The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 983: Mechanical giant production map (Happy Holidays)

The siege vehicle moved slowly, but it was so powerful that it dragged the steel giant lying on the ground to move forward.

The feet and body are covered with ropes, and now it has no chance to struggle.

"The giant has been conquered, but **** it?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"Who said it has been conquered, it still has weapons that have not been used up, be careful of its feet." Mo Xiaolang reminded.


I was really afraid of something. His reminder had just been given, and the dragged giant had already launched an attack. A pair of big feet flew away from the body, straight across two straight lines, and quickly rushed forward...

I saw two huge black shadows flying past the tops of the two siege vehicles, rushing directly into the crowd of players.

Two loud noises, countless screams, white light bursts in a dense group of players, and a large number of players are unclear!

Fortunately, this pair of flying feet has a high arc, and it falls far behind the shield wall. Most of the players who hang up are ordinary players, and some medical professions in the God Realm League are unlucky.

But in general, the loss has been the lightest.

"Two flying feet, it still has a chance to fly shoes, but who can tell me where is its third foot?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Yes, three mechanical flying kicks, it obviously only has two legs." Lianna was also extremely surprised.

"No need to look for it, the third foot is on its back." Mo Xiaolang pointed forward and said.


The mechanical giant who was being dragged slowly seemed unwilling to end like this. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from behind, its body suddenly stood up to the left, revealing a big hole behind it, and a big foot on the ground.

On the third chance of using the flying shoes, the giant sat up half of his height, and the crossbow arrows on the shoulders, the top of the head, and the chest were fired at the same time, shooting towards the distance.

"Be careful of defense, watch out for energy cannons!" Mo Xiaolang shouted nervously.

"Hurry up and adjust its direction, Brother Wolf will lead people up, and pull it from behind to a safe area to slowly clean it up." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood." Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up and he immediately understood Mo Xie's suggestion.

As long as you don't let the giant's arm aim at the player's direction, you can drag it to a safe area with your back, and then you can find a way to clean it.

Mo Xiaoyuan led the three siege vehicles immediately to one side, dragging the giant to turn.

As its body turned sideways to the player group, the threat was immediately relieved.

Under Mo Xiaolang's command, all players set fire to cover all the open spaces around the giant to prevent the monsters from coming up.

Then he personally led a large group of shield warriors straight forward and quickly rushed behind the giant.

Players shook the rope hooks and threw the long ropes upward. As the rope hooks firmly hooked the giant's damaged body, countless ropes were immediately connected.

Two or three players gathered together, twisted the ropes in their hands like twists to increase their strength, and then quickly retreated towards the group of players.

Back in the dense crowd, the shield fighters handed the ropes in their hands to all the players behind them.

"Pull together and pull it over!" Mo Xiaolang shouted excitedly.

In an instant, countless players pulled the rope, and the giant's body was quickly pulled back by the huge force.

Mo Xiaoyuan knew that the mission of the siege vehicle had been completed, so he led people to get out quickly, recovered the siege vehicle, and then quickly fled to safety.

In the muffled sound, the shiny steel giant sat on the ground with his back, and was pulled by countless players towards the edge of the shield wall.

Facing the players' arrow rain and magical attacks, ordinary monsters could not step forward. Now no one can help this sad iron giant.

"Find the location of the hidden controller, kill the nine controllers, this machine is completely useless." Mo Xie said in the team channel.

"So it's like that." Lianna excitedly led a group of archers out of the crowd, and immediately locked the huge hole behind the giant. With a group of agile archers and assassins, she climbed the rope and quickly climbed onto the giant's back... …

It took less than two minutes for a large group of players to get into the hole, and the good news came again and again!

"I found these manipulators, they are actually some strange monsters, like dwarves, do you want to kill them?" Lianna asked excitedly.

"What? Nine dwarves control the giant...Don't kill them, capture them alive." Mo Xie said in surprise.

Is it possible that the nine operators operating the steel giant are another strange race?

After seeing Earth Spirits and Mining Spirits, Mo Xie knew that in the to-be-continued, the system specifically set up some special low-level races. These low-level races have no combat effectiveness, but possess a superb life skill, which is a system specific A valuable asset left to the players!

With these peculiar ethnic groups, many players cannot understand life and occupations, and they can learn a lot from these guys, and they can even help players in production.

But these low-level specials are scarce, and the locations of each ethnic group are difficult to find. Whether they can be found depends on luck.

"Yes, I will catch them alive." Lianna promised with a smile.


A muffled noise came from the steel giant's body, and its high-rise head drooped instantly, and the two pairs of flashing red eyes dimmed immediately, and it seemed that the mechanism was finally shut down.

After a while, I saw a strong figure on the giant's back quickly falling down the rope, and behind some male archers, there was also a short guy on his back.

When the group of archers quickly returned to the crowd under the leadership of Lianna, they placed the nine dwarfs behind them on the ground, and immediately made the eyes of the surrounding players straighten...

These little men turned out to be strange guys with a height of less than one meter, wearing heavy metal armor, a small hammer on their back, and a wrench in their waist.

Although they are small in size, their faces are covered with beards, their skin is dark, and they only have a pair of big shiny eyes, showing a look of horror.

The nine dwarves stood there with their heads down, trembling all over.


The explosion sounded continuously on the body of the giant, and countless metal fragments were flying all over the sky. The giant blew himself up!

"Damn, how could this happen!" Mo Xie asked in surprise in the air.

Although this giant is terrifying, it has now relieved its combat power. That is the most precious wealth of the God Realm League. He did not expect to explode...

But the surprising thing is not over yet.

As pieces of metal fragments were flying all over the sky, when the smoke dissipated, a halo on the ground was shining,

In the halo, a golden book is emitting a thousand golden light.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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