The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 935: Unexpected reward

This number is Mo Xie’s merit value data now...

Looking at the number of merits of nearly 50,000, Mo Xie was completely shocked. He knew that he had taken a lot of merits, but he never expected that there would be so many!

When he first received this task, he already suspected that it was systematic, otherwise he would not give so many meritorious rewards, and only he could enjoy the meritorious value bonus rewards given by the general of the town. !

You know, the task conditions in the taskbar are very clear. How much merit, experience and gold coins are rewarded for killing an enemy. Now it seems that during the battle, the system has automatically cashed the rewards. Otherwise, his The experience bar will not skyrocket so fast, and the merit number will not be so scary!

Almost all the spies killed by all players in the entire battle legion accumulate to him!

Too great, this royal fiefdom should be easy to get, right?

Mo Xie's heart was unusually excited, watching the data continue to beating upwards, after the battle, his merit would definitely exceed the 50,000 mark!

Standing at the top of the altar, closing the interface, Mo Xie waited for the moment when the battle was over...

At this time, the elite players of the God Realm League also rose to kill, because they also discovered that the experience points for killing this kind of enemy are very rich, and there are also merit points.

Although their merit points are only normal basic data, there is no Moxie mission bonus, but each player has at least thousands of merit points in their current position, at least they can be in the meritorious official position, at least a few levels can be promoted the above.

With a higher official position, the additional attribute bonuses can also allow them to quickly increase their strength.

You know, according to the player's 50-level open meritorious official position system, ordinary elite soldiers only bless the health value, but the higher the official position, the more additional attributes, even more than the attribute bonus brought by one piece of two pieces of equipment.

If it can be promoted to the rank of general or higher, it will be equivalent to an extra attribute added to the gold level or artifact equipment. Of course, the speed of the increase in strength is beyond doubt!

The players also know that this is the bosses taking care of themselves and assigning such a good task to them. Everyone has done their best to attack and force the small number of spies into two corners of the cave. , The raindrops of offensive kept falling.

The screams resounded throughout the cave hall, and watching the number of enemies dwindle, Mo Xie didn't have to worry about it...

Ten minutes passed, and as the body of the last spy fell to the ground, the entire cave suddenly recovered tranquility. A large group of players gathered under the altar and looked at this magnificent building in surprise.

"Oh my God, build a teleportation altar under the ground, and this group of guys thought it out!" Lianna exclaimed.

"Xiao Mo, the monster is finished, don't you have any quest props?" Mo Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

"There is a system prompt, I'm watching..." Mo Xie replied.

As the last spy was killed, Mo Xie, who was sitting at the top of the altar, suddenly appeared in front of him with a shining silver light, which flew directly into his body, and then the clear prompt of system information sounded again...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you successfully killed all enemy agents and found a letter from the agent. The letter of advice is sent to the lord of the imperial city. The current mission is 100!

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully removed the threat of the spy, you can use all the construction blueprints obtained by teleporting the crystal and destroying the altar to complete the task at the town general!

Two system messages jumped out at the same time, and the two tasks were all completed at the same time!

Opening the package, I saw that there was an extra letter with a silver cover inside, and there was no font mark on it.

This secret detective letter is obviously to be given to the city lord of the imperial city to complete the mission, but Mo Xie has a different idea...

He now understands that the reason why enemy agents can appear near the imperial city of Evernight, the Protoss plays a key role in it. Without their secret cooperation, how can enemies of different camps dare to move around the imperial city of other countries without their secret cooperation. ?

Therefore, there must be very critical content in this secret letter. If the system requires it, it must be handed over to the city lord to complete the task. If this letter still hides more important secrets, it may be able to fight against the Protoss Play a key role in action.

"My task has been completed, brothers, come up and help carry the ore." Mo Xie immediately stood up and said.

"There are ore?" Mo Xiaolang and the two beautiful commanders were pleasantly surprised.

They hurriedly led all the players up the stairs excitedly and rushed towards the top of the altar.

Mo Xie turned and walked to the center of the altar, looking at the teleportation crystals in Fangding. These were also quest props and had to be obtained.

As the spies were all eliminated, the color of these teleporting crystals and surrounding ores seemed to have undergone some changes, and now they belonged to no owner.

Mo Xie was also welcome, waved his hand to launch the pick-up command, and first swept all the teleport crystals into the package.

He originally thought that with so many teleporting crystals, his own package would definitely not fit, but as the brilliant crystal light flickered all over the sky, they flew into his body one after another. The teleportation crystals in the package could be stacked for storage. The number can reach 999.

In this way, all the teleported crystals were swept into the package by him, only occupying two or three empty spaces.

Looking at the empty Fang Ding, Mo Xie continued to pick up the crescent energy ore nearby...

Accompanied by the flickering of silver light, after the energy ore entered the package this time, each piece of ore would occupy a space, and his package was about to be broken at once.

Fortunately, there are still thousands of brothers present today, just in time for them to bring all the ore back, and one piece can't be wasted.

With the sound of footsteps, a large group of excited figures appeared at the top of the altar. Under the leadership of the commanders, they quickly formed a circle in the middle of the platform and quickly swept all the ore into the package.

In just one minute, there was nothing at the top of the altar.

"What's next?" Liana asked unexplainably.

"You bring brothers, all the altars are torn down, and I still have quest items that need to be destroyed to obtain them." Moxie said.

There was no such requirement in the task that General Zhen Guo gave him, but the system prompted that since it was mentioned, it must be an item that must be used in the next task.

"How to dismantle such a big altar?" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"It's actually very simple. Let the brothers use tools to pry off a stone and put it directly into the package. You should be able to get it done in three or two strokes." Mo Xie smiled.

"Well, let's try it." Lianna nodded and immediately gave orders in the legion.

The whole cave became lively again.

Under the leadership of Mo Xiaolang, the players returned directly to the bottom of the altar, took out the iron drill and hammer, and got busy along the gap between the silver rocks.

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