Although the magic power of the students here is very weak, the magic power of two thousand people is concentrated and managed at the same point. How could they not feel the position of this "core".

"...I see. Does this count as "hiding"?"

Steele, who was smoking leisurely, muttered to himself.

The "hiding" on the "front side of the coin" is an absolute defense for those on the "back side of the coin."

Because the person on the "back side of the coin" can't even open the wrapping paper of a Christmas gift when facing something on the "front side of the coin."

Therefore, as long as the "core" is buried in the ordinary wall, it will become the strongest defense wall.

Even if the enemy magician finds the location, as long as the opponent can never touch the core, it is considered to be quite safe.

However, the premise is that this wall must completely surround the core...

Steele puffed out his smoke in boredom.

His "fire" has no form.

For example, as long as the wall or window frame is slightly skewed, creating a gap of less than one centimeter, a flame with a temperature of 3,000 degrees can be poured in through that gap.

The common sense of "the front of the coin" does not apply to the "reverse of the coin." If you want to achieve perfect defense, the best option is to put the core in a plastic bag and tie the mouth of the bag.

All in all, Stiyl destroyed the "core" without even seeing what the "core" looked like.

As a result, it seems that the "Gregor Chorus" was successfully destroyed.


Tyr said while shaking the cigarette from his lips.

"Look at this bloody road. I haven't seen it for a while, and even the alchemist has fallen. It's only reasonable that the real "blood road" should be your own blood, isn't it?"

The "circuit" of superpowers and magicians is different. If a person with superpowers uses magic reluctantly, the out-of-control magic will tear the blood vessels and nerves throughout the body.

In fact, several students fell down in this corridor, including at his feet.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you Cocona for your monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 53 Instant Alchemy (4/5)

Some were still trembling, some were motionless, and a thick smell of rust came from nowhere.

In the surrounding rooms, there must be scenes of hell that are dozens of times more miserable than what is in front of you.

He didn't expect that he would say such bitter words, and even Steele himself was surprised.

It's almost like there's still some humanity left in him.

At this time, Steele heard very clear footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor.

He was not impatient, had no intention of lowering his voice, and had no intention of hiding his murderous intent, but he did not intend to strike first from the dark.

If we want to use an analogy, it is like knocking on the door of an opponent's house who is about to make a sneak attack. It is very bold and arrogant.

Absolute confidence is like a "declaration of war" that is certain that one will achieve overwhelming victory, and it is also like a "declaration of victory".

The owner of the footsteps spoke.

"Naturally, as long as you use the 'Pseudo Chorus', no matter where you are hiding, you can be lured to where the 'core' is."

The footsteps did not stop and he continued.

"But there should be two intruders... Where did the other one go? Your familiar was probably devoured by the 'Pseudo Chorus', right?"

"I would also be happy if I could devour it."

Regarding Xia Qing being called his familiar, Steele said while suppressing a smile.

"Unfortunately, that guy's life is much tougher than you think. Also, he's not a familiar, not that cute."

That was a guy who broke the magic he was proud of and beat himself up.

The footsteps stopped in the corridor about ten meters away from Steele.

Steele smiled softly, then turned to look at the owner of the footsteps.

There was no longer any smile in his eyes.

This footsteps came from a pair of Italian leather shoes. The slender feet above the leather shoes and the slender body that is two meters long are all wrapped in expensive and white suits.

He is eighteen years old, male, and named Aureos.

His hair color is green.

This hard-dyed color symbolizes the color of "earth", one of the five elements controlled by this man.

The slicked-back hairstyle makes men with very fair skin and clothing look more unique.

If someone else had made such an exaggerated appearance, it might have become a laughing stock, but against the neutral beauty of the man in front of her, it seemed natural.

"Why, you who are not good at fighting, what do you want to do by luring me here?

You should know very well that you can't stop my actions, or maybe you have dozens of magic items hidden on your body today? Antique dealer! "


These words seemed to offend Aureos.

Alchemists who are not good at fighting in the first place must protect themselves with weapons and spiritual equipment if they want to fight on the front line.

Oreos had to use dozens or even hundreds of magic items to achieve the same fighting ability as Stiyl in front of him.

"Stupid, can't you feel that I don't have any magic items on me now?"

"I think so, after all, the building itself is a huge magic prop.

Even if you don't use magic items to protect yourself, the surrounding environment will automatically help you.

Well, the question is, what are you doing out there? As long as you sit obediently, the Sanctuary will automatically help you fight, and even if you run out, you can only rely on the power of the Sanctuary.

So, what on earth are you doing here? No, I should say what can you do? "

"You guy...!!"

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