The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 213: Iron Mirror Mountains

Confirming the map for the next leveling, Mo Xie immediately rode and drove through the edge of the forest map with the two beauties, rushing to the next new place.

In this virtual world, the large area of ​​the map shocked every player who entered the game.

In the unfinished map system, the territories of the two camps combined, they only occupy less than one-third of the map of the entire region...

Why do you say that, because in the middle of the two camps, the mysterious map of the Cursed Lands has the area of ​​the map of the previous camp's territory, plus the land of the two camps, in addition to the mainland map The vast ocean map, it is said that the area of ​​the ocean map is wider than the combined territories of the two empires.

And according to the introduction of the game data, the ocean map belongs to the three-regardless zone, all of which are neutral maps, and the kings of the two camps do not care about things in the ocean.

This is just an introduction to the huge map territory of the entire virtual world from one side.

In fact, in every empire's territory, the huge map still surprised players.

For example, the map of Sunset City that Mo Xie is currently in, the area of ​​the territory under the jurisdiction of the city is already very large. The leveling maps of the same level have been set up by the system as many as more than a dozen. Terrain, different monster types of the same level, give players ample opportunities to choose.

The three men drove their mounts and rushed all the way. As they rushed out of a large forest area, the front line of sight suddenly opened up. A large stretch of beautiful grassland is shining in the sun, and various flowers are vying for beauty, attracting countless butterflies and bees flying in the air.

Looking at the open grassland map, this is only the junction area between the big maps, but this beautiful scenery makes the beautiful eyes of the two goddesses gleam, I want to jump off the mount and stay here for a long time.

But Mo Xie had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery. As the three of them rushed out of the forest map and entered the grassland, his gaze kept looking forward, searching for the situation at the end of the grassland.

Directly in front of this grassland, on the vast skyline, you can vaguely see a stretch of mountains, and a new map of mountains is directly in front of it.

At the end of the line of sight on the left and right sides of the grassland, there are two other leveling maps above level 20, but the types of monsters in these three maps are very different.

"According to the introduction in the game information, among the various maps around Sunset City, we will enter the advanced field map if we go further." Mo Xie reminded the two goddesses watching the beautiful scenery.

"I see, you can go anywhere you want." Lianna said with a smile.

"In the future, we can only practice leveling with three people. You have to choose a place suitable for our leveling." Ouyang Jiaojiao reminded.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the map of the mountains directly in front." Mo Xie pointed forward and said.

Under his leadership, the three horses rushed forward again, straight through the wide grassland, and as they continued to rush forward, the mountain area at the end of the map became clearer, and the majestic and tall cyan ridges lay across. Directly in front of them.

Under the tall mountain ridge, there is a vast green grassland, which extends all the way to the ridge along with the mountains...

Soon, the three mounts bypassed the monster refresh area above level 15 they encountered along the way, and gradually approached the foot of the ridge.

Looking at the trails leading to the ridge between the rolling mountains in front of them, the three of them glanced at each other, then continued to urge their mounts, rushing directly to the foot of the mountains ahead along one of the roads, waiting for the system to give new Tips for the map name...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you successfully discovered the new map Iron Mirror Mountains, the map system has new information loaded!

As the three horses quickly rushed to the foot of the mountain, the system prompts arrived as expected, and their small map instantly switched from the original old map to a large map of the mountains covered by a black curtain.

"This is called the Iron Mirror Mountain Range. Does it have any meaning?" Lianna asked quickly.

They have experienced the predicament of the Dragon Mountain Range, the weirdness of the Hot-blooded Maple Forest, and the fear of the ghost mountain range. They all understand in their hearts that in this virtual world, there may be a hidden name in the name of every map. Secrets set by the system.

"Tiejing Mountain Range, is there any iron ore here?" Ouyang Jiaojiao said, guessing.

"Don't worry about that much, we mainly first figure out the situation of the monster refresh area in the map and determine the next leveling site. As for whether there are other situations, let's take a look at it later." Moxie said.

"Okay, let's go and take a look." The two goddesses nodded and immediately followed him, urging the mount to continue along the path that stretched halfway up the mountain.

The three of them rushed across the large grassy slopes under the ridge, and finally began to march towards the top of the huge mountain, along the winding path all the way to the top of the ridge.

The magnificent mountains are densely covered with thick trees, but on this ridge map, the three of them almost climbed halfway up the mountain, and they didn't find the monster spawning area around.

Mo Xie guessed that it might be because it was on the edge of the map, so the system did not set a monster refresh area.

But over this ridge, the situation may be uncertain.

He now wants to know what type of monsters are set on this Iron Mirror Mountain map. If it is an elite monster refresh area, then they can only go back the same way to find the next leveling site.

After all, they only have a three-person leveling team, so it is too difficult to farm elite monsters, and it is a waste of potion.

Moxie only wanted to find a monster refresh area with active attack type, or a normal monster refresh area.

As they progressed to the ridge, the **** of the road became steeper, and they had already walked on a very narrow half-mountain road. There was a steep cliff on the right hand side. As long as they fell, they would definitely be crushed!

In order to avoid danger, Mo Xie immediately asked the two goddesses to jump off the mounts with him, retract the mounts, and continue climbing the mountains on foot.

After ten minutes of hard climbing, the most dangerous section of the ridge road was left behind by them. A straight stepped path stretched between the two peaks all the way to the top of the mountain, leading straight to the top of the ridge.

"Finally here." Lianna looked forward in surprise and said.

"The terrain here is so treacherous, is it another natural map to protect Sunset City?" Ouyang Jiaojiao couldn't help but think of the Dragon Mountain Range.

The three main cities were built close to the border of the empire, and they were facing sudden wars at any time. Therefore, the location of these three main cities was very important. The locations selected by each main city also had very deep knowledge.

For example, Sunset City, in a large territory outside the main city, the closer the enemy camp is, the more precarious the terrain environment, such as the existence of the Dragon Mountain Range, like an insurmountable natural danger, when the enemy approaches Sunset City Before, I was trapped there to give the Sunset Army enough time to prepare for battle.

And the Iron Mirror Mountain Range that Mo Xie discovered now also seemed to serve as a defense against natural dangers. The mountain road they had walked just now made him feel that the entire ridge was like a natural tower, dividing the entire map into one. two……

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