The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 956: Modern Fan, Forty

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"!" Liu Yuanyang said that he couldn’t speak, he didn’t know what to say...

correct! The date above!

This is not the old society. You can sue him at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

This time, he is really lifting a rock and licking his own feet!

The people around did not expect such a reversal, did not speak, and finally stared at Liu Yuanyang at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and smiled coldly.

"I know what you want to do, nothing more than stinking my reputation, diverting everyone's attention, disguising yourself as an innocent victim, using the pressure of public opinion to escape judicial sanctions.

But your family’s tax evasion is an ironclad certificate, and fraud is an ironclad certificate! I really want to make your family unlucky, but if you are innocent, can I still fail?

I tell you, every crime you have is established! No matter how good or bad my reputation is, I will not let you have the opportunity!

Go to hell! ”

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he walked with the bodyguards, and the words of the early Yuan Dynasty also made everyone wake up like a dream!

Less than 16 signed contracts, Wen Tiancheng who faked her father, and the early Yuan still have to sue him!

What does this mean, this shows that she was completely persecuted at the time!

Which fifteen or six children can play with a few adults in the applause?

Wen Tiancheng, who knows the situation at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, knows that Wen Tiancheng is not the father of the early Yuan Dynasty. Because she was not a surname at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she was not in the household registration of the writer. of……

This is very obvious. The Liu family did commit crimes. He made a show today to pull the water together at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Many people think that Liu Jia was in the early days of retaliation, but did not think of a deeper reason.

All in all, those who are waiting to see the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty are disappointed again.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the perfect counterattack made one side of the bodyguards stunned. He used his adoring eyes to look at his own lady. How to see how to match the young master.

After walking to a no-one alley, the Yuan suddenly blocked him in the alley!

This picture is a bit contradictory. After all, it was so high at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the bodyguard was one meter eight.

In order to make himself look more burly, there is a two-centimeter increase in the shoes.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he looked at him and his expression was very subtle.

The bodyguard began to laugh, but the face of the early Yuan was serious, his hand sneaked into the Bluetooth headset, but was first intercepted by the beginning of the Yuan!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was definitely hard to grab him, but how can he and the young master of the young master grab something? A hesitation, the headset is gone...

At the beginning of Yuan, I looked at the headphones and looked at him again, then turned off the headphones.

"Tell it, who are you? How long have you been with me?"

The bodyguard listens, and your feet are close together!

"Return to less... Miss Yuan! My name is Meng Qi! The young master sent me to protect you. It has been a few days!"

After that, he showed a harmless smile of humans and animals!

"..." Yuan was thinking about asking something again. Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

Take it up and see it, it really is the night Shen Yuan!

Seeing him is the first thing that I thought of at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, that is, the three kisses that I have already killed. The little face is slightly red.

She took a phone call with some anger, and she didn’t even understand why she was mad!

"Initial?" See the beginning of the Yuan did not speak, the night Shen Yuan first opened, the low-pitched voice slid across the eardrum, the face of the early Yuan was redder!

"Who told you to call me like this?!"

Night Shen Yuan smiled and changed the phone to answer it. "What is that called you? Xiaochu, early childhood?" Or... Baby? Sweetheart?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he listened to him like this, and his ears started to have a fever!

Forget it, don't tell him this! She pouted and asked, "What are you calling me!"

Originally treated as a savior, she should not be so fierce, but I don’t know why. Although she knew that she owed him a lot at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she still couldn’t help but want to be angry with him!

Closer to home, Night Shen Yuan also said very seriously, "I called you, I hope you don't mind the existence of Meng Qi, he is retired from the ace special forces, and he is good at hiding. If you don't want to see him, he promises. It won't let you find it, he will only appear when others want to hurt you, so you don't have to feel that your freedom is being deprived."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "..." She did not expect freedom to be deprived of this piece!

Night Shen Yuan said again, "And Meng Qi is older, calmer, and indifferent, you want him to do anything, as long as he is told to give him, he will do well."

Calm... indifferent? Iron? At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I went back to see Meng Qi. Meng Qi quickly gave her a thick smile. The expression was like saying: Don't let me protect it! My fist is super hard! I have to give praise~

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was achilled by his own imagination. It seems that he is as smart as a night, and there will be places he missed...

At night, Shen Shenyuan did not say that he had to send one more person. After all, he was discovered by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Everything must be gradual.

Seeing the beginning of the Yuan did not have any opinions, he finally said.

"You can rest assured that Liu's business, you will not see them again."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he asked with big eyes. "You want to kill people?"

Night Shen Yuan is crying and laughing, "How come? I am a kind person, I will not do anything to them, just to serve people with morality."

"In addition, your performance today is great." Let me prefer it...

Of course, the last sentence he did not say, he first hang up the phone with a smile.

Just this time, the general secretary called in.

"Young Master, Miss Wan Hao is here."

Night Shen Yuan slightly frowned.

"No, I decided to hand over the vaccine cooperation case to Dingshan Pharmaceutical."

The general secret said quickly before the night Shen Yuan hang up the phone.

"No, Miss Wan Hao is not coming to talk about that. She came with Mr. Zhao of the Longfeng Cruise. I want to talk to you about the development of the Haizhong Wharf. They all want to raise funds and see if there is any opportunity for cooperation. ”

Night Shen Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows, a company of a generation of pharmaceuticals suddenly wanted to invest in the dock, which is not enough fast?

However, Zhao Lian still has to see it. Although the terminal does not need financing, their boat is doing a good job. Since it has already arrived, let's talk about it.

"Call them in."


Office waiting area.

Wan Minmin sat there, her smile was stiff from the inside out, and even Zhao always talked to her. She didn't seem to hear the same spirit.

If the speculation is good, the gold master behind the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty should be the night Shen Yuan!

But how is it possible? How can two people in this cloud mud be twisted together?

So she came here this time, I want to confirm the side attack, hope is not the night Shen Yuan, after all, he is notoriously not close to the female color, definitely not him!

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