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ps: Thank you Qitian Xiaosheng for your monthly ticket*1 and Yakumo Ming's monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 21 Rune Magician! (2/5)

It would be wrong to say that this man is a priest or a delinquent.

Xia Qing knew the other person's identity just at the first sight of him. After all, he was really impressed.

For those characters with pitifully few appearances, Xia Qing basically suffers from face blindness.

"Ah, an inexplicable guy actually came here. Even though I had specially used the magic of "Idle Dispel", you still broke in. Is it possible that you are also a magician? "

The magician, who was nearly two meters tall, shook the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and looked around before continuing.

"Dispersal of idlers": It is a rune magic that prevents irrelevant people from entering the battlefield. It can achieve the effect of "making people nearby feel like 'I don't want to come near this place for some reason'". This is the result of various schools of thought in ancient and modern times. Sects have confirmed that magic can produce the same type of effects.

"If you turn around now and run away like a driven wild dog, I can spare your life."

"If you want to say that, then should I also give you a chance?"

Xia Qing said with a smile.


I didn't expect that this seemingly young boy would speak so arrogantly. The smile on the man's face suddenly disappeared at this moment, becoming as colorless as the surface of a silent lake.

Xia Qing was too lazy to ask why Index came back here at this moment, but the "Mobile Church" monastic uniform worn by the girl could allow magicians to detect the magic power of its existence.

She herself once said that these magicians rely on detecting the "power" of Index's "Mobile Church" to track her.

Yesterday, due to Xia Qing's brief interruption, there was a signal interruption. The person who was following him finally couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take the girl away when she was alone.

However, because Index possesses a "mobile church" that can withstand both magical and physical attacks, the difficulty of capturing her has skyrocketed, even causing the girl to escape all the way back to the apartment.

"I'm sorry, Xia Qing, I was very scared when I was being chased, so I ran away here without knowing what happened."

Index lowered her head apologetically and said to Xia Qing.

"It doesn't matter, I should also thank you for sending me a mobile experience point."

Xia Qing waved his hand, stepped in front of Index, faced the magician directly, and said.

"Ha, interesting. It seems that before we can recover "that thing", we have to kill you first. Really, that guy Kanzaki should be the one to do this kind of thing."

The magician spoke in a somewhat leisurely manner while trying to use words to make Xia Qing retreat.

"Index─Librorum─Prohibitorum─in your words, it can be translated as the "Index of Forbidden Books". The catalog is filled with evil books that the church believes will "contaminate the soul just by looking at it."

Think about it, even if the church issues an announcement saying that there are many dangerous books in the world, if people don’t know the titles, they might read them without knowing it, right?

That's why the church deliberately allowed "that thing" to carry one hundred and three thousand "evil book templates", which is equivalent to a centralized management center for evil books. By the way, I advise you to be careful. The books carried by "that thing" will make people in this country with weak religious views become useless after just reading one. "

As he said this, he raised his hand hesitantly and pointed his index finger at Index, who was standing behind Xia Qing.

"You must think that there is no book in her body even though she doesn't have anything on her, right?"

Without waiting for Xia Qing's answer, the magician continued.

"Because all those books are in her head. Have you ever heard of such a thing as "complete memory ability"? It is said that "you can memorize something in an instant and remember it for a lifetime." Nor will I forget the ability. To put it simply, it is like a humanoid scanner."

He said with a smile in a tone that showed no interest at all.

"This is not our magic, nor is it your kind of super power, it is just a physical constitution. In her head, there are collections of the British Museum, the Louvre Museum, the Vatican Museum of Art, the ruins of Huazicheng, and Gomby. The ancient city of Nirvana, the Monastery of St. Michael...these "magic books" from all over the world.

Originally they were all sealed and couldn't be stolen at all, but she could "steal" these books with her eyes and keep them in her head, just like a [Magic Book Library]. "

"However, since she cannot produce magic power on her own, she is harmless."

The magician shook the cigarette in his mouth happily and said.

"It seems that the people in the "church" are not idiots and deliberately made her unable to use magic. However, these things have nothing to do with me as a magician anyway. In short, what I want to emphasize is that these one hundred and three thousand books It is very dangerous, and it will be troublesome if she is taken away by someone who can use magic, so we are here to protect her."

After hearing this, Index poked her head out from behind Xia Qing and made a face at the magician.

"Nonsense! They chased me all the way, burned me, chopped me with knives, and blew me up with bombs. Are these all ways to protect me? I don't believe it!"

"Ah, no, that's because we know you have a "mobile church", so we can do this. Everything is to bring you back intact."

Index didn't believe the red-haired magician's explanation at all. She pulled the back of Xia Qing's high school uniform and whispered.

"Xia Qing, how about we just run away... If he wants to use magic on you, just use me to block it. My clothes are not afraid of his magic at all!"

When the magician saw Xia Qing and the girl who were looking back and were whispering, he shouted in displeasure.

"Hey, don't ignore others. You are in a crisis now. Let me introduce myself by the way. My name is Stiyl Magnus, but at this time, maybe I should call myself FortiS93I..."

Then, Steele moved his lips slightly, muttered something in a low voice, and then explained to Xia Qing with an expression as if he was about to introduce his beloved kitten.

"This is my magic name. I think you may not have heard of magic names, right? I don't know why, but we magicians are forbidden to use our real names when using magic. This is just a tradition passed down from the past, so I I don’t know the reason either…”

Chapter 22 Use magic to defeat magic! (3/5)

The distance between the two sides was about fifteen meters. Xia Qing was standing closest to the stairs. Index was looking at Xia Qing with worried eyes and trying to pull Xia Qing to escape with her.

But it was obvious that with the girl's strength, Xia Qing couldn't pull her if she didn't want to.

After seeing that Xia Qing had no intention of escaping, Steele shook the cigarette in his mouth as he spoke.

"The word 'Fonirs' is translated into Japanese as 'strong', but the etymology is not important. What is important is that among us magicians, calling out the name of magic does not only mean that magic will be used, but also means..."

The magician's smile still did not disappear. Perhaps for him, Xia Qing was not enough to make him stop smiling.

" the name of killing,"

The magician Stiyl Magnus took off the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it to the side with his finger.

The cigarette flew out horizontally with sparks, crossed the metal handrail, and hit the wall of the building next door.

An orange line followed closely behind the cigarette, hitting the wall and sparking.

"Kenaz..." (Fire...)

After Steele recited the spell in a low voice, the orange lines exploded with a bang!

It was as if a fire hose was filled with gasoline and set on fire, and a straight flaming sword appeared.

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