After being reminded by Laixia, Sheehan remembered.

Previously, Vivienne claimed to be looking for Laisha, and this was what she said.

The existence targeted by the old demon faction is in Lamigion, and this matter itself is a very unstable factor, so we must find her, find out her purpose of coming to Lamigion, and even Find out the reason for the whole thing, this is the commission that the president personally issued to us.

That's right, Vivienne meant to find out what Laisha's purpose was and the reason for the whole thing, but not to find out Laisha's identity and origin.

In addition, when he subdued Killian before, the knight commander also had an ugly expression when he saw the portrait of Laisha, which proved that Laisha's identity should not be a secret in the eyes of these people.

Perhaps, Leisha's identity is more transparent than Sheehan imagined.

It's just that this girl has been talking about stealing the Demon King's official residence and stealing very dangerous things from the very beginning. Could it be that her real identity is a thief or a righteous thief?

...Should we just take her back and forget it?

Sheehan's look at Laisha gradually became wrong.


Lai Xia was keenly aware of something, she shivered all over, and the expression watching Sheen became full of vigilance.

Although he didn't know what the off-line hero was thinking, Laixia knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

At the moment, out of self-protection instinct, Laixia hurriedly changed the subject.

In short, even if I am not a faction, I will not be an enemy to you. It will never hurt you to cooperate with me. Think about it!

Speaking of which, Laixia's attitude was already very humble.

This made Lai Xia feel tired, and the idea of ​​doubting life became stronger and stronger.


Sheehan crossed his arms and began to think about it seriously.

Destroy the large army of the old demon faction?

This is not absolutely impossible to do.

Anyway, after seeing Killian, Sheehan's favorability for this so-called old demon faction has been reduced to the lowest level. Even if they are really wiped out, he will not have any psychological burden.

Besides, if the people from the old demon clan really came to rescue Killian, what would Lamegeon look like? Sheen didn't know, but Sheen knew that those guys would definitely get into trouble for him.

After all, judging from the general plot trend, at this time, the pretending persecutor whose name is very similar to the Zayu Daxu in a certain migrant worker manga should already be mad at himself, feel humiliated by himself, and want to kill him. If you are rescued after the fact, you will take revenge like a standard villain's routine, which can basically be said to be a routine that you can think of with your knees.

Moreover, the other party will definitely take revenge in a high-profile manner, such as taking the people of this town as hostages, forcing himself into a desperate situation, or taking the whole town to bury himself and let himself die in pain. Kind of, this can be said to be a typical villain style.

At that time, he will be forced to helpless to take out the holy sword and kill all these villains in seconds, but for this reason, he will expose his identity, enter the vision of the major forces, be valued or worshipped, and establish the entire protagonist model, This is another trick, right?

If Sheehan wanted to be the protagonist, doing so would be a textbook template, just follow it.

Unfortunately, Sheehan is not that kind of person.

In this case...

(It's better to take advantage of the risk-free way to get rid of those so-called old demons, and then put all the blame on this great robber.)

Sheehan was instantly enlightened.

But before that, Sheehan still has something to confirm.

With the two of us,

Can you destroy the large army of the old demon clan?

Sheehan's meaning is obvious, that he didn't want to end up with some big coffee and was counter-killed.

Are you still worried about this? Laixia laughed and said, You can be unscathed in front of me at such a low level. If you add the power of the holy sword, in addition to the three goddesses and the six demons At that level, is there anyone else who can be your opponent?

That's not necessarily. Sheehan didn't get carried away at all, but cautiously said: How do I know how high the level of the person who comes here will be? How strong will the ability be? Everyone understands the truth, but it's not obvious, how do I know if the opposite side will come to Yin?

At least, Sheehan doesn't think that reality can be like a novel, as long as the power is strong enough, the universe can ignore everything in seconds.

You know, in this day and age, a fighting nation that can blow up a planet may be almost killed by a laser gun, and a hanged man who hides in a life support device all day will also collapse in a strange Kansai accent. In front of the double spy's gun, Sheehan felt that he had better be more careful to avoid accidents.

You are really strange. Laixia smiled bitterly and said, Indeed, the old demon clan has a lot of inhuman methods that I can use, and I can't guarantee it is safe, but this time we attacked them, not them. Hiding in the dark and doing things, as long as you pay attention, with my ability and yours, no matter how bad it is, we can save our lives and retreat, right?

Sheehan has a very high level of resistance skills, as well as the protection of the holy sword. Even if he can't beat him, there will be no accident. This has been confirmed in front of Laixia.

Laixia is also a user of space magic. If she simply wants to escape, almost no one can stop her.

With this ability as a guarantee, Laixia dared to invite Sheehan to destroy the large army of the old demon clan.

Unless there is a strange and unique skill user on the opposite side, but the probability is very low, we can rest assured.

Lai Xia's performance was pretty solid, but Sheehan always felt that this was a


A unique skill?

Sheehan was thoughtful.

That's right. Laixia nodded and said: Unique skills are very special abilities, which may be completely useless, or may show earth-shattering effects, subverting all unfavorable states, so those who can awaken unique skills People are generally valued, and it is because of your unique skills that you become so extraordinary at such a low level, right?

Therefore, whether there is a unique skill and what kind of effect the unique skill has will directly determine a person's role and strength.

Generally speaking, it's fine if you don't have unique skills, but when you have unique skills, you must first calculate the strength of the unique skills, and then calculate the level and skills. This is what judges a person's strength. standard.

Lesha explained.

For example, the six great demons of the demon world, the cadres under their command are not much different from them in terms of level and skills, but as the family of the demon king, all the six great demons have quite terrifying unique skills, You can easily crush these cadres whose level and skills are not much different from your own.

It's also because of this that the heroes of all dynasties have high expectations, because they usually have powerful unique skills, and even a holy sword that does not lose to unique skills at all. The two conditions are combined, even if the three Neither the goddess nor the six great devils dare to underestimate.

You were summoned to this world not long ago, but as a hero, you should be able to grow up quickly. If you encounter an enemy in the future, you must not ignore the influence of your unique skills, okay?

Listening to Laixia's words, Sheehan pondered.

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