The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 933: Seize the altar

As the stone door was quickly opened, through the broken door hole, I saw a spacious and dark hall inside, and a huge silver altar was revealed across the hall.

Looking at the situation inside, Mo Xie quickly rushed into the gate with Mo Xiaolang and a pair of shield fighters.

Just entering the doorway, I saw countless masked black shadows rushing over from both sides of the spacious hall, and around the altar, there were a larger number of spy agents gathered around the altar.

"Many enemies, be careful, Xiao Mo!" Mo Xiaolang was frightened by the situation inside. There were dense shadows in the entire hall, and at least thousands of spies gathered here.

He quickly led the shield warriors forward and dashed forward, erected the shield on the ground in front of him, connected it into a thick shield wall, and completely sealed the front of the gate.

Mo Xie stayed behind the shield wall and looked at the silver altar in front of him in surprise. The huge line of characters above the altar could be clearly seen even from a distance.

Construction degree...... 98!

I’m going to reinforce it, is it going to be successful?

The entire teleportation altar had only the last degree of completion left, which surprised Mo Xie's heart.

He knew very well in his heart that the opponent must not be built into an altar, otherwise thousands of enemies would appear at any time, and by then, it would be impossible to defeat them.

Moreover, these spies obviously had secret collusion with the Protoss. It was impossible to expect the imperial city to send soldiers to deal with them.

If they can’t clean up with the elite army now, they will immediately look for a new lair. I am afraid it will be difficult to find them...

And today's task cannot be completed!

"Brother Wolf, you must rush forward to stop them from building the altar." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"What's going on, what happened?" Mo Xiaolang asked puzzledly.

"Their teleportation altar is about to be completed. Maybe they can teleport tens of thousands of enemies at any time!" Mo Xie warned.

"No way, such a coincidence?"

Not only was Mo Xiaolang frightened, but Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao and other large groups of commanders were also frightened by Mo Xie.

"Assemble all, create a **** path to occupy the altar, and forbid them to continue to build." Mo Xiaolang commanded loudly.

"Yes." The commanders hurriedly led their troops and rushed from the upper level of the cave to the last hall...

And Mo Xiaolang was not idle either, even if the large troops had not come to help, he had already strode forward with the shield wall, facing the countless masked shadows that rushed, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed.

Puff puff!

A dull voice kept coming from the front of the shield, and the crazy masked spy brandished a dagger, and brought a flurry of sparks on the shield wall, trying to quickly exhaust the blood of the shield warrior.

In the distance, a large number of spy agents with longbows in the large spy team quickly rushed in. After entering the range, they immediately stopped at the same place to shoot their bows and shoot arrows. The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

"Be careful on the top of your head, and move on." Mo Xiaolang roared loudly, with the shield firmly on his shoulders, and together with the other shield fighters, he pushed the shield wall outward.

The gurgling sound was accompanied by sparks splashing around, and the shield rubbed against the ground to produce large patches of sparks, and by the way, the large groups of spy assassins were pushed back...

"I'm here!" Lianna's tender voice rang, and she quickly rushed to the gate with her archer in groups, and immediately saw that behind the open gate, the shield wall was fighting against the enemy, and countless arrows rushed in in midair. In the group of shield fighters, piece by piece of damage numbers kept popping up.

"It's just right, come to help quickly and suppress the opponent's long-range firepower." Mo Xie's voice sounded.

"Understood." Lianna glanced at the front. There was a large black figure in front of the silver altar, and a group of five or six hundred spy archers were drawing their bows and shooting arrows, and howling arrows came towards her.

"All the archers are in place, lock the multi-party archer team, half of the armor-piercing arrows are launched first, and the arrows are ready." After this period of professional training, Liana has become a qualified archer commander.

She deliberately asked half of the archers to fire armor-piercing arrows first. The purpose was to reduce the armor defense of those archers, and then the arrows would follow the combination. For the archers whose defense was already low and the defense was reduced, the damage of the arrows would be enough. so horrible!


Footsteps sounded intensively, and a large group of archer players quickly rushed into the hole and entered behind the shield wall according to the instructions. The first half of the players raised their longbows high, and the armor-piercing arrow skills were instantly activated, and the howling cold light plunged into the opponent's archer group in the distance.

As soon as the piercing arrows were fired, the archers who rushed over in the second part raised their longbows and pointed them in the direction of the enemy. There was no need to aim and lock them at all. The bowstrings were pulled to quickly launch the arrows.


On each longbow, four or five long arrows shot out in succession, rushing to the enemy one by one.

Bang bang bang!

The intensive rain of arrows came first, and the spy archers had no way to escape under such a intensive and fast offensive. They were hit by a large number of armor-piercing arrows at once, and at the same time an icon of damaged armor was exploded above their heads. Also jump out continuously.

This is not over yet, in front of the spy archer's eyes, a continuous cold light shines, a series of arrows are shot in succession, as long as an arrow is hit, the next few arrows will automatically move the target, unless the other party dies will find a new enemy.

In less than a minute, the battlefield situation was immediately improved, and the fire suppression suffered by Mo Xiaolang's shield wall suddenly reduced, and they immediately pushed the shield forward again.

Lianna deserves to be a ruthless character, once she came up to suppress the opponent's archer's firepower, she never gave the opponent any chance again.

Even the rain of arrows has not stopped, and the archers who have just used the armor-piercing arrows immediately followed by a burst of arrows under her command. The sizzling dense arrow rain made the opponent's archers have no time to dodge, let alone counterattack with their bows.

Immediately after the player’s archers’ shock retreat arrows were issued again, this time the spy archers in front of the altar were caught off guard. After being hit by the shock retreat arrows, their bodies retreated one after another, crashing into the dense crowd, which triggered bursts People turn their backs.

"I'm here, where is the enemy?" Ouyang Jiaojiao's voice suddenly sounded, and all the mage players led by her finally arrived in front of the final hall according to the coordinate points.

"Come in quickly, your task is to kill, first kill the assassin in front of the shield wall, and then **** us to the altar." Mo Xie shouted excitedly.

"Good drop." Ouyang Jiaojiao held up her staff, leading all the wizard players under her, and immediately rushed into the gate.

Lianna's archers separated to the sides and made room for the wizards.

Buzzing chants resounded through the hall, and colorful magic lights rose into the sky. The target was the large crowd of spy assassins crowded in front of the shield wall...

Since the moment the magic light effect was lifted into the sky, Mo Xie was determined that these assassins were in danger.



Large swaths of light of various colors fell at the same time, the sea of ​​fire spread in front of the shield wall, the whirlwind swept, and a large swamp appeared, trapping these assassins in it.

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