The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 940: Modern Fan, Twenty-four

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However, looking at the degree of redness on Zhao Yuxi's face, her family must be very afraid of the night Shenyuan. So, after learning that she let Zhao Yuxi go to surrender, out of the account of the night Shenyuan, their family will definitely let Zhao Yuxi sit on two Year of the prison to calm his anger.

After thinking about this, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she screamed at the eyebrows. These things, she had thought very little before, and her growth was actually half a year, that is, this short half year, which made her look like a long life.

She used to think that her luck was very bad. In the past six months, she was crushed into a quagmire.

Fortunately, after waking up from the dock, she suddenly felt the time to run... Even if all this was good luck, it was brought by the night Shenyuan.

The practice of the night Shen Yuan also made her slowly understand the importance of power. The idea was raised and raised. If it wasn’t for the night, Shen Yuxi would still be at the school gate.

The answer is obvious.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she frowned and her thoughts were complicated to a certain extent. She shook her head.

Forget it! I don't want to, some people are better than others, and she doesn't seem to have a choice.

After all, there is no night Shen Yuan, she can only revenge slowly, facing the Lijia family, she may have to wait a few years before there is a chance of revenge.

And now with the help of the night Shen Yuan, she can revenge in advance! Can she resist this temptation?

Obviously not!

At most it is... owe him more!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I bite my lower lip, and there is always a sense of powerlessness that I can’t afford and can’t refuse...

Or... or revenge first! Anyway, the debt is more than awkward!

What she didn't know was that the night Shen Yuan wanted this effect.

After hearing the subordinate's return, Yu Shenyuan appreciated the practice of the early Yuan Dynasty. She was very clever and opposed the army. With his power, the Zhao family had to send their daughter to jail.

A young age, still in the parents of ordinary people, can have this level of thinking, already very good, and sure enough, it is worthy of his fancy girl.

If the assistant on the side knows what his young master is thinking now, he will certainly be unable to help but vomit: you will say that what you did at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is something you don't appreciate!

Sure enough, the future lady will not have any bad points!

Night Shen Yuan thought for a moment, and told him, "Prepare, go back to the sea in the afternoon, book the Pafnia restaurant, and the rest of the trip will be pushed back one day."

The well-dressed male assistant should have a cry, "Yes, young master."

Then he handed over the work to the general secret. There are three secretaries under the general secret. Without a moment of effort, the post will be pushed back and the treatment will be dealt with.

As the most important personal assistant, the things he needs to consider are also the most important.

For example: What kind of clothes does the young master wear at night, in order to show his appearance and not give the little girl a sense of distance?

Another example: Which car can be accepted for the little girl?

Too expensive to fear that the other side is under pressure, not so expensive, will the little girl have a gap in her heart?

Terrible, these problems are too important, he has to ponder!

On the other hand, after the first class in the Yuan Dynasty, I learned that the female classmate who had threatened to let her not come to school today, when she went back last night, accidentally broke her hand, so she took sick leave.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was not very concerned about this. Is it not normal for people to have an accident?

But the classmates in the class saw her eyes more subtle, and many people secretly rumored. The two days of the matter, is that the old man rushing to the crown for a red face?

Occasionally, I heard some shreds at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. During the class, she thought with her eyes closed and sneered at the corners of her mouth.

As a matter of fact, her reputation will become so unbearable, thanks to the old "good friends"!

At the beginning, she was still in Class A. Because of Wen Xueru's relationship, most of the people in the class were very indifferent to her. At that time, she was still small, and she would be very upset when she was excluded.

And her friend, who appeared at her most embarrassing time, she could feel that the other party was really out of heart at first, but later, she changed, because Gu Yixuan, she became terrible.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she slowly opened her eyes. She came back yesterday. Her good friend should have got the news, but she has never appeared. Is she looking for the right time?

It’s like before, when she was most helpless, she bite her, and sure enough, the biting dog doesn’t call...

Since she does not come to her, she will take the initiative to meet this good friend! After all, Liu Jigui’s business wants to be completely solved, how can he get the participation of this friend?

At noon, when I was at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I took out the lunch made by my father. After eating quietly, I was ready to go to Class A.

It is worth mentioning that when her desk arrived today, it has been replaced with a new one, with new books and various materials.

Although it was seen in the face of the night Shen Yuan, Director Xu was very careful, because the teachers in the morning classes changed.

Those teachers did not meet in the school at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but they are very strict. They have a famous teacher style, and the knowledge of the professor is also the key points and essence they have accumulated.

They came to class, the noise of those students was a lot less, some simply skipped classes, or slept.

This made the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty very relaxed throughout the morning, not only learned the knowledge she needed most, but no one came to her trouble.

After the meal was cleaned at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was placed in the desk, and then the class was released and went to Class A.

The entire grade, only Class A is the most tightly held, and it is unkind to say that students in this class, if they only take a normal book, are a very shameful thing.

So many of them have no rest at noon, and they will continue to review after eating.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I didn't want to bother those people. She just wanted to talk about it alone, but she didn't want to. She was not close to Class A. At the corner of the stairs, she heard someone talking about her.

"Xiao Xiao, do you know? The thorns of the F class were all rectified by the lover of the Yuan Dynasty! It is said that Zhu Yuxuan’s Liu Zong really has such a big skill? Or has it been fainted by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Regardless of it?"

Another girl said, "This time when I came back at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the thing that happened was bigger than one! Yin Yinlin was only fired after she had trained her. It seems that there is someone above. You must be careful! I used to bully you, this time someone gave her support, she might not do anything for you!"

Lin Biao heard the words, the little face was a little pale, and then waved again and again.

"Don’t say anything, Xiaochu has to sleep with an old man every day. It’s already very miserable. If she really wants to vent, just come to me! I just hope that I won’t be tired of other classmates in the class...”

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