The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 987: Global business competition

Mr. Ma’s words made all the core players plunged into contemplation, and their vision was raised from the game level to global commercial competition.

If the unfinished business runs smoothly this time, then in the next step, more virtual games will continue to be developed to seize the market.

However, Mr. Ma meant that the development of virtual games should be transferred to the virtual network, so that players not only simply enjoy the fun of the game, but also reduce all the things in daily life, all to the virtual network To run...

Although this idea is advanced, it seems that one day it may be realized.

"How about it, are you interested?" Mr. Ma asked with a smile.

"This is a huge business opportunity, don't just think about the game." Uncle Guang reminded with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, Uncle Guang, of course we understand the deeper meaning of this, but for us, it is just a game studio. At present, we have to rely on games to survive. Our investment is still returning. It's too much power," Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"You kid is telling the truth. It shows that you have a very good understanding of the current situation. I like your pragmatic character. If you take one step, you can do it well, and then consider more ambitious things." Smiled and praised.

"You are polite, I'm just telling the truth." Mo Xie smiled.

"But when you are moving forward steadily, if you find a better opportunity, what will you do?" Mr. Ma asked.

"First consolidate the current advantages, and then send some people to explore this opportunity. If you can do it, do it quickly." Mo Xie thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"That's it. I came today because of this reason. At present, a better opportunity has emerged. What I need is a team that can help me seize this opportunity. From our current exchanges, you are fully capable of doing Here." Mr. Ma nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, your business acumen has always admired us. What do you need us to do for you this time?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"It's very simple, I have two plans, you can put them forward for your consideration." Ma said.

"Sell it, we will consider it carefully." Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"In the first plan, I will acquire your studio wholly-owned, and the price is three times your current investment. You can divide the money first, and then re-enter this studio that belongs to me. I will follow the previous Position and contribution, given you a certain share and salary, you can continue to be the boss, and then you will implement my plan step by step. If I am not able to do so, I will find someone to replace you. This is the business environment." Mr. Ma said .

"Buy at three times the price, and then re-give us the shares and salary..." Mo Xiaoyuan and a few beautiful women opened their mouths in surprise. This is a very good plan.

As long as they accept this plan, everyone's studio core members can get a lot of dividends at once, and there is no need to worry about their work.

In the future, there is no need to consider any investment, return to the original and other headaches, just continue to work.

And being able to continue to hold the shares as a small boss, it is impossible to be replaced, and to wait for dividends, this is a very good opportunity.

"Why do you have this plan?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"I have implemented this plan many times and acquired countless companies. Only in this way can my ideas be implemented as quickly as possible without worrying about others not acting in accordance with the requirements." Mr. Ma smiled.

"Please forgive me for not accepting this plan. Although the studio is still investing and has not reached the stage of full profitability, it is after all the hard work of my friends and I." Mo Xie shook his head.

"Then listen to the second plan. This plan is not as powerful as the one just now, but it can guarantee you enough money." Mr. Ma waved his hand, and the beautiful female secretary immediately pressed the machine, and the projection screen began to appear. .

Everyone hurriedly focused their attention on the screen, and suddenly their eyes lit up, and everyone was surprised.

It turned out that this screen was actually a schematic diagram, and it was also a map of the strength distribution of the entire unfinished country.

The screen is divided into two sections on the left and right. On the left section, there is a line of bold characters: The distribution of the power of the empire of the sun!

The names of the three major cities are lined up, and each major city has a corresponding professional league name, which represents the distribution of all professional leagues in each major city.

Below the sunset: The Arrogant League came first, followed by the God Realm League. The other two remaining small professional leagues were actually listed above.

As for the other two main cities, all professional guilds have many names according to their strength.

The names of the 9 professional leagues in the largest city are all marked out in detail.

Behind each alliance name is the general information of the alliance, including detailed data such as the number of alliance members, average level, strength evaluation, etc., which are all arranged at a glance.

The distribution map of the Holy Moon Empire on the right is the same, so everyone in the core team will look straight...

"Well, my homework is not bad, you should know the above data best." President Ma smiled and scanned the people.

"I didn't expect President Ma to be so careful, and to find out all the large guilds in the entire country?" Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"Know yourself and the enemy, so you can survive a hundred battles. You only see me creating miracles, but you haven't thought about how many secrets are behind the miracles?" Mr. Ma smiled.

"Mr. Ma, we are completely convinced, you show us this picture, what do you think?" Zhou Jianing asked.

"I don't say what you think, but what you think after reading it, Mr. Mo, please tell me." Mr. Ma looked at Mo Xie in thought.

"I saw the pressure and all the competitors, as well as who I will fight first in the future, and who my final opponent will be." Mo Xie said lightly.

"Yes, this is the result I want." President Ma waved his hand, the beautiful secretary pressed the button, and a line of font appeared on the screen...

Competitor distribution map, how to choose one's own opponents to achieve greater goals!

Seeing a line of fonts appeared, everyone suddenly realized.

"In the business world, what we usually consider is who our opponents will be. Only by specifying different countermeasures according to different opponents can we ensure our own interests. Now your situation is similar."

"The unfinished country is a whole piece of cake, but there are too many people who want to eat it. If everyone is not enough to eat, then it is destined to be eliminated." Ma said.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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