The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 874: Mysterious hidden space

There is almost half the height of a mountain between the workshop caves on the first floor and the mines on the ground floor. In Mo Xie's view, this is a very inconvenient setting.

Since the owner here is building workshops and mining caves in the entire mountain, it is unreasonable to make the distance far apart.

In the middle of such a large gap, is there a layer of caves?

"Xiao Mo, our brother checked all the surrounding stone walls, and found no organ passages." Mo Xiaolang's voice sounded.

"We looked around carefully and didn't find any suspicious organs." Lianna said.

A large number of players searched the mine very carefully, and they checked every inch of the ground and walls.

What makes people speechless is that when they arrive here, it seems that the end of the entire mountain has been reached, and there is no other passage.

A group of commanders are very unwilling to find such a big magical scene, but they can't find the key clue...

"Brother Wolf, look up at the top of your head." Mo Xie reminded.

Mo Xiaolang looked up curiously and saw only a black hole top.

"It's nothing, don't you suspect that there is a secret tunnel on the top of the cave?" Zhou Jianing asked suspiciously.

"It is estimated that nothing can be found on the top of the cave, but I suspect that there is still a layer of caves above us." Moxie said.

"Yes, Xiao Mo, the setting here is a bit weird. When you say it, I really doubt it. Between the first floor and here, maybe there is really another layer." Mo Xiaolang Said in surprise.

"But when we walked all the way down, we didn't find other passages." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"That is our inertial thinking. Since discovering the mechanism of the vent, I didn't see any other mechanism along the way. I thought there was no mechanism, but as long as you look carefully, we might have missed it." Mo Xie analyzed.

"That said, do you want to go back and find it again?" Mo Xiaolang asked excitedly.

"That's for sure. Go now. Whenever we pass the corner of a rotating staircase, we must look it up carefully, especially when we reach the middle height, paying special attention to the hidden passageway." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood, we will set off now." The crowd replied excitedly.

With a large group of players, some people stayed at the exit position on the first floor, and all the others continued to climb the stairs, climbing quickly in circles.

After rushing for a certain distance, at every corner, Mo Xiaolang had to leave some players there to look for it carefully, and the large group continued to move upward...

Back all the way up, Mo Xie was also calculating the current height in his heart, determining the center position between the two levels of caves.

This is a very simple search method. If the system is really set to hide caves, then as long as you reach the corresponding location, you will be able to find some clues.

The beauties kept climbing with their excited eyes. Ever since they met Mo Xie in the game, a feeling of surprise like this often appeared from time to time, making them more and more convinced of Mo Xie's judgment.

Fast upward, and it was a long journey. Every player left at the corner responded one after another without any discovery.

But this did not affect Mo Xie's confidence. He asked Zhou Jianing to help him calculate the altitude, always reminding him where he was now.

"Xiao Mo, ten meters further up, you should be between the two levels of caves." Zhou Jianing has been observing the coordinate points on the minimap, and quickly grasped the current height from the changes in the coordinate points.

"I know." Mo Xie's heart tightened, and he turned a corner again, directly letting Mo Xiaolang and Ouyang Jiaojiao stay to check.

He took Lianna and Zhou Jianing, as well as two, and a large group of players behind him to continue upward.

Turning the corner once again, this is already the center point. Looking at the large black stone wall in front of him, Mo Xie stood there and looked carefully from top to bottom, from left to right.

The two beauties also leaned forward to the stone walls, tapping each stone wall with their weapons.

"It's useless like this. The passage gates they designed are all very thick metal. You can't hear anything. You have to do it." Mo Xie smiled.

"The knocking sound doesn't work, and there are no clues like cracks here, how can we check it?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Just look like I did." Mo Xie took out a sledgehammer from the package, grabbed it with both hands and walked to the stone wall.

"Are you going to break the stone wall directly?" Zhou Jianing's beautiful eyes widened in surprise.

"Look at it." Mo Xie picked up the hammer and pinpointed the edge of the door he judged with a fierce wave...


The heavy knocking sound almost hummed the ears of the surrounding players, but the effect did appear.

I saw that although the stone wall did not move at all, a black line appeared at the junction of the ground and the wall...

"My God, you found it all!" Zhou Jianing admired it completely.

"How did you think that there must be an agency channel here?" Lianna still doesn't understand.

"It's actually very simple. The workshop is cleaned up, the ground is not stained, and the mine is very tidy. The large number of mine carts are neatly stacked. This means that the owner here When we evacuated, we had already prepared the entire cave so that outsiders would not find anything. Then they must have more important places they could not clean up, so they simply sealed it up, and the terrain just proved this." Mo Xie explained with a smile.

"Then why is there no mechanism to open the door here?" Lianna asked without understanding.

"It's even simpler. They obviously don't want people to find this place, and of course they won't leave you a way to open it." Mo Xie smiled and picked up the sledgehammer again and slammed it against the wall...

The beauties hurriedly covered their ears, listening to the deafening impact, the stone wall seemed to be trembling slightly, and the black line that was exposed became bigger and bigger.

"They set this door. There is no way to open it. If they want to get in, they can only take the simplest way to open it." Mo Xie smiled.

Hammer after hammer hit the wall, and the players stepped back, suffering from the sound here.

And as Mo Xie's sledgehammer hit hard, rectangular cracks appeared from one side of this smooth stone wall, which was in the shape of a flashing door!

"Xiao Mo, can you really break it?" Mo Xiaolang also came behind him and asked curiously.

"It was originally used to smash the door. It doesn't need to be strange, but to smash it, it may take some time." Mo Xie smiled.

The clanging thumping sound continued, and the cracks became clearer.

But what is even more bizarre is that as Mo Xie’s hammer slammed down, on the stone wall pulsating blue numbers began to appear...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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