"What are you waiting for? You should know that it is a monster far beyond the scope of human beings, right? That is not a human, it is a "ghost"!"

Facing the "ghost" whose severed left arm had begun to recover, Giyu Tomioka rushed forward.

"Water Breathing Form·Tide of Strike!"

The blue sword light flashed across, accompanied by the sound of surging waves, and dozens of cuts were made on the "ghost"'s body!

The next moment, his head was hanging in the air. On his deathbed, the "ghost" curse disappeared, and he showed his human emotions again.

There was a sound coming from the head, causing Tomioka Giyuu, who was just about to sheath the sword, to shrink his pupils, and quickly turned around to look at the head that had begun to dissipate.

"how come……"

Chapter 72 A straight shot from Butterfly Ninja! (2/5)

"it's over……"

Looking at the "ghost" that had completely turned into dust and disappeared, Butterfly reluctantly said.

After seeing Tomioka Yoshiyuki solve it, Xia Qing also silently put the shining golden [Nichirin Sword] back into its sheath.

At this time, Xia Qing suddenly noticed something, and instantly rushed towards the girl Yae.


After seeing Xia Qing's actions, Butterfly Ninja quickly turned his face and looked in Yae's direction.

At this moment, the girl with long hair had taken off her shoes and tried to pull the trigger of the shotgun with her toes.

She let out a small breath. The hazy white mist rose and dissipated before her eyes.

"Finally...can be freed..."

Butterfly Ren was shocked and quickly stepped forward to stop her, but at the current distance, it was impossible to run in front of the girl and stop him.


At the critical moment, a golden light flashed across Xia Qing's figure and immediately stopped the girl.

Xia Qing snatched the shotgun from the girl's arms.

"Give it back to me...Give it back to me..."

The girl tried to take the shotgun back from Xia Qing's hand, but with her strength, she simply couldn't do it.

"Let go...why...why did you come to stop me..."

Slender arms and weak fists beat Xia Qing's chest.

The butterfly ninja who came to Yae's side a step too late looked at her with some distress.

"Why did you choose this time...?"

At this moment, Yae's eyes were red from crying, and his hands were tightly grasping Xia Qing's collar.

"I have been taking care of this shotgun. Let me die..."

"Miss Yae..."

The butterfly nin looked down at her.


As if he had been abandoned by the whole world, Yae bit his lip tightly, trying not to cry at this moment, but the tears kept flowing out as if he couldn't control them.

"You...what do you know...leave me alone...! Leave me alone! Leave me alone..."

"I have something to tell you. It may be meant for you."

Tomioka Giyu, who was walking towards this side, spoke out at this moment.



The girl raised her head, her expression looking a little dull.


"I don't know what Gui's words mean, it has nothing to do with me."

After saying these words, Tomioka Yoshiyuki left without looking back.

The butterfly nin also comforted the girl with a sad face.

"...Miss Yae, please be stronger. I have been...the same as you..."

After hearing these words, the girl who fell on the snow suddenly widened her eyes.

When she turned around, there was no one there. Whether it was Xia Qing or Butterfly Ninja, their figures disappeared at this moment.


At this time, the sky in the east was gradually getting brighter. Under the thick clouds, a warm winter sun peeked out half way, like a shy girl.

The breeze blew away the floating clouds, and a few rays of sunlight broke away from the shackles of the cumulus clouds and quietly emerged from the only cracks, spreading rays of light and shining on the blue sky.

Yae stood up and picked up the shotgun placed in the snow. Under the sunlight of sunrise, the girl saw the blood that had solidified on the trigger of the shotgun, and couldn't help but stand there.

"...Really...father's blood coagulated...put the parts..."

Tears once again fell from the girl's eyes as if they were free. She stood alone, hugging her shotgun tightly.


After completing the task of killing ghosts, Xia Qing and others came to a restaurant.

"Ah~ I have to reward myself like this after being exhausted..."

Then the Butterfly Ninja holding the noodle bowl turned to Xia Qing with a smile.

"What, do you feel tired?"

"I do feel a little tired. When I go back, I always want someone to carry me home."

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth curled up, his head tilted slightly, and he asked against the girl's cheek.

"Then Miss Butterfly, if you don't mind, how about coming down here...?"

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