The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 622: Yiren returns

While eating, Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan discussed the results of today's contact with the commercial team again with Mo Xie.

Mo Xie is obviously very satisfied with the successful cooperation.

Now that the studio has finalized a big partner for the future, and now it has the agreement of the commercial team, it means that it costs no money to get the most important life corps in the professional guild, and it is also the professional life corps.

"Xiao Mo, although the other party agreed to merge and develop with us, but you have to understand that according to your last cooperation plan, we do not have to pay the salaries of life players for the first three months, but after three months, no matter what the development is, this All salary expenses will be included in our plan." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"What is their salary level now?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"I've asked this carefully. At present, if they count the management, they need a total monthly salary of about 530,000. After three months, the Life Corps will definitely expand the recruitment of many people, so the salary level cannot be close to 1. Tao.

"How much? The salary of your company's employees will be 1 million a month?" Momma's eyes widened when she heard it.

"Xiaowei, is this true? You have just started, so you have to spend so much salary?" Mo Dad was also scared and opened his mouth.

"Parents don't need to worry, we are able to pay this salary now, besides, if I can't make money, why should I pay so much salary." Mo Xie smiled and comforted.

"Don't worry about uncles and aunts, we won't let Xiao Mo lose money." Mo Xiaoyu also smiled and comforted.

"We don't understand your business, but it's better to be cautious. This is a monthly salary of one million yuan, which makes people scared to listen." Mom nodded and said.

She still doesn't know that this is just the salary level that the Life Professional Corps may reach in three months, and it has not counted the salary standard of the Combat Corps...

"Xiao Mo, they have already decided. They will prepare the cooperation plan tonight. After signing the letter and waiting for the lawyer to confirm it, they will send it back to us tomorrow for confirmation. Once signed, our two families will become one family in the future." The wolf smiled.

"Then the workplace in my plan, how did they respond?" Mo Xie asked.

"As I said, they are going to work in the original place for the first three months and send someone over to find a suitable location for us. Once it is confirmed, we will come forward to rent the venue, and all their core members will come over afterwards." Said the wolf.

"Okay, that's the decision. As for the detailed matters, Brother Xiao Yuan has full authority to handle the merger plan. We will sit down and discuss any special circumstances." Mo Xie nodded.

"Okay." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"For financial matters, please ask my sister-in-law to do more, just speak up if you need to." Mo Xie looked at the beauty on the side.

Whether it's Mo Xiaolang, Mo Xiaoyuan, or Mo Xiaoyu, the three of them are former core management of the guild. They have rich experience in management of the guild. Everyone is a talent who can be alone. , This point is beyond comparison by Mo Xie.

So he was very relieved, handing over the business part to Mo Xiaoyuan to handle, and to Mo Xiaoyu to take care of the finances, and then Mo Xiaolang to fully manage the development of the guild. This is the best plan he can think of.

Coupled with the assistance of the two goddesses, and negotiate together when encountering major issues, there should be no problem dealing with the current workload.

"Don't worry, Xiao Mo, this seems cumbersome now, but as long as you clarify the clues, it will not be so troublesome to deal with. We will fix it. You can only improve your strength and look for clues to the mission." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Yeah, Xiao Mo, you are the brain. We are only responsible for the implementation. You are the real focus here, but don't delay your major events because of small things." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

The three people are also very clear that the main reason why the studio can be established quickly and has the ability to merge business teams is mainly because of Xiao Mo's ability.

If it weren't for him to continuously complete the tasks and discover some precious resources that are not yet completed, the three of them would have the ability and would not be able to achieve the current situation.

Therefore, although Mo Xie was released by them to continue upgrading and quests, and did not participate in the specific construction of the guild, as long as he was busy outside, he could determine how far the development limit of the tribe and the studio was. The importance was self-evident!

"Then please everyone." Mo Xie smiled and thanked.

After a quick lunch, my mother kept talking about why the two goddesses hadn’t come back, and asked everyone what they were doing, which made Mo Xie also become curious...

For such a long time, the two goddesses had to go out shopping and shopping every night before moving to the villa. They rarely went out. I never heard that they had any good sisters who often contacted each other. They actually asked for leave this time. ,So what happened?

However, judging from the expressions of the two of them, they didn't seem to have encountered any troubles, and seemed very happy, so he didn't ask much.

But now it seems that the situation makes Mo Xie a little puzzled. He went out at noon and had to return after eating outside...

On the contrary, Ouyang Jiaojiao seemed to have revealed what kind of friends they were going to pick up, as if they had to rent a car.

Could it be...

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help jumping wildly in his heart, as if he realized something.

"Xiao Mo, we still have a lot of things in the afternoon, so we will go online first." Mo Xiaolang took the two of them and stood up after eating, eager to return to the game to deal with some important things.

"You go first, I'll take a break." Mo Xie nodded and watched them leave.

After helping the old man finish cleaning the dining table, Mo Xie lit a cigarette and walked to the stairs. As he walked, he reached out to the phone, and thought about pressing Ouyang Jiaojiao's number...


The phone started to connect, and Mo Xie waited for a familiar voice to appear.

"Hello, Xiao Mo?" Ouyang Jiaojiao deliberately lowered her voice.

"Sister Jiao, why did you go, why didn't you come back?" Mo Xie knew that only from the honest Jiao sister, it was possible to inquire some useful news, otherwise they would appear mysterious when they went out. Look, they didn't want to tell themselves why.

"Well, we are still outside, maybe we will be back soon, don't worry." Ouyang Jiaojiao kept her voice low.

"Why, it is not convenient for you to answer the phone?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"Don't guess, we do have something. If all goes well, we will be back in an hour." Ouyang Jiaojiao seemed a little nervous.

"Don't lie to me, is Sister Hong back?" Mo Xie took a long breath and asked straightforwardly.

" did you guess?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"Let's talk about it, why didn't Sister Hong tell me when she came back, and you didn't tell me when you picked her up, what happened?" Mo Xie asked worriedly.

Since that moment of absurdity, Hong Jie left the city soon, making him wait for the return of Yi Ren with expectation...

Although Mo Xie understood that even if this happened between the two of them, he did not dare to hope that Sister Hong would accept him because of this.

As long as he was able to park at the door of the bar as before, he could see Sister Hong's appearance every day, even if it was just a glance, his heart could be filled with sweetness.

However, with the long absence of Sister Hong, Mo Xie smelled another smell.

According to the result of the phone call between Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao, Sister Hong didn't want to come back, and didn't want to see herself...

The most troublesome thing is that it seems that Hong sister also has a lot of difficulties at home, which will affect her lifelong events every moment!

But these are all gossip, Mo Xie didn't believe it very much, but with the two goddesses secretly picking up Sister Hong.

And from the perspective of keeping secrets strictly, I’m afraid that Sister Hong really doesn’t want to see him. The two goddesses specifically went to persuade them, and they also meant to help themselves...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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