The demon world I designed

Chapter 296 Cold-hearted!

"Xue Yatou said that?"

After hearing Shen Yan's report, Mr. Shen put down his tea cup in a funny manner and looked at Shen Yan: "You said you are a father, why don't your children have a fuel-efficient lamp?"

Shen Yan: "."

"At such a young age, she is quite shrewd in her abacus." Mrs. Shen smiled and said, "According to what she said, if her child inherits the talent for magic, she would ask to change her surname to Shen and return to the Shen family and have the same treatment as the children of the Shen family. ?"

Shen Yan sighed: "Yes"

"This girl is haha!" Mr. Shen laughed: "You are only twelve years old, but you have already calculated so far, and you can actually bet on both sides!"

Nowadays, Jiangnan College is very popular, and all the major families are rushing to let their children go in to find out more, but after all, no one has been there, right?

What is going on there is ultimately unknown. If he goes there, he will waste time and risk his whole life.

After all, if you stay in the Shen family, although the husband who recruits a son-in-law is probably an incompetent person, as long as the child is qualified, the Shen family will still pay attention to the child and have a chance to make a comeback. It is obvious that this girl wants to eat both sides!

"Master." Shen Yan sighed: "What do you think?"

"How else can we watch?" Shen Qingfeng rolled his eyes at the other party: "Do we have any choice?"

Shen Yan was silent and suddenly felt a little tired. When he was being punished under the hands of his mistress, he secretly swore that he would not let his descendants suffer such an environment, so when he became the head of the family and had the power, He severely suppressed Zheng to prevent such a thing from happening.

But now, the children I have raised seem to be different from my ideals.——

"Hey, our wife and daughter-in-law are here?"

After agreeing on everything, the Shen family did not waste any time and asked Bai Hua to start arranging the lectures on the next day. After all, there was only one month left before the first assessment. Maybe it was a bit reluctant to cram in, but it would be better to start preparations earlier. You have to prepare early, what if you can send a few more children to Jiangnan?

Everyone knows the current situation. Whichever house has the most people is more likely to take the lead.

The next day, Shen Xue arrived at the Shen Family Academy early, but she didn't expect that as soon as she arrived, she would be ridiculed by Shen Yu and a group of disciples.

Shen Xue frowned. Her marriage should be kept secret, and she didn't know who the lax elder had spread the news!

Shen Yu looked at Shen Xue who still dared to frown, and the anger in her heart became increasingly uncontrollable. When did such an unqualified concubine dare to show her face to her?

"Brother, where did you hear this?" Shen Xue asked, looking directly at the other party.

Seeing that the other party dared to question himself, Shen Yu suddenly laughed angrily: "What? Are you afraid of what others will say if you dare to do something? You dare to use any means to gain a future. The family has never treated you badly. What you did is, Have you ever thought about the Shen family’s reputation?”

"Brother, do you mean that the younger sister will damage the reputation of the Shen family?"

"Do you still feel that what you did is embarrassing to Mr. Shen?" A direct descendant of the Dafang family next to Shen Yu said in support.

Shen Xue's face turned cold. She didn't want to conflict with people like Shen Yu. After all, they are the descendants that the family values. Even though they may not be able to catch up with Jiangnan because of their poor arithmetic foundation, they represent the Shen family's arithmetic skills. For the next three generations, if the future of Jiangnan is not as bright as imagined, or if the situation in Jiangnan collapses in the future, the only one he can rely on is the Shen family, and Shen Yu, who is most likely to inherit the position of head of the Shen family, will please as much as he can.

But in the face of this narrow-minded future head of the family, who suppresses his younger brother and younger sister as soon as he sees her coming forward, and can even say such humiliating words, can he really be trusted in the future?

Taking a breath, no matter how sensible he was at the age of twelve, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "The marriage was proposed by the Bai family on the initiative, and it was the result of many considerations by my father. If you feel that this is a loss, "Shen's face, why don't you go to your father and tell me? Is this how your brother behaves when you treat your little sister like this?"

