The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1147: Finally waited

Without waiting for them to ask questions, the organ master's hands pressed a little harder, and the two iron plates were easily bent at an angle to form a shape.

"Not bad, I know how to use it." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"The number of these iron plates is enough to seal the entire tower, you can use it at any time, but now it seems that the Protoss is still waiting for reinforcements, so there is no need to rush to set up a shield wall." said the organ master.

"I see, Brother Xiao Yuan, take people to transport these iron plates to the bottom of the city to quickly master the skills of building the shield wall." Mo Xie immediately ordered.

"Okay." Mo Xiaoyuan greeted the blockbuster player group quickly and came here to take away all the iron plates.

"Master General, look at my weapon." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"Master, what kind of weapon is this? How can it look like an ordinary short spear, and it's not very sharp." Mo Xie curiously looked at the black iron spear he held in his hand, as if it looked like an ordinary iron drill. Similarly, the whole body is in the shape of a triangle, the rear end is thick, and the front is very thin, but the tip is not very sharp.

The whole short spear is only one meter two to three in length, and there is nothing strange about it.

But when Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang noticed the system attributes of this short spear, they were all surprised...

Destroyer Flying Spear Perfect Grade Special Weapon

One-handed use

Goal: All Protoss

Attack damage: 800-999

Crit rate: 45

Range: 30 meters


Ignore defense: When hitting a Protoss soldier, it ignores the defense of the divine power armor, causing weapon damage and being affected by the crit.

Special effects

God Destruction Nail: After hitting the Protoss and causing damage, it will automatically bless the opponent's debilitating state for 3 minutes, reduce all attributes by 50, and slow down the movement speed by 50. This state cannot be superimposed. After the enemy has received this state, it has 10 minutes of immunity.

Note: Special weapons have special effects and are only effective against specific enemies.

Desperate flying spear, special weapon...

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang looked at the black iron drill in the hands of the great **** in front of them. The system attributes were very strange.

"It turns out that this kind of weapon is only for the Protoss, and it can't be used by other people." Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Of course, you only give me these materials. If we didn't add some special formulas ourselves, we would not be able to create weapons that can be effective on the Protoss." said the master Kuang Geng.

"Yes, your materials are just the foundation. Our building methods and special formulas are the key. These retaining walls and flying spears consume a lot of our treasures." The organ master also said in pain.

"Thank you for the help of the two great gods and masters. Now fighting against the gods requires everyone to contribute their own strength." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"You take these for later use. I will continue to build flying spears, and my eldest brother will continue to think about what else can be used to deal with the Protoss." Master Kuang Geng pointed to the bundles of black iron spears on the ground beside him.

The number of these god-destroying flying spears is about to reach two or three hundred. It can be seen how crazy this god-level caster was just now...

As Li's two flying mounts fell to the ground, the core command layers of the God Realm League gathered together to surround the Saint Princess.

At several street entrances, the players of the God Realm League also gave up the central passage one after another, watching the General Zhen Guo lead a large number of golden soldiers passing by in front of them...

The emperor regiment finally withdrew safely to this side of the city, and quickly passed outside the city through the long passage reserved by the God Realm League.

No matter what the update situation will look like tonight, Mo Xie has already decided to let the Imperial Army be stationed in the three military camps outside the city to prevent all the actions of the Protoss Army at any time.

But Mo Xie still left one-third of the Emperor's regiment, and continued to station in the open area outside the tower to help the tower defend.

After a while, I saw the general of the town country leading a group of generals and his dedicated guards, appearing from the entrance of the street, and quickly walking towards the square after leaving the large group.

Seeing the holy princess, he respectfully bowed on one knee, but when he saw the fat emperor who was wearing a yellow robe and hiding behind the holy princess, his face was suddenly full of surprise.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty was also rescued" General Zhen Guo asked in surprise.

"Thanks to Mo's sad help, the emperor finally escaped safely from the clutches of the Protoss, and now the imperial jade seal is also handed over to me by the emperor." The holy princess smiled and spread out the jade hand, the center of the palm shined with golden light, a carved dragon and phoenix The golden square seal hovering over her palm.

"Great, now that the princess has obtained the jade seal, she is finally the rightful empress of the empire, and the grand prince can finally let go of the burden and enjoy his life with peace of mind." General Zhen Guo said with satisfaction.

"To tell you one piece of news, I decided to officially marry General Mo Sad in the name of the royal family. When the right time is right, I will marry him as soon as possible." Saint Princess Yu said blushing.

"Ah..." A group of generals were taken aback, their eyes focused on Mo Xie.

"This is a good thing. General Mo Sad has always made great contributions to the empire. He not only helped General Anode successfully escape from danger, but also saved the entire elves. Most importantly, he helped the princess return to the imperial city and ensured the entire The safety of the imperial regiment can be said to be the biggest hero of the empire at present. He is the guardian of the country, and the old man is the first to approve!" The town general said with a smile.

"The princess clearly sees that Mo is the best choice for the holy man!" A group of generals also echoed.

"Since the generals have no objection, the marriage is set, but the empire is in critical condition. Once the Protoss rebellion is put down, the marriage contract will be held on the top of the imperial city hill." The holy princess smiled and glanced at Mo Xie and said loudly.

"Yes!" All the generals bent over.

"Tonight's battle is up to you. The power of the Protoss is beyond our imagination. If you really can't hold the tower, you can give orders to retreat."

The holy princess bent towards Mo Xie and all the commanders of the God Realm Alliance and pleaded.

"The princess is welcome, we must hold on to the last moment of this battle." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"The commander-in-chief of this battle is sadly commanded by Saint Mamo, and all generals must obey his orders." The Saint Princess said majesticly.

"Return to the princess, we must obey the orders of Lord Ma." The General Zhen Guo nodded respectfully.

"Well, we are here to watch the battle and accept any order at any time. Don't be sad, you can control the battle freely." The Saint Princess turned her head in satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, this battle is over to me."

Mo Xie shook his fist and signaled the commanders to move separately and continue to direct the deployment of various places.

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