104 – Runaway (1)

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After the great storm passed, the lab became very quiet. I don’t feel any magical response.

Of course, the lab shouldn’t be like this.

Can’t you feel any magic reaction in the lab full of all kinds of experiment tools and magic circles? Even here in the deepest part of the Magic Tower?

However, no matter how absurd it is, since it is a reality that has already happened before our eyes, we have come too far to dismiss this as nonsense.

“…The sorted mana is all crushed.”

After watching Faust go back through the portal, Elias takes a deep breath and looks around, expressing mixed emotions.

The laboratory was completely tainted by Faust’s magic and presence.

Just as if a powerful magnet was brought to an electronic device or hydrochloric acid was sprayed on an electronic circuit, all of the magic tools and research equipment in the laboratory were completely destroyed by Faust’s magic and presence.

It has been a long time since the mana circuits, which were carefully constructed one by one using mana, have become lumps rather than lines as they are simply crushed and united.

Literally, the lab has become a storehouse of junk that is just a lab on the outside.

There is no magician who will not be offended by this, as the laboratory he has devoted all his heart and soul to has become so wrecked.

However, Elias is not feeling as bad as he thought.

“…it’s okay, it doesn’t matter.”

In this way, the confidence he had longed for came into his arms.

In the first place, the ultimate goal of all these magic tools and experimental tools was to gain prestige, so even if they were broken, it wasn’t that big of a damage.

‘…Still, it’s a bit disappointing. In the future, I would have created an artificial trust.’

Of course, even if it’s not damage, even if it doesn’t feel that bad, the regret is physiologically unavoidable.

The devil’s blueprint, which he had made by collecting all kinds of demon data, had become just a lump of mana. If you want to make it again, you can make it, but obviously it will take a long time, and Elias, knowing that very well, decides to stop letting go of the devil’s blueprint.

If the story of the original work had gone the way, Elias, who would soon have created an artificial deity using the devil’s blueprints and pierced the sky with arrogance and pride, now just touches the deity given by Faust and giggles.


‘It’s surprisingly empty.’

I returned after entrusting the trust to Elias, but since the trust that has been attached to me all this time has disappeared, the feeling of emptiness is no joke.

No, should I say desire, not emptiness?

Until now, I had no idea why the beings of this world were so hung up on the Goddess, but after having one, I think I know the reason very well.

I want to feel great satisfaction again. I don’t want to let go of it, even though I wouldn’t be able to reach half of half of half of my strength.

Ugh… It looks like you’ve got withdrawal symptoms.


Since I came back, Lucia said worriedly, probably feeling that I was a little strange.

“It’s nothing, don’t worry too much.”


It was just a reflexive word to reassure her, and Lucia must be well aware of it, but she doesn’t bother to say anything.

Even though he probably doesn’t know what happened, he’s just trying to reassure me by burrowing into my arms and handing over his body temperature.

…Well, it’s new, but Lucia is really kind.

Lucia keeps trying to appeal to herself as a woman, but how can she look at my daughter who is so kind with those eyes.

“Anyway, we have to do our job while the processing of the crystal is finished.”

Carefully caressing Lucia in her arms, she announces to the warrior party.

Iris looked at Lucia and me alternately with eyes mixed with jealousy and resentment, but she pretended not to know because she wasn’t talking about something so simple that she had to pay attention to it.

“If you say it’s our job…?”

“As I said before, I can see a fate important enough to threaten the world.”

After it was revealed that I knew the future, Lucia and Iris continued to flirt with me, trying to figure out who they would end up with.

The excuses made up to prevent it can only know the future that is so important that it becomes a threat to the world. Of course, Lucia and Iris didn’t want to believe it, saying it was a lie, but I had to believe it because I kept insisting.

“Just like what happened in Katara, an event similar to the creation of the demon’s spirit is taking place.”

“Yes, the mage tower has become a dungeon.”


After answering Celestine’s question, the group becomes quiet for a moment.

For them, who had never seen the Mage Tower before coming to Eilyu Festival, the fact that the Mage Tower was turned into a dungeon didn’t appeal to them that much, but it was a story that could be experienced enough if it was said to be at a level similar to that of the demons.

Above all, it is impossible not to be sentimental even when looking at that accumulation of mana, which makes one feel awe just by looking at it.

“Then, shouldn’t we stop that huge mage tower before it turns into a dungeon?”

Lena says.

Lena’s words are extremely correct.

If that mage tower with such a huge accumulation of mana and high-purity mana flows was turned into a dungeon, it would be so terrible that words alone could not describe it all.

There will be an enormous number of victims that are truly unimaginable.

But… there’s a problem.

‘If the Mage Tower is prevented from turning into a dungeon, everyone will be completely deprived of the opportunity to become stronger.’

As I said before, Ailyuje is the area that decorates the end of Noah’s Phase 2, and Noah’s update has been stopped at Ailyuje for a long time.

In other words, the production team of Noah, including myself, has handled the work in a way that continues to add content to Aileu Festival, which means that unlike other regions, Aileu Festival has a huge difference between starting and ending.

‘From my memory, the highest level has already stopped, so when I looked at combat power, did it jump from 600,000 to 4,000,000…?’

Of course, even if everyone gets stronger, it won’t be of much help when fighting Seraphia as I’m more overwhelmingly stronger, but I’ll be able to focus on the fight against Seraphia with peace of mind if I raise it to the point where I won’t die.

Even the problem is not only fighting power.

“…Dungeonization of the Mage Tower is essential to catching the goddess.”


After watching my reaction, I answer Celestine’s question as if she realized something.

As Celestine said, turning the mage tower into a dungeon is essential to catching the goddess.

If the accumulation of mana at the top of the magic tower runs out of control and then absorbed into the demon god, a magic tool that can cross the god world without any penalty is completed.

The problem is the process.

The runaway accumulation of mana creates cracks in the space and summons monsters from the other world, which creates synergy with the mage tower that has become a dungeon, creating a huge number of victims.

“Dad… what do you want to do?”

Iris and Celestine, who started adventures and clerical work to save people in danger, but are caught in a dilemma of killing people to save people. Aigo, Flora, and Nero who cannot participate in the process.

In a situation where all of their mouths are closed, only Lucia, who is in her arms, carefully opens her mouth to talk to me.

“…I’m a devil, as everyone knows. It’s nonsense that a devil cares about the deaths of others. If Seraphia is not captured, the world will live forever in designed chaos.”

Can not help it.

Even so, I couldn’t let Seraphia continue to misbehave.

As seen in the case of Apollyon, Serapia has already clearly recognized us as hostile forces, and if so, everyone’s lives could be threatened at any time. It gives me goosebumps even though I just imagined that Lucia could be caught in Serapia’s machinations and suffer terrible things.

The dungeon conversion of the Mage Tower and the consequent runaway of mana accumulation must be done.

“But I still have a human mind and common sense. I can tell what’s right and what’s wrong, even though my emotions have turned completely demonic.”

However, if you have to do it, you will have to do your best to avoid as many victims as possible.

There are many methods, such as evacuating all mages before the mage tower turns into a dungeon, or spreading a barrier to block the runaway mana accumulation.


“The mage tower’s dungeon conversion and the mana accumulation runaway will happen as planned, but we will mobilize all means to prevent victims from occurring.”

After my words, there is a bit of silence in the warrior’s party.

And there is emotion in the eyes of each individual who creates that silence.

No, everyone shows such a burdensome reaction to something like this, yes, it’s natural.

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