The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 468: Waiting for results

Mo Xie is still carefully elaborating on his merger plan. All the players participating in the meeting are also listening to his plan very carefully. Everyone's face, from the initial curious expression, has all become The shocked look now...

None of the management of the business team expected that the young Boss Mo in front of him had incredible system resources. This is the game data that every professional guild dreams of!

As Mo Xie finished his last sentence, all the business team management on the screen clapped their hands neatly, and a lively sound came from the speakers...

"You can't look good, I didn't expect Boss Mo to have such a great ability!" Zhao Ge said excitedly.

"Then what do you mean now, do we both cooperate, or consider it again?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"As far as I am concerned, the merger plan you just mentioned is perfect, especially the resources you already have, which is a condition that we cannot refuse. However, our team has thousands of people, and we have We have laid down rules. For all important events that involve the belonging of the team and the future direction, the 28 of us cannot make the decision privately. We need all the brothers to vote one by one. If more than half of the people agree to this plan, our merger can proceed at any time." Zhao Brother said.

"There is such a thing? Then you mean that you still can't give us a reply. You have to go back to consult with all of your brothers?" Mo Xie asked with a frown.

"I'm really sorry, Boss Mo, don't worry, you have thoroughly convinced us brothers just now, presumably 28 of us, no one will oppose this merger plan." Zhao Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, we have no objection. This cooperation is a golden opportunity for us to turn around. We don't want to miss it." A core management nodded and said.

"We brothers are looked down upon and kicked out of the guild to wander alone. Now we finally have a fixed team that can get a stable income. It is not that simple to convince them easily." A management member was a little worried. Said.

"This is indeed the situation. All the brothers may be full of doubts about this merger, and they are even more worried about their position being threatened after the merger. However, in the merger plan of Boss Mo just now, we are very satisfied with the plan of the relevant personnel arrangements, but we must think To persuade the brothers to support the merger, you have to tell them all about this plan." Another management member pondered and analyzed.

"That's what I mean. If it's convenient, I want to get the consent of Boss Mo and explain the merger plan to my brothers in detail. This will also be of great help to the merger case." Zhao Ge asked thoughtfully.

"Brother Zhao, I know what you mean very well, but you also know that there are many important secrets involved in this merger plan of mine. If it is announced as such, it will be particularly useful to us in case the two of us fail to reach a cooperation intention. It's not good." Mo Xie reminded.

He knows the intention of the other party, that is, he wants to take the content of his merger plan just now to convince all the players in the team to agree to the merger plan.

But this is also very risky. In this merger plan, all the types of mineral veins discovered by Moxie and the approximate areas that have been distributed are described in detail. Although there is no detailed location, this is already considered highly confidential information!

In order to persuade these high-level officials, Mo Xie had to produce some useful information, but to publish this information to thousands of players, the risk factor has also increased countless times...

In the unlikely event that the two parties fail to reach a cooperation, no one might take other measures to get involved in the collection of these hidden resources.

Besides, thousands of players have mixed mouths. If the eyeliners of other guilds are hidden inside, it will be even more troublesome...

"Boss Mo can rest assured that we won't disclose too much important information. Just show one or two pieces of news that can persuade the brothers to promote this cooperation." Zhao Ge laughed.

"Xiao Mo, we should trust Lao Zhao, let them operate." Mo Xiaolang said.

"It's still very interesting. Boss Mo is waiting for the good news. Even if the brothers have an accident and fail to pass the merger plan, based on your sincerity this time, our cooperation will be produced in other forms. The investment should be made. , We won't have a penny less." Brother Zhao smiled.

"I think it is better to merge strengths together. It is difficult to form an overall strength by cooperation alone." Moxie said.

"Understand, we will try our best to facilitate this merger, at most this time tomorrow, whether it is good news or bad news, I will definitely give you an explanation." Zhao Ge focused his head.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news." Mo Xie nodded, believing in the way of handling this time.

He did not expect that the management method adopted by such a large business team of the other party could be so democratic. It can be seen that this team can develop so fast, and there is a certain reason for him.

But Mo Xie firmly believes that the merger plan he gave this time is so perfect, and the merger conditions are so attractive, there should be no surprises.

"Boss Mo, we will take the initiative to contact you tomorrow and look forward to working with you." Brother Zhao smiled and waved.

"Hopefully starting tomorrow, we are our own." Mo Xie nodded and said with a smile.

"see you tomorrow."

All the players on the screen waved goodbye, and the screen flashed as they advanced. The screen disappeared and returned to the initial interface.

"Well, we have done everything that should be done, as long as we wait for the result with peace of mind." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Looking at their management, they are very satisfied with Xiao Mo's plan. There shouldn't be any moths, right?" Mo Xiaoyuan was still a little worried.

"Don't worry too much. Their situation is similar to ours. It seems that they can still barely develop, but as long as their strength improves, they must have direct contact with those professional guilds. In that case, their situation is even more difficult than ours. This merger plan Although we proposed it, it is tantamount to giving charcoal in the snow to them." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Xiao Mo's analysis is right, I can't think of any reason for their rejection, unless it is a major change, but judging from their management model, the chance of such a change is very small." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay, the meeting is over, we should take a break, and there will be action at night." Mo Xie stood up and said.

"I want to take a bath and rest too." Mo Xiaolang stretched his waist and walked out of the room with Mo Xie.

The three of them each went busy to rest, leaving enough energy for tonight's action...

The three beauties also wandered around outside, and after buying countless daily necessities in large and small bags with the two old men, they returned to the room and started to rest.

Everyone in the team understands that the rescue operation at 0 o'clock tonight will continue, and they don’t know how long it will take...

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