"You little bitch has a sharp mouth!" Shen Yu said with a dark look on his face.

Seeing that the other party's little bitch had said such words, Shen Xue was also extremely angry: "Brother has time to ruin my little sister, why not spend more time reading. Nowadays, even the seven-year-old child of the Shen family has a better arithmetic foundation than his brother. According to the With this progress, my brother may not even be able to go to Jiangnan as he wishes at the age of thirty!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yu's face suddenly became livid. Bai Hua had distributed basic test questions last night, saying that he wanted to test the arithmetic basics of the three generations of the Shen family so that they could teach students according to their aptitude. However, the old guy actually announced the results directly. He had never If you focus on arithmetic, how can it stand the test? After ranking, the youngest six-year-old brother in the family was five points higher than me, which made me a joke in the Shen family!

Although no one dared to laugh at him to his face, he could already imagine how many disciples were secretly joking about this matter.

When she thought of this, Shen Yu felt an uncontrollable anger rushing towards Tian Ling: "You little bitch, you are looking for death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold aura suddenly enveloped the surroundings. The surrounding disciples froze and looked at Shen Yu in horror.

This guy Shen Yu actually used magic at home?

Shen Xue also looked pale. She never expected that Shen Yu would take action immediately after a disagreement?

"You little beast, don't stop yet!!"

A thunderous roar sounded, and the huge pressure instantly made the entire lobby tremble. Shen Yu's heart trembled, his face turned pale, and he quickly stopped the technique!

When he turned around, he saw that it was Old Master Shen who was standing in front of him, and behind him was the head of the family, Shen Yan, whose face was as gloomy as water!

"Master, father, I" Shen Yu secretly yelled, "It's terrible." Just as he was about to make a few quibbles, he was slapped in the air by Master Shen and flew out.

"Beast!" Mr. Shen's face turned extremely ugly: "The Shen family passed down your magic technique to you, so you can use it on your own flesh and blood?"

Shen Yan, who was behind him, was extremely angry at this time. The Shen family's magic technique came from the Shen family in the south of the Yangtze River. It was called the Ghost King Curse. It was an extremely dangerous technique. It was said that after the Shen family split, one of the new direct descendants of the Shen family improved their own house. The technique is the famous Ghost King Arm from the second room of the Shen family!

Everyone knows that ghost magic is extremely dangerous, but this little beast dared to attack his own sister. He was just a step too late. Even if Shen Xue was not dead, she would have been severely traumatized. How could she not have such a vicious heart before? figure it out?

"Master, listen to my explanation." Shen Yu, whose mouth was full of blood and half of his teeth were missing, crawled up and covered his mouth and said, "I just scared her, I didn't mean to do anything."

"Scare her?" Mr. Shen sneered: "With your skills, how can you hold back the Shen family's magic technique? Okay, then you can show it to the old man and let me see how you can hold it back." , If you can’t accept it today, I’ll chop off your hands, little beast!”


When Shen Yu heard this, he still dared to speak harshly. He knelt down on the ground with a bang: "My lord, please forgive me. Yu'er was just bumped into by the younger sister and got confused for a moment. It was really not intentional!!"

Shen Qingfeng trembled all over after hearing this. At this moment, this little beast is still pushing the blame away. Does he think he is blind? It was clearly this little beast who took the initiative just now, and the younger brothers and sisters around him took the initiative, and the jealousy was so strong. If he becomes the head of the family in the future, who can he tolerate?

"That's enough, it's embarrassing!" Shen Yan said coldly: "Go back to your own yard and be confined for three days!!"

"Father." Shen Yu was stunned. His basic skills were already poor, but he was still in confinement for three days? Are you afraid that you will be completely overtaken by other disciples?

