The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 943: Advanced skills

What Mo Xie is looking forward to most now is to open a new skill tree as soon as possible and learn advanced skills at level 50.

As a demon legal profession, after a turn, he has reached the level of the demon prophet, but he has not had any particularly powerful attack skills, and the second half of the skill tree is completely dark. What new skills can be learned.

Then, as long as you work hard to upgrade, you can start another stage of the talent tree when you reach the second rank of level 60.

According to the official game information, the talent tree skills opened by the players at each stage are far more powerful than the previous skills. The acquisition of new skills can greatly enhance the players' strength!

Quickly walked into the gorge, the cliffs on both sides were extremely steep, and there was no grass growing, under the shining of the sun, they shone like a bright metal.

While walking, Mo Xie curiously observed the golden rocks on both sides of the valley, only to find that it was just a kind of ordinary stone, and there was no metal vein in it.

The entire Golden Crow Mountain Range is entirely composed of this golden yellow rock, and there is no grass growing in the area of ​​the map, as if full of murderous air.

The two canyons, each of which is tens of meters wide, seem to be difficult to defend.

Mo Xie was curious and walked along the long canyon, cleverly avoiding the monster refresh areas...

After hundreds of meters, the terrain in the gorge gradually became more complicated. Pieces of huge golden rocks were scattered in the gorge. Each rock was four or five meters high, turning the wide gorge into a pile of rocks.

In this kind of terrain, it is extremely easy to be ambushed, and Mo Xie gradually became cautious, carefully observing the surrounding situation, and speeding around the huge rocks.

Unknowingly, he entered the middle of the canyon, one or two hundred meters ahead, which was the coordinate point of the task given by Lord City Lord.

And the number of rock piles in the front is increasing, like a maze, the entire valley is occupied by rock.

Mo Xie continued to move forward according to the coordinate point, and saw three huge rocks piled up in front of him, with a natural stone cave in the middle, and the coordinate point was this place.

He quickly took out the letter from the city lord and approached the front of the cave carefully...


A cold light flashed in front of him, and a vigorous figure quickly rushed out of the stone cave, and the dagger in his hand was directed towards his throat.

Fortunately, Mo Xie had prepared for the first time he discovered that the cold light was shining. He moved his steps horizontally, passing by the edge of the cold light at an extremely fast speed, and stood on the side of the opponent.

"Don't do it, this is a secret letter from the city lord!" Mo Xie looked at the opponent wearing black leather armor, even his face was covered by a black scarf, and the font on the top of his head was very vague. It was exactly the same as the elf scum that attacked the craftsmen.

He knew in his heart that this mission was also a traitor to the elves, and they were now all willingly used by the Protoss.

As Mo Xie's roar sounded, the assassin with a strong build seemed to be frightened by the opponent's extremely fast speed. When he read the letter in Mo Xie's hand, he obediently stopped continuing his attack.

And above his head, there was a golden exclamation mark...

"I am the messenger sent by Lord City Lord to inquire about the situation of the barracks. This is a letter from the City Lord." Mo Xie handed the letter to the opponent with both hands.

"Sure enough, it is the note of the city lord. I have been waiting here for a long time." The elf in black took the letter, and the letter disappeared with a flash of light, indicating that he had confirmed this mission.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully found the emissary of the city lord!

As soon as the system prompt message appeared, a cloud of golden light fell from the sky, covering all of Mo Xie's body.

Ding...System: Congratulations, the talent tree system is open, please click on the new skill you want to learn!

As the golden light dissipated, Mo Xie's skill icon gleamed with a golden halo, indicating that a new function was opened.

It's been a long time since Mo Xie clicked the skill icon, and the skill interface suddenly popped out...

In the skill interface at this time, the next stage of the skill book finally opened a new section, above 233 eight new skill icons appeared.

But now the new skills are still displayed in black, and Moxie needs to choose and learn...

Because players’ skill points increase with their level, each level can accumulate one skill point, but if you want to learn advanced skills, one skill may cost more skill points, so no player can have all the skills. Point full.

Players can only learn selectively according to their own needs. If the wrong skills are selected, it means that there may be many advanced skills that cannot be learned in the future.

If this happens, players can only return to the professional instructor in the main city and spend gold coins to re-wash points.

According to the arrangement of the system, the player does not need to spend money to wash the points for the first time, but from the second time onwards, a large amount of gold coins are required for each point wash. Therefore, you must learn some skills carefully, otherwise you will waste a large amount of gold coins.

But Mo Xie was not afraid. Since choosing the demon class, his skill points were all accumulated, except for two or three important skills, and the first opportunity to wash points for free was not wasted.

Of the 8 advanced skills that appear now, one of the first two must be selected to continue learning.

Demon Blood Boiling: Advanced skills, within three minutes after use, increase all attributes by 10, increase all resistances by 10, and cool down for 10 minutes. 3 skill points required

Guardian Devil Heart: Advanced skill, after using it, it will lose 300 HP, cause a fixed 300 damage value to the enemy, and cause the opponent to enter a bleeding state, lose 100 HP per second within 10 seconds, and cool down for 5 minutes. 3 skill points required

Looking at the two new skills, Mo Xie did not directly choose to learn, he had to choose according to the following skills.

In the 233 skill queue, there are three skills on each side, and two general skills in the middle.

Mo Xie took a closer look at the skill book, and suddenly his eyes lit up...

Because he saw two offensive skills belonging to his profession, his heart suddenly became excited.

It's not easy. After reaching level 50, you can finally learn two active attack skills...

And these two skills are just above the skill tree of the Demon Heart of Heaven Defying Devil Heart, which means that once he chooses this route, he directly has three active attack skills.

Mo Xie quickly looked at his remaining skill points. Up to his current position, he still had 33 skill points left. It was completely enough to learn new skills.

Without hesitation, he moved his finger to the skill icon of the Demon Heart, and directly chose to learn.

System: You learn the devil heart, and there are 30 skill points left!

As the icon lights up, the Heaven Defying Devil Heart skill is ready to use, and you can continue to spend skill points to upgrade.

But Mo Xie was not in a hurry. He stretched out his finger and clicked the two skill icons at the back...

System: You learn the Heart Burning Demon Sword, with 25 skill points remaining!

System: You learn to chase the claws of the soul, there are 20 skill points remaining!

Two consecutive new skill icons lighted up, and Mo Xie excitedly pulled the skill icons to the shortcut bar first.

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