The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 893: Move into the new studio

Getting up from the control chair, Mo Xie watched as the other teammates were also offline, waiting for him to speak.

"You don't need to put away the control chair. You can use it when you stay here. Everyone packs up all the clothes. Take all the clothes you use frequently. Leave them here if you don't use them." Mo Xiaolang said.

In addition to the cost of rebuilding the base, the most expensive thing for this move is to purchase a large number of equipment. Just a new control chair and helmet, hundreds of sets were purchased at once!

Fortunately, Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan are well-connected. After they contacted the official, they saved a lot of money by buying in large quantities.

Therefore, this time the control equipment does not need to be taken away from the villa. After all, this is their home. The base is just a working environment. You will inevitably come back to rest often in the future.

"Well, let's clean up together, and drive to move tomorrow morning." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"Oye, it's finally time to move." Lianna exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm going to help Miss Zhou pack up and salute." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"I'll go too." Li Hong nodded quickly.

In fact, several beautiful women had already prepared everything that should be packed by noon, and now they are only waiting for tomorrow's relocation.

Mo Xie watched the teammates leave one by one, and returned to his room. Looking at the belongings inside, he found the suitcase from the closet, and packed all his simple items in twos or twos.

Originally, the time for him to move to the villa was not enough, so it was much easier to clean up.

Soon all the items are settled, the working attributes of this villa will completely disappear, and it will officially become his private property from now on...

Going to Meimei's for a bath, Mo Xie jumped into bed and rested at ease.

There was no dream for a night. By the next day, the sky was just getting dark, the phone alarm rang, and it was the appointed time to move.

Mo Xie quickly got up to wash, changed into something more formal, and then opened the door and walked out, dragging the salute out of the room.

At this time, the villa was very lively. Only the voices and footsteps of the beautiful women were heard on the second floor, and the lights in every room were on.

At the door of the villa, Zhou Jianing, who was opposite, had already asked the handsome bodyguard to drive out the RV, and the big bags filled with salutes.

Mo Xiaoyuan had already drove the car and parked at the door, standing there with a cigarette in his mouth, waiting for his teammates to start saluting the car.

After a while, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang led the beauties to salute each other, and they started to get busy.

"Xiao Mo, there have been hundreds of combat commanders in the villa one after another in the past two days, and now we are only waiting for us to pass." Mo Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Should there be a lot of people entering the studio today?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Yes, according to the telephone contact situation, there are at least hundreds of combat legion players reporting today, but I am afraid it will be late afternoon." Mo Xiaoyuan replied.

"It doesn't matter. We finished our morning work and continued to go online in the afternoon. They came to arrange a special reception." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, I won't be online for the day, and I will deal with these things specifically." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"Okay, everyone, let's have dinner, and set off immediately after breakfast." Mo Xie smiled and turned around and walked to the villa...

Starting today, his career is finally on the right track, and he is very looking forward to what it will develop in the future.

It's just the current position. Although the scale of the entire God Realm League studio has been rolled out, it still has a negative number on the book. It is necessary to find a way to recover the funds as soon as possible and get all the investment costs.

However, according to the development plan set by several uncles, Mo Xie’s investment debt cannot be paid off in a short period of time, and this number will continue to increase until the business plan is reached. How wonderful...

In the dining room, all the members were present. Momma and Momma were obviously reluctant to leave these little guys. They prepared a hearty breakfast in the morning.

"You kids, you work in games all day long. If we don't remind you, you can forget the time to eat. You must remember to eat on time in the future. If the food is not good, we can go and help." Said.

"Yes, we won't be by your side in the future, you have to take care of yourself." Mo Dad also exhorted.

"Don't worry, Auntie and Uncle, we are all set, and the professional chef team invited will definitely not be hungry." Lianna laughed.

"We are not here anymore, you can also take a break instead of helping us with cooking every day." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Yes, uncle and aunt, we are not here, you two can raise flowers and go out and stroll around, and you don't have to surround us for three meals a day. These days we feel embarrassed." Mo Xiaolang said.

"That's right, you are gone, the two of us finally stopped, we can play around and call some friends over to play cards and chat." Mo Dad said with a sigh.

"Don't tell me, you hurry up to eat and drink and do business." Momma almost shed tears, rushing to let everyone have breakfast...

When they were about to leave, everyone was reluctant to part with the two elders. After breakfast, they helped clean up the table. The beauties said goodbye to the two elders one by one.

"Xiaowei, work is very important, but you must be careful of your body, especially your life-long events. I think these girls are pretty good, so you can find a way to find someone inside." Momma said softly.

"Mom, what are you talking about." Mo Xie's face turned red.

"You are not young anymore, you should find a girlfriend, these are very good, no matter which mom likes, you should hurry up, don't let go." Momma reminded with a smile.

"I got it." Mo Xie touched his head and quickly turned to escape.

Watching the two old men continue to the door of the villa, as the vehicle started, the beauties waved to say goodbye and gradually moved away from the door of the villa...

This time moving, four cars were dispatched together, including the two cars contributed by the big stars, and then all the salutes of everyone, especially the outfits of the beauties, were installed. It frightened Mo Xie and didn’t know where they came from After getting so many suitcases, any one person is several times the salute of him and Mo Xiaolang combined...

As the vehicle started moving, the interior suddenly became quiet. The beauties leaned together to make up for their sleepiness. Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang sat in the front row and discussed together after the studio relocation.

Unknowingly, time passed quickly, and four cars drove through a large area of ​​the bustling metropolis, and finally came to the suburbs.

A familiar large factory area appeared in the front, and the vehicle passed around the factory area, and once again came to a vertical road.

Once again, he stopped at the gate of the base. At this time, Brother Zhao had already brought countless employees and the security guards from Thunder Security, neatly welcoming the commanders on both sides of the gate.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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