Shen Yan glanced at him, hesitated, and finally said: "Confined for one day, come to class on time tomorrow. If you dare to do it again, you will be dealt with according to the family law!"

"It's father." Shen Yu lowered his head with a look of hatred, suppressing the resentment in his eyes.

"Why don't you get out yet?"

After Shen Yu saluted, he lowered his head and walked out of the school with a gloomy look. When passing by Shen Xue, Shen Xue clearly saw a flash of resentment in the other person's eyes!

"Xue'er, are you okay?"

After teaching Shen Yu a lesson, Shen Yan came over to comfort him.

Looking at her father's friendly smiling face, Shen Xue felt no comfort at all, only feeling cold all over!

Shen Yu almost ruined himself! !

The result was a day of confinement?

That's it?

At this moment, Shen Xue immediately understood that in her father's heart, Shen Yu was still the backbone of the family's future. Even if she had some investment value, she was far less important than Shen Yu.

This is nothing, but Shen Yu is such a vicious and narrow person.

The master can catch up today, how can he catch up every day?

If one day Shen Yu becomes cruel and does it to herself, she probably won't do anything to Shen Yu at home! !

After thinking about everything, Shen Yu felt sad but at the same time, she became more determined.

He must get admitted to Jiangnan College as soon as possible and stay away from here. It's best to bring his aunt with him, otherwise something will happen sooner or later! !


"Mom, are you seasick?"

On the other side, Shen Yuan, who had brought his mother to Jiangnan, planned to take his mother directly to Liuzhou from Nanming Mansion along the waterway.

Madam Zheng looked at the busy boats going back and forth from Jiangnan on the deck, smiled and shook her head: "No, I thought I would get seasick. After all, my mother made me faint after sitting in the carriage for a long time. I didn't expect that this boat was so stable, and I didn't feel any discomfort at all. By the way, Are all the ships in Jiangnan this big?”

"Ours is considered small." Shen Yuan suddenly laughed and said: "When Junior Sister Huang from Yunzhou studies the steam ship, I'm afraid the ship will be more than twice as big as it is now."

"Twice as big?" Ms. Zheng was stunned. The ship looked like a water fortress, and it had to be twice as big. Was it going to build a palace on the water?

"There will be a lot of interesting things in Jiangnan from now on." Shen Yuan said proudly: "Mom, take your time, you will never be bored in this life."

"Really?" Ms. Zheng immediately smiled and said, "Then I'm really looking forward to it."

Mrs. Zheng smiled easily, but her expectations were true. She originally thought she would be uncomfortable leaving the Shen family, but after leaving, she found that it was much easier than she imagined, just like being shackles for many years. It's like opening it, and I feel like I'm back to the time when I was still in the boudoir.

All the worries are gone, and there is only curiosity about the future.

Looking at his mother's relaxed and longing expression, Shen Yuan stood behind him with a smile, watching quietly that his mother, who had left the Shen family, finally looked like the person she once was.

As for the Shen family's affairs, he didn't want to reveal them to his mother at all.

Just now, he saw the situation of the Shen family through Master Shen Qi's Thousand Eyes Technique. He could clearly see the situation where Shen Yu almost attacked his younger sister.

To be honest, he was not surprised at all. Having grown up together, he knew very well Shen Yu's character.

The key is that his cold father seems to be partial to his precious son.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuan sneered secretly in his heart. The current atmosphere of the three generations of the Shen family was all thanks to his cold father. He placed too much emphasis on qualifications, which made the younger generations extremely utilitarian. Even his mother, the environment of the Shen family forced her to have a big personality. Change, in such an environment, it would be a ghost if a few monsters were not born.

Now he actually dares to continue to indulge

Shen Xue must be completely cold-hearted towards her father, right?

Shen Yuan sneered. If there is one, there will be a second. He believes that he will soon see the moment when his cold father betrays his relatives and leaves!

I'm seriously stuck today and I can't write the third chapter. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow. I'm really sorry!

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