The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 949: Amazing double conspiracy

But now, Mo Xie has come to the imperial city, and it is on the map west of the city.

With the help of so many soldiers, it should be very simple to find the place where the Elf King is imprisoned.

Judging from the current situation, the Protoss must have set up its own secret military camp in the west of the city to covertly deal with the three towns of Jintang. Once the battle starts, the soldiers of these three military camps cannot support the imperial city.

Seeing the guarding generals continue to give orders, and the golden armored generals led away, Mo Xie was extremely excited.

"Do not sad Governor, please come and sit here, there should be news of the enemy in a while." The guard general smiled and waved.

"Thank you General." Mo Xie was not polite, strode to the side of the conference table and sat on an empty seat.

"Do not sad Governor, this time you came to rescue me under the order of three generals, do you have more clues about the conspiracy of the Protoss?" The guard general asked with a smile.

"Your Lord's question is hello, this time I am planning to ask for your help on something." Mo Xie smiled.

"Oh, if you have any important things, please speak up." The guard general asked curiously.

"The situation is like this. In order to stop the Protoss conspiracy, the Holy Princess did not hesitate to lead the army to tear up the face to prepare for a decisive battle with the Protoss. Unfortunately, the results fell short. Eventually the Elves were surrounded, the human legion was torn apart, and the whereabouts of the princess is unknown." Mo Xie said.

"We all knew about this at the time. It was not that we were unwilling to help the Holy Princess. It was just that the empire always respected the throne and the prince was the greatest. There was never a precedent for the princess to succeed. So we could only follow the prince's command. "The guard general said helplessly.

"But the facts have proved that the prince has become a puppet of the Protoss." Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Yeah, who would have thought that such a thing would happen, but now it is not too late to remedy it. Her Royal Highness has just disappeared and was not killed in battle. As long as she comes out to preside over the overall situation, I will definitely follow the plan." said the guard general.

"It's fine if you have a general, but the princess is already very disappointed in the empire. If you want her to continue to preside over the overall situation, it depends on the sincerity of the generals." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Just tell me, what kind of sincerity is needed from us?" the guard general asked quickly.

"It's actually very simple. Back then, the elves wholeheartedly supported Her Royal Highness, but then the protoss and the orc army had to sign a contract of surrender. Now the queen and princess of the elven royal family have been rescued by me. This time, as long as the generals find the Elf King His whereabouts, and successfully rescued him, presumably the Holy Princess will believe in the sincerity of the generals." Mo Xie said.

"It is of course a good thing to be able to rescue the Elf King. We will definitely try our best to rescue it. But where the Elf King is locked up, we don't even know." The guard general shook his head.

"Yeah, for such an important person as the Elf King, the Protoss will definitely not find a place to imprison him." A general thought.

"Generals, please rest assured. According to the information I have obtained, the address of the detention of the Elf King should be within the west of the city. The Protoss not only locked the Elf King here, but also secretly set up many underground barracks or fortresses, the purpose is to restrain you. The strength of the three towns of Jintang." Mo Xie said.

"No, Jintang three towns have nearly 200,000 troops. How can the Protoss have so many troops to compete with us?" A Jinjia general asked incredulously.

"The Protoss is restricted by the curse of divine power. Maybe they don't have so many troops outside the city, but they still have the orc army and the slaves of the demons. If you count the elven soldiers who betrayed the Elf King, the total might not be less than 300,000. "The guard general frowned and thought.

"The general is right. This force should not be underestimated. Moreover, before coming to the west of the city, I also found in the east area of ​​the city the Holy Moon Empire spy who was in collusion with the Protoss. If I hadn't stopped it in time, once their teleportation altar was established successfully , I'm afraid that tens of thousands of enemy troops have entered the vicinity of the imperial city again!" Mo Xie reminded.

"What! How could enemy agents appear near the never night imperial city? How did they pass through the cursed land, how did they pass through the guards of the three major frontier cities?" The guard general stood up in surprise.

"I have discussed this matter with the General Zhen Guo, and found that the other end of the teleport crystal is actually near the opponent's Yongye Imperial City. It can be seen that this is the Protoss personally going to the opponent's imperial city and secretly reached an agreement for two-way transmission. Otherwise, this situation won't happen." Mo Xie explained.

"Damn protoss, they secretly colluded with the spies of the hostile country, what are they going to do?" a group of golden armor generals exclaimed.

"Since they want to build the teleportation altar, it must be to teleport the army into the imperial city, and they have reached an agreement privately, then their purpose must be to let these enemy groups cause trouble outside the imperial city, and then let Our military mobilizes soldiers to encircle and suppress. Because the number of soldiers entering our country through the teleportation altar is limited after all, it is impossible to capture the imperial city, and at most it can cause riots." The guard general analyzed with a dark face.

"I see, they want to disperse your forces in the three towns of Jintang, and then take advantage of the emptiness of the military camps in the three towns, and immediately send troops to capture them. In this case, the human legion will no longer have a foothold inside and outside the imperial city!" Mo Xie said in surprise.

"It can only be so! Don't be sad, Governor, this time you have done a great job!" The guard general said in surprise.

Listening to the guarding general's words, Mo Xie suddenly became alert. No wonder the reward for killing the spy was so generous. It turned out that he had inadvertently resolved a major conspiracy of the Protoss, otherwise the system would not be so generous.

It's so thrilling!

After understanding the situation, Mo Xie only felt cold behind his back.

Once the city’s east teleportation formation is completed and the Holy Moon Empire’s legions are all in place, they will wantonly cause riots outside the imperial city, until the matter rages, the Protoss, under the pretense of the emperor’s order, ordered the west military camp to encircle and suppress them. Disperse the defensive forces of the three towns of Jintang.

Their plan is really vicious...

If you are not careful, the three towns of Jintang will be occupied by the Protoss!

From this, it can be imagined that in the west of the city, the Protoss has been fully prepared. There must be a powerful legion in ambush, and the place where the Elf King is imprisoned must be on the map of the west of the city!

"Master General, I hope that your soldiers can find the position of the Protoss ambush as soon as possible. His Majesty the Elf King must also be detained there. We will not only cut off the right hand of the Protoss, but also rescue His Majesty the Elf King." Mo Xie said quickly. .

"Don't worry, this time as long as there is news, this general will personally lead his troops to sweep the enemy's lair." The guard general focused his head.

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