense. How sloppy is the task of super advanced difficulty?" Zhou Jianing said silently.

"No need to question, the system is set up in this way. If we can't restrain the fire dragon, it won't run away. If it wasn't for it, or we were unlucky." Mo Xie explained indifferently.

After listening to Mo Xie's words, the teammates realized that the so-called dungeon mission was not to kill the fire dragon, but to expel it.

Players who do not understand the situation would definitely not dare to accept this task easily, and even if they had the courage to accept it, it would not be so easy to destroy the dragon scales.

This time the entire team can complete the most difficult dungeon mission. The biggest reliance is the two-headed flying mounts of Mo Xie and Li Hong. Without them, this mission is almost impossible for players to complete...

"The task is complete and I am ready to receive the reward. Remember, you have to bet and get ready." Mo Xiaolang laughed excitedly.

"Do you really want to bet?" Lianna asked helplessly, sticking out her tongue.

"I would like to lose the gambling, not to give it," Mo Xiaolang said categorically.

"Okay, we definitely won't fall back on the bill, but we will hand all the bets to Sister Yu, anyway your money is hers." Zhou Jianing said slyly.

"This is a good idea..." everyone laughed.

"You..." Mo Xiaolang touched his head, and it seemed that he wanted to get some pocket money. It was not that simple.

Mo Xie and Li Hong flew from the sky and landed on the square.

At this time, the elemental spirit race also removed the defensive enchantment and returned to the gate of the temple.

When the players walked to the gate of the temple in excitement, they saw five elemental elders surrounded by a large group, already smiling on the steps.

"Dear elders, fortunately for fulfilling our mission, we finally drove away the evil dragon, so we came back to our lives." Mo Xie stepped forward and said politely.

"Thank you, dear warriors, we have been suppressed by the dragon for a long time, and the whole city has become like this... Fortunately, your arrival helped us drive away the dragon. We will build a statue for you in this square. , You are real heroes!" With a wave of the elder Jin Ling, all the players, as well as the sacred weapons in Li Hong and Mo Xie's hands, turned into golden light and flew back to the entrance of the hall, all being held by them.

"Then elder, please give us a reward?" Mo Xie asked with a smile, anyway, this is a holy artifact in the copy, it can't be brought to the outside world of the game, it doesn't matter if it is taken away.

According to his guess before the mission, as long as he completes the difficult task of driving away the evil dragon, the final reward may be three dragon eggs!

But he knew in his heart that a copy of this level would not really give rewards to the beast, and there must be some restrictions.

"Warriors, please rest assured, this time you helped us drive away the evil dragon, which can be said to have saved the lives and future of our whole family, so we will offer three precious rewards for the warriors to choose." Elder Jin Ling Turned and waved with a smile.

Seeing the crowd parted, the two groups of Elemental Race people walked out one after another, each holding a circle in their hands, covered with a golden circular lid, and it was not clear what was inside.

A total of three rows of element tribes quickly stood in front of the square, each with exactly 20 people, each of them covered the disc with a gold cover, waiting for the players to choose.

"What... three reward options? What's the situation?" Zhou Jianing asked puzzledly.

"But there is no explanation, how do we choose?" Lianna is also very curious.

Looking at the blockbuster in front of him, Mo Xie frowned in confusion.

Isn't it three dragon eggs, how can they come up with so many rewards?

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