The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 909: Stealth spy

Having found a way to deal with the Summoner Monster, the rest of the matter has become very simple for Mo Xie.

Lead away the summoned beast, kidnap the summoner, and start a secret killing on the treetops, one by one the summoners will fall in front of him, and three props must be exploded every time.

It was still a broken lens with the elixirs broken by the token.

But the broken tokens exploded by the summoner monsters are exactly the same. Except for one useful, the others can all be thrown away.

If you want to put together a whole token, you must go to the other four coordinate points to find a way.

As the last summoner died, all the summoned beasts standing in the woods turned into black light and disappeared, and the task of this coordinated location has been completed.

It took a total of one and a half hours, and it seemed that all tasks were completed, as if it didn't take that long.

But Mo Xie knew that the system was the most cunning. Since the task time was given for 24 hours, I am afraid that there were other moths set, and he didn't dare to care about it until all the tasks were completed.

After the transformation state was lifted, he reluctantly spent gold coins to resurrect the mount, and then rode the mount, Mo Xie immediately rushed towards the next nearest coordinate point...

In fact, the five mission coordinate points are on the same latitude line from the main city, but the terrain environment is different.

After running a certain distance horizontally, the scene ahead changed, and a large map of small hills appeared in Mo Xie's sight.

The map of the small hills ahead, named Luanhungang, looks like a tomb mountain, with bare hills and tombs everywhere, and the environment is extremely desolate.

Stepping on the map of Luanhungang, there is no grass on the ground, all black.

With the sound of the wind blowing across the hills, there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, as if countless evil spirits were hidden in the map.

With such a sinister environment, if a female player came here to fight monsters at night, she would have been scared away.

Mo Xie looked at the surrounding environment and had experience in the last coordinate point mission. He knew that there must be secret agents from the enemy camp hidden here, and he must be more careful.

Checking the small map, confirming that the mission coordinate point is not far away from him, he immediately jumped off the mount and walked slowly forward.

Relying on the countless surrounding hills as a concealment, Mo Xie slowly moved towards the coordinate point, and gradually came to a place about 30 meters away from the mission coordinate point, hiding behind a hill.

It is still impossible to see the situation in front of him, but Mo Xie knew in his heart that if he went further, he might encounter a certain degree of danger.

Because it was a Summoner spy last time, maybe this time the situation is the same. Before he got close to the coordinate point, the enemy was already prepared for defense, and he absolutely couldn't attack the snake.

Leaning on the hill, he walked slowly, and gradually came to the side of the corner. Mo Xie surreptitiously poked his head out and looked forward, and saw hills one after another on the black map. The coordinate points in front were completely obscured. The situation there.

Besides, apart from a few monster spawning areas around, no figures or monsters appeared, and it seemed that there was no ambush.

After taking a closer look and making sure that the surrounding environment is safe, he walked forward slowly. After passing a hill, there was a small open area in front of him. As long as he rushed through this open area, he would bypass several black mountains. After Yau, you can have a panoramic view of the coordinate points.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened...

I saw the tops of several hills in front of Mo Xie, and black figures suddenly appeared, and his eyes widened in fright. At the moment he was about to withdraw and retreat, these black figures suddenly disappeared into the air, out of his sight. Completely invisible inside!

Oh, ran into an assassin monster.

Mo Xie is a veteran of the game, and immediately judged that the situation of this coordinate point was more troublesome than the previous one.

And the hostile spies at the five coordinate points set by the system seem to be completely different.


While retreating, Mo Xie was paying attention to the surrounding situation, especially the sound of footsteps, because he had completely lost the trace of the enemy now, and he didn't know whether these guys locked himself to chase after hiding, or quickly returned to the mission point to report the situation.

But with the faint sound of wind in the wind, Mo Xie seemed to judge that the assassins who suddenly appeared on the hills and immediately became invisible, seemed to be chasing straight from the front, and their targets were all locked on him.

Feelings, these spies are here to kill themselves...

But in the face of such invisible assassin enemies, Mo Xie did not dare to confront them head-on, so he could only continue to flee back, but did not try his best to escape. He had to figure out the scope of these monsters...

This road kept retreating, and there was a slight sound of footsteps in front of him. Although the monsters were not visible, it could be clearly felt that no fewer than five or six assassins rushed by the other party this time, and they were extremely fast!

But he has retreated tens of meters away, and the opponent is still chasing after him. It seems that their alert range is very large.

Mo Xie didn't want to get entangled with them, and immediately increased his escape speed to the extreme, rushing to the edge of Luanhungang, rushing out of the black ground all the way to the cyan grassland.

As he continued to retreat, Mo Xie was also paying attention to the situation on the lawn. If he found traces of the grass being stepped on, it meant that the opponent was still chasing after him.

But after retreating for nearly ten meters, the footsteps finally stopped, and there was no movement on the grass.

Mo Xie immediately stopped moving and stood there listening.

After four or five seconds passed, the slight sound of footsteps sounded again, but this time they went farther and farther, those invisible guys had given up chasing and returned to the depths of the hill.

In this way, Mo Xie also knew that the opponent's warning area was within the Chaoshun Post and would not exceed a larger range.

I just don't know, what attributes are these stealth assassins being strengthened?

Hearing the footsteps had completely disappeared, Mo Xie understood that if he wanted to clean up these assassins, he had to think of other ways, otherwise he would definitely suffer a loss when facing six invisible assassins alone!

But now that he knew the opponent's hunting range, as long as he thought of a way, he still had a great chance.

He immediately looked at the surrounding environment. In this hilly area, there was not much flat land, and the assassin had to pass through several places to chase him down.

Mo Xie hurried forward, exhaling the package while selecting the most critical areas.

It's very simple. If you want to clean up the assassins, you have to show them first and trap them.

Comparatively speaking, dealing with these assassins is much easier than cleaning up the summoners just now.

Quickly came to a road junction between the hills, looking at the situation on both sides, Mo Xie smiled on his face, quickly took out the corresponding props from the package, and got busy on the hills on both sides...

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