The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 891: Mission to repair the barracks

After rushing through a long circle of steps, Mo Xie finally came to the wide barracks abandoned site with General Anode and the large army.

At last he could see clearly. There were dilapidated buildings all around. Except for the flat ground covered with stone bricks, there was no complete building in the entire barracks.

Most buildings have only one wall left, and many have only part of the wall on the ground.

The surrounding cliffs were originally high walls, but now they have become ragged walls with countless gaps, which can't play a defensive role at all.

"What kind of boy, you have seen the ruins of the barracks. Now this general has to restore the original appearance here, so that my soldiers can live more comfortably, and they can ensure safety when they encounter the enemy. Do you take this restoration task? This general issues mission orders, and others will accept them?" General anode asked with a smile.

"Master General, we are all so familiar. I will definitely help you with this little help. But...if you repair the barracks, what reward will you give?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"You can rest assured that you are helping the empire to repair the barracks. The empire will never treat you badly. The materials and gold coins used for construction will not be used for nothing. However, the current situation of the empire is difficult, and this general can only promise you. One condition is to wait for the defeat of the Protoss to support Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess to ascend to the throne, and the repair costs here can be returned in full." General anode said.


Mo Xie was stunned. The feelings are empty-glove white wolves. They have to repair the barracks if they have no money. They are sent out in the form of tasks, which is tantamount to hitting a white bar!

If the holy princess cannot succeed to the throne, the money won’t be collected...

"Why, young man, you are doing your best to help the Saint Princess, don't you believe that the Saint Princess can return to the palace?" General anode asked.

"I believe it, but... My funds are also very tight. If it drags on for such a long time, I can't afford it..." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

After seeing the ruins of the barracks, he already had a general understanding in his mind. The restoration of this barracks was completely overthrown and rebuilt. This can cost a lot of money, which is equivalent to the place where God Realm Town was first established. Need a fee!

You know, the scale of the Tiger Barracks is already the configuration of the high-level barracks, which consumes more materials and funds than the primary towns.

It’s just that this military camp has already planned the site, and there is no need to spend extra money to purchase the territory, which reduces the cost of one-third of the capital consumption, but overall, there is no more than 10 million gold coins, and it is still impossible to generalize the camp. Restore.

"Then there is no way. Don't say that the general does not take care of you. Tomorrow, the general will start to release the task to hand over the task of restoring the barracks to the guys with strong funds. Not only must the barracks be rebuilt, but the general must also build more. Many defense facilities." General anode said with a smile.

"Just tell the truth, after helping you repair the barracks, apart from recovering the funds and waiting for the princess to ascend the throne, what other rewards are there?" Mo Xie asked silently.

"Others have to wait until the princess ascends to the throne, can you wait?" General anode asked with a smile.

"I, I'll wait." Mo Xie gritted his teeth, lest the benefits be taken away by others.

He guessed in his mind that since General Anode could announce the task of restoring the barracks, he would definitely redeem the reward for restoration. This benefit must be obtained.

"In addition to returning your repair costs, given the importance of restoring the barracks to the empire, those who help this general restore the barracks will directly receive the official position of the colonel commander, and receive the honorary title of the royal family, as well as this occupation. You can get a gold reward for this, you can figure it out." General anode laughed.

"Official position, title, golden equipment...I took this task!" Mo Xie thought, nodding quickly.

"Very well, this general did not misunderstand you, then this general will immediately issue a mission like you. You must start the repair of the barracks within three days from receiving the mission. If you fail to repair the barracks within one month This task will be issued by the general to the outside world.” General anode said.

"I see, you can give the task." Mo Xie nodded, and when he was ready to accept the task, he told Mo Xiaolang and his teammates about this, and he was ready to start the construction project here.

General Anode nodded in satisfaction, raised his arm high, and waved hard...

A group of golden light flew in front of Mo Xie.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully triggered a random plot to repair the barracks mission, General Anode asks you to repair the Huzha barracks in Hupaogang within one month, and follow the construction drawings provided by General Anode to complete some The system determines the degree of completion according to the progress. When the degree of completion reaches 100, it means that the task of restoring the barracks has been successfully completed, otherwise the task is regarded as a failure!

Quest rewards: Due to the special status of the anode general, only when the holy princess becomes the emperor can you successfully receive all the rewards. The reward conditions are temporarily hidden.

Mission failure: All input will not be returned, and the mission will be publicly released.

Looking at the task bar, there was a new task in golden font, Mo Xie couldn't help but feel shocked.

It turned out to be a gold-level task, no wonder the anode general is so solemn.

"Okay, boy, the task is also handed over to you. If you don't start work here within three days, your task will be taken back." General Yang said.

"Don't worry, General, I will send someone over tomorrow to start cleaning the site. But if you have any requirements for restoring the barracks, you will have to mark them all on the drawing and give them to me." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, as long as you promise to start repairing the barracks tomorrow, this general can give you the drawings now." General Anode smiled and nodded, a golden light flashed in his hand, and a scroll appeared and passed it to Mo Xie.

He took the atlas and immediately chose to use it. A light flashed before his eyes, and a virtual interface appeared.

This is a circular plan view. The heavy black area is where the mountain peak is. There is also a square platform on the mountain peak where the entrance of the cave is located.

But as soon as Mo Xie saw the drawing, he noticed that there was a small circle on the square platform with three fonts of the watchtower on it.

Moreover, on the drawing, the area where the entire military camp is located, the city walls and various rooms are clearly marked, and there is a circle of densely packed defensive towers on the towers. There are more than twice the number of defensive towers in the original barracks. Quantity!

He immediately understood that the general wanted to build a watchtower on the platform so that he could see the ground situation around Hupaogang more clearly.

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