135 – Void (1)

“what is this…”

Serafia’s condition is truly appalling.

To the point that even I, who had been assimilated to Faust’s spirit to a large extent, stood up with my body flinching.

It’s like watching a mother game with two names featuring zombies.

Serapia’s body turns black, melts, and transforms into an impossible shape.

“No no…!”

Serafia’s fate has already been decided for anyone to see, but Serafia, the party to that fate, doesn’t seem to think so.

He picks up the flowing body again and desperately attaches it to his body, and sucks in the slimy black thing that protrudes from his mouth.

Of course, things like that couldn’t normalize Cerapia’s abnormal state right now, so Cerapia’s actions were no different from simply scooping out all the seawater with a bucket.


“Ah, ahh…!!”

Serapia’s limbs no longer retain their former shape.

Her body, which had become like a black slime, stuck to the rainbow-colored space, and Serafia screamed incessantly as if she hated it, but she couldn’t seem to stop such a phenomenon.

What is this… What is it?

It’s the first time I’ve seen this phenomenon.

To say that Shin Wi got out of his body and became like this is in stark contrast to what I have seen so far. Isn’t it completely different from the case of Irine and Belial in the original work?

If the body became like a black slime when Shinwi escaped, the two of them should have been like that, but Irine and Belial in the original story were not like this at all. It’s so terrible to melt into something black like that.

“…I can’t feel the dignity.”

Above all, if the spirit is a structure that comes from the body of Serapia, the energy of the spirit should be felt, but I don’t feel anything like that. Only the pain of Serapia was infinitely felt.

what the heck

When I possessed Faust’s body, it was about two years before Seraphia was released, and because of that, I didn’t know the story of Cerapia or what happens when you defeat Cerapia, so I don’t know why Cerapia is doing this now. I have no idea.

This is… so horrible.

Serafia’s appearance is so devastating that it could have been a bit controversial if it had been directed as it was in the original work.

“I… what did I do wrong… I…!”

“…You’ve intentionally spread your faith by causing chaos in the world. If that’s not your fault—”

“It’s still that stupid!”


Lucia, who was talking to Serapia, heard the screams and shut her mouth in an instant.

It might seem like a very strange scene to shut up at such a scolding of a villain, but since Serapia’s screams contained only sincerity without any pretense, I couldn’t hear it with one ear and let it go with the other.

Above all, Serafia’s voice, which began to melt down to her vocal chords, sounded so empty and monstrous that those who heard it naturally had no choice but to listen to Serafia’s voice. Me too.

“Life… is constant…! The limit of life force… is constant…!”


“The world will perish if that threshold is exceeded, so I… pruned…!”

Lucia is speechless, and so am I.

What is the limit of life force? pruning?

What, that’s really the first time I’ve heard of it… Huh?


Hearing Serapia’s absurd cry, I was so dumbfounded that I looked around a bit, but everyone else’s reaction except for Elias was so calm.

Iris, Celestine, Lena, Belial, and Irene are reacting as if they knew from the beginning, as if they were retelling what they already knew.

“The branches that died from pruning are not thrown away as garbage but used as firewood, but pointing fingers at them…! You filthy hypocrite…!!”


“I… I was in charge of all the dirty work… How dare you…! Hee, heee…! Me and Stella right now!!!!!!”

Serafia’s eyes turned to me.

Even though it had already melted halfway and it wouldn’t form a proper image in her eyes, Serafia’s eyes were clearly focused on me, no, on Stella’s thoughts inside my body.

…You killed Stella.

But what kind of bullshit is that?

“It’ll only hurt your mouth if you talk any more. Then stop… relax.”

I don’t know why Cerapia suddenly became like that, but what is certain now is that Serapia will never return to its former form.

Just as I will struggle and die forever in pain like that, euthanasia of Seraphia is the last bastion to protect my humanity. Give mercy to Serapia.

“Kuh… kuh kuh… Yeah, that’s it.”


However, Serafia suddenly starts laughing.

At the subject of screaming and struggling because she didn’t want to die just a moment ago, she suddenly giggled and slaps her forehead as if she realized something.

The forehead and hands all turned into sticky black slime, so it made a very strange sound.

“Listen, Faust. You will suffer forever.”

It’s too confident to be called a curse, and I don’t feel any resentment to even curse it.

Of course, Serapia is obviously spewing resentment and resentment everywhere for being killed like this, but those bad feelings are not directed at me.

Serapia speaks like Cassandra, calmly making a prophecy.

“The world will choose you as my next manager.”


“You will have to kill people even if you don’t want to kill, you will become evil forged, and in the end you will be killed by the one you love the most. That… is your destiny.”

And just as I took Stella’s place, and you took mine, the being you love will take your place and suffer anew.

My vocal cords were completely melted, so I couldn’t understand the words that followed because the pronunciation was infinitely muffled, but I could understand them.

Right after that, Serafia’s hands, eyes, head, and everything else are pointing at me, but none of them are fully pointing at the object of “me.”

I’m just aiming for the death of Stella’s thoughts in my body.

…What the hell, what is this?


And Serafia’s body didn’t even move.

Serafia’s body, which had completely turned into a black slime, was stuck in the rainbow-colored space and disappeared.

But no one here, including me, thought it was over.

Even if Serapia’s body was stuck in space and disappeared, the divine deity of light never appeared.

The space that just shimmers in iridescent light without any objects is enough to make the viewers feel disgusted.

[Error detected.]

And it doesn’t take too long, the rainbow-colored space turns red in an instant, and then a mechanical sound warns.

…error detection?


What the hell is that— ugh…!

[Searching for new admin…]

Read from noble mtl dot com


Divine power is raging in all directions.

Divine power so powerful that it is incomparable to such things as the divine power of the demons or the demon power of Belial is raging in this reddish space.

The concentration and strength of the divine power are so high that if you let go of your mind even a little, you will get drunk with that divine power and go out of your mind.



Fortunately, thanks to the equipment that everyone has adjusted in preparation for being pickled by Cerapia’s divine power, it is showing its full performance, so the party just frowns, but the situation they were worried about is not happening, but that equipment is not all-powerful, so it has such divine power. If you continue to receive it, it is certain that it will break someday.

In other words, I have to get out of this situation somehow…! Damn, I need to retreat first.

Read from noble mtl dot com


Open a portal to the underworld using the crystal of the god.

Fortunately, it’s still working fine, so it doesn’t seem like something terrible will happen as expected.

“Everyone, hurry up and run away!! Since an unexpected situation has occurred, we must first retreat and observe the situation!!”


Including the existing warrior party, Elias, Belial, Irene, and others who have newly joined all nod their heads in agreement with my opinion.

We have to get out of here as quickly as possible.

My instincts, the will of [Faust] immersed in my unconsciousness, and Stella’s thoughts dwelling in my body all strongly insist on the fact that we must get out of here as quickly as possible.

[Complete searching for new manager… Designate new manager—-… Error detected. Designation failed due to coordinate transformation.]


After confirming that everyone has passed through the portal, they pass through the portal for the last time while hearing the machine sound that still emits strange sounds.

The divine power that had bound my entire body until just a moment ago, when my body touches the portal, leaves my body as if it had never happened before.

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