The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 967: Modern Fan, 51

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At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, one piece turned over, and the more you watched, the more shocking you were! She originally thought that the Wen family was very honest. I didn't expect that there were so many illegal operations. When her photo was turned to the end, it was a bold and bold word.

- What else do you want to know? I still have a lot here.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was very anxious and quickly returned.

- Fast ~ I want to know the back!

The night Shen Yuanyuan quickly returned to the news.

- The rest is not good, so, let's take it, I will pick you up after class in the morning.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was shy!

She only kissed someone yesterday, and today he came to the door... How to do it, she must be prepared in advance, can not be dizzy!

After more than an hour of psychological construction, after the class bell rang, I went out of school at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

There are more than two hours of rest at noon, and it is enough to eat a meal.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I secretly told myself that she was going to get evidence, calm and calm, and what happened yesterday should never think again!

In my heart, I warned myself over and over again. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I came to the school gate and saw the car of the night Shen Yuan at a glance.

This car was opened before the night of Shen Yuan, black, looks very low-key, but has a restrained luxury.

Seeing the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the night Shen Yuan also came out. He got out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of most people.

There is a kind of person like this. As soon as it appears, it is the focus of the crowd, and he does not care about those, his eyes only look to the beginning of the Yuan, and the gentleman opens the door.

The door can be opened by himself, but the night Shen Yuan feels that his little princess deserves the highest specification.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she got on the car in the eyes of everyone. She was a celebrity in school. Her reputation was better than before. More than a little, of course, there are still many people who say bad things about her, but it is nothing.

Night Shen Yuan personally gave her a seat belt.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he held his breath subconsciously!

I don't know if it is because of the change of mood, she feels that the night Shen Yuan seems to be handsome again! Especially when he hangs his head, his mouth is smiling, and her legs are soft!

"All right."

Listening to the night Shen Yuan said, the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is just like a dream! Mom, did she just watch him stay? Should no one find it? !

Night Shen Yuan looked at her ever-changing expression, and her mouth was deeper and deeper. He approached and asked some doubts.

"You seem to be nervous... Is the car too hot?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he subconsciously retreated and stared at him with vigilance. "No, I am just thinking about things... Yes! I am thinking about the evidence. You are not saying to give me face to face? Give it to me now!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she remembered her main purpose. Sure enough, she must control herself!

Night Shen Yuan chuckled, "No hurry, let's go eat first."

After that, I started the car and headed for the city.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the hands were nervous and took the seat belt, and used the night light to watch the night Shen Yuan. "That... shouldn't you be very busy? Just come out, it doesn't matter?"

Night Shen Yuan said with a smile, "Fortunately, not busy, rest assured, I have a clear priority."

At this time, I was in the office to help the night Shen Yuan to see the file assistant sneezed!

Young master, don't bring this! Can the injury caused by overtime work be solved by processing capital? !

I didn’t know it at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but the night Shen Yuan said that he had a clear distinction. Then he must have dealt with the matter. If nothing happened, come to her.

What I thought of at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I said, "I saw Wen Xueru today!"

She wrinkled her nose. "I hate her very much! But she has a thick face and dare to come to me. She also told me that the Wen family is innocent! Super annoying!"

I didn't find out at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. She had already regarded the night Shen Yuan as a very close person. Some words that would not be said to her dad, in front of him, can naturally complain about the export.

Night Shen Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of Wen Xueru, he remembered the news he had seen before.

He once investigated the injury at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but the evidence was very crippled because of heavy rain and camera vacancies. The only certainty is that Wen Xueru had secretly bought a gun, and that day, she was also near the pier. Appeared.

Before he asked about the injury at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she did not say it at the time, probably because of the unfamiliar reason, and now...

Night Shen Yuan asked, "You hate her so much, is it because... the one who started with you, is she?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Shen Yuanyuan also asked this question before, but she did not answer when she wanted to take revenge. Now she still wants to take revenge, but... she is willing to tell her about her.

"Well, it’s her. She is not only sick in the heart, but also sick in her mind! I thought she would not do this stupid thing for my heart. Who knows she is so crazy..."

Even Wen Tiancheng did not dare to shoot and kill directly. He had to say that Wen Xueru really made her unexpected!

After the night Shen Yuan listened, there was a cold light flashing through the bottom of my eyes.

He had speculation in this regard before, so he did not move the writer, because those who hate it, how can you easily fall? Those who tortured her to torture, shouldn’t go back ten times and play slowly, is it interesting?

He said to the beginning of the Yuan, "Don't worry, no matter what they do, we just want to watch the show."

There is a strong self-confidence in the words of the night Shen Yuan. It seems that regardless of the conspiracy of the writer, it is not worth mentioning to him.

At the beginning of the Yuan, I looked at him with a puzzle. Why did she hear the smell of mischief? It should be wrong. The man who is so mature at night.

She whispered, "Today Wen Xueru still wants me to go back to the writers at night and give Wen Tiancheng a long life, hehe! If you can, I really want to send a row of wreaths in the past!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he whispered, but he was still heard by the night Shen Yuan. He whispered his lips and said without hesitation.

"This idea is very interesting, you can try it at night."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he thought he was joking. When he was about to say something, the restaurant arrived.

After the night Shen Yuan took the car at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty was still asking for strength. "Can you really send a wreath? Is this going to be..."

The night Shen Yuan fingers gently sealed her lips, and the deep eyes were a pet smile.

"My baby can do anything, but for now, don't let these things interfere with your mood. Let's eat first?"

He is a baby, so that the beginning of the Yuan is a pretty face, who, who is his baby!

Their eye-catching and paired pair attracted the attention of many guests, and then the night Shen Yuan went to the top floor with the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This restaurant has a sky garden with glass and flowers on all sides, in the center of the garden. Sitting at a place where you can eat, not only can you see the beauty of the city and the sea, but also be surrounded by white clouds and flowers!

Night Shenyuan was chosen for a long time before he picked up such a place.

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