"Huh~ It seems I couldn't catch up."

After putting down the woman in the yellow patterned kimono and quickly setting up a bonfire, Xia Qing couldn't help but be a little surprised when she caught a glimpse of the other party's face.

The woman's skin was as smooth as snow, and her closed eyes trembled slightly, as if she felt the pain from the wound on her back, and she bit her lips tightly.

Her appearance is as crystal clear as jade, like a crescent moon, like a tree with flowers and piles of snow, her surroundings are gorgeous, her body is quiet and her body is leisurely, delicate and graceful, and she is incomparably beautiful.

The blood that overflowed from the bitten lips dyed the woman's lips bright red, which actually added a bit of beauty to her.

"You just picked up a beauty...?"

Xia Qing took off his coat, built a shelf with simple wooden sticks, and hung the clothes that had been wet by the rain on it to dry.

Simply now, the sky is gradually getting better, the dark clouds all over the sky have been cleared away, and the bright moonlight is still reappearing.

Then, Xia Qing's eyes turned to the woman next to him again. The woman's sleeping appearance was extremely beautiful, but Xia Qing, who had already seen Saber's beauty before, didn't seem too nervous.

After all, it's not like he's never seen a woman before, and he's not to the point where his hands tremble and he swallows when he sees a beautiful woman.

"Although the healing magic has stopped the blood loss, the wound may become infected if left alone..."

So...all we need to do now is bandage her...?

Xia Qing's outstretched hand trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but swallow.

He slowly placed his hands on the material of the woman's kimono, and then gently opened it a little.


This was really torture for him. To treat his wounds with a calm expression, he had to take off his clothes. However, Xia Qing had never had any experience in this area.

I remember that the woman Xia Qing had the most contact with in the previous world was when she kidnapped Sora.

Sakura was too young to be included, and Xia Qing had always doted on her as a younger sister.

"Calm down, calm down... take a deep breath, I can do it, I can do it... I can do it...!"

[There are only 5 minutes left before bedtime 21:00, please prepare to go to bed immediately! ]

At this moment, the system beep sounded suddenly, which made Xia Qing's hands tremble.

"Ah~ I got it, I got it, I'll finish it in five minutes!"

Xia Qing, who was pressed for time, didn't care about her virginity complex. She turned the woman over directly to the place where the leaves were piled up. She stretched her hands forward from the slender snow-white neck, grabbed the collar of the kimono and pulled it back... …

"I'm ready!"

After finishing, Xia Qing immediately lay down on the "bed" made of leaves made by Platinum Star, and quickly fell into sleep.

The woman who was immersed in sleep suddenly felt light and airy. Although she still felt a slight pain in the wound, it suddenly began to lessen.

The peaceful face that was sleeping soundly suddenly frowned in the middle of the night, and his hands unconsciously stretched out to grab something. After touching Xia Qing's body, he immediately felt like grabbing a life-saving straw. He hugged him tightly in his arms.

Chapter 12 Kotonoha (3/5)

"Child... child..."

Xia Qing, who was also immersed in sleep, was unaware of her situation at the moment.

In Xia Qing's dream, he was lying on the double bed in the bedroom on the second floor of the suburban villa in Fuyuki City. The pillow in front of his face was soft and comfortable, as smooth as silk...


In the early morning, the sun rises in the east.

When Xia Qing woke up from her sleep, the first thing she saw was the face of a woman looking at him blankly.

"You're awake."

The woman tightened her kimono somewhat at a loss and asked Xia Qing.

"Um...please ask...did you save me...?"

Although she asked this question, she still roughly understood that the man in front of her should have saved her, otherwise she would not have noticed that the wound on her back had been treated when she woke up early.

"It's true that I saved you, how are you going to thank me?"

Xia Qing stretched out feeling refreshed, then stood up, walked to the extinguished bonfire, and took down the coat that was placed on the simple clothes rack that was placed there last night.

After patting the dust on his clothes, Xia Qing could reach in and touch it.

"Well... it should be done already."

After shaking off the dust on his clothes, Xia Qing put it on his body, turned around and said to the woman who was still kneeling.

"I feel a little hungry. Just stay here and don't move around. I'll go hunting and I'll be back soon."

"Ah...well, I understand."

The woman's beautiful and delicate face showed a calm smile, but her slightly frowned brows made people aware that she must have something on her mind at the moment.

The woman hesitated to speak, but in the end she did not say anything during Xia Qing's stay.

The figure in black clothes was gradually walking towards the lower reaches of the river.

The crystal clear river did not flow very fast. Xia Qing could see many swimming fish in it. Finally, when he reached a slowing down section of the river, he stopped.

There are a lot of fish here, and they are swimming in circles as if they are stunned, and many small fry can be seen around them.

Although it would not be easy to catch a few fish if Platinum Star came now, Xia Qing still did not intend to rely on a substitute to solve everything.

It is better to do it yourself when necessary.

Even if he doesn't use Platinum Star, Xia Qing's current speed to catch a few fish is still——

"Ah, it's so slippery! Damn it! Get up!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Eat me and run away like ripples!!!"

Finally, Xia Qing, who was holding two big fish in his arms, walked upstream to the campsite with satisfaction. Behind him, there were several fainted fish floating on the water in the river.

Xia Qing picked up the sharpened stick, started from the tail of the fish, and stabbed it straight through.

Then, he used magic directly in front of the woman without caring.

"Wow! So awesome...!?"

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