However, "dendrogram designer" can make "weather forecast" evolve into "weather prediction".

In fact, the principle is very simple. As long as the movements of all air particles in the world are predicted, of course, the "only correct answer" can be derived.

"Treemap Designer" has such amazing performance. Some people say that predicting the weather is only its nominal purpose, but in fact, its real purpose is not here.

For example, the "dendrogram designer" adopts a puzzling approach when making weather forecasts.

It always calculates a month's weather forecast in one go.

Of course, even doing this does not affect its accuracy, so at first glance there seems to be no problem.

But if you think about it carefully, you can't help but wonder, why bother deliberately causing trouble for yourself? Compared with "tomorrow's weather", of course "weather for the week" is prone to distortion.

If you want to know the weather every day, wouldn't it be much easier to calculate it once a day?

However, the "dendrogram designer" relied on his amazing calculation ability to deliberately choose a more difficult approach.

And, according to rumor, the rest of the time is spent by "dendrogram designers" predicting the results of research experiments.

Drug reactions, physiological reactions, electronic reactions... everything can be calculated by the "dendrogram designer". Researchers only need to conduct two or three actual experiments to confirm the correctness of the calculation results, and then they can launch new drugs.

It is said that some of the researchers don't even know how to use test tubes, and they don't even dare to touch the white mice used in experiments.

A supercomputer with such amazing performance will certainly create many enemies.

Computer supremacists who hate humanity may sneak into the storage room of the "tree diagram designer" at any time in order to steal technology.

Under such circumstances, in order to defend against foreign enemies, the "dendrogram designer" is now placed in a place out of reach of humans.

To put it bluntly, the artificial satellite put into space by Academy City is the "Treemap Designer".

Originally, rocket technology was only allowed to be developed by national-level organizations, but now it is used in places like this by Academy City. This shows how influential Academy City is in this world.

"[Treemap Designer]──The most powerful computer in the world that cannot be surpassed within the next twenty-five years. It is placed on the artificial satellite [Vega 1] launched by Academy City. Its nominal purpose is In order to analyze meteorological data..."

Mikoto muttered it in her mouth like she was reciting an introduction to Academy City.

"Everyone has heard of this, but does anyone know if this ultra-high parallel computing computer that surpasses common sense really exists?"

Xia Qing looked at Mikoto without saying a word.

The ultimate goal of Academy City's ability development is "SYSTEM - to become a person who descends into the mortal world just like God's will." In order to get closer to God, it is necessary to create an existence beyond human beings - absolute ability users (Level 6) to surpass human beings. There is an understanding of the will of the gods.

For this reason, the "Absolute Abilities Evolution Plan" was born. After precise calculations by the "tree diagram designer", among the seven superpowers (Level 5) in Academy City, only Accelerator, who ranks first, has a chance to evolve into an absolute superpower (Level 6), but it will take more than 250 years. Only through general course training can one evolve into an absolute capable person (Level 6).

Chapter 69: Ban matryoshka dolls! (3/4)

Because there is no way for people to live for 250 years, the "tree diagram designers" have found another method, which is to use actual combat to promote the growth of abilities, that is, prepare a specific battlefield and let the battle follow the plan To control the direction of "capacity growth in actual combat".

According to the calculation results of the "tree diagram designer", as long as 128 battlefields are prepared and the railgun (Misaka Mikoto) is killed 128 times, Accelerator can evolve into an absolute ability user (Level 6).

However, because 128 railguns could not be prepared, the experiment targeted the "sisters" in the "Mass Production Type User Project" that was being carried out at the same time.

Since the mass-produced "sisters" have less than 1% of the capabilities of their solid body railguns - that is, "Level 2", according to the calculation results of the "tree diagram designer", as long as they prepare two Thousands of battlefields and 20,000 "sisters" can also achieve the same goal.

The first 9,802 experiments were conducted inside the institute, while the remaining 10,198 experiments needed to be conducted outdoors. Due to the issue of corpse disposal, the battlefield was concentrated in the Seventh School District of Academy City.

The main purpose of the "experiment" is to arrange 20,000 battles and let Accelerator digest the 20,000 battles as planned.

The skills of superpowers can be improved in battle, and the ultimate goal of the "experiment" is to control the growth direction of skills, allowing Accelerator to evolve from a level 5 superpower to an absolute superpower.

If you think this is the truth, you are wrong!

The real purpose of the "Absolute Esper Evolution Plan" is not to evolve Accelerator into an Absolute Esper (Level 6), but to deploy artificial superpowers to every corner of the world. This is what the Academy City General Director Aleister Crowley's plan.

In order to naturally send these "Misaka sisters" outside Academy City, they deliberately destroyed the "mass-produced esper plan" first, and then destroyed the covert "absolute esper plan". Through these two With a fake move, "Misaka Sister" will be sent to cooperative institutions in various Academy Cities around the world, and eventually the entire world will be enveloped in the AIM diffusion field.

The "Imaginary Math Zone Five Elements Mechanism" that originally only existed in Academy City will expand to the world.

Use the "Imaginary Math Zone·Five Elements Mechanism" to create a new "realm" that does not exist in Kabbalah, Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto or Hinduism - "artificial heaven". Once the "artificial heaven" is completed, it will represent The destruction of all magic.

Once the magician wants to use magic, the body will explode.

Temples or sanctuaries held up by the power of magic will also collapse due to loss of support. The same phenomenon will occur in any religion, thus stopping magical activities around the world in one fell swoop.

"I just said it casually! I really look like a poet, hahaha!"

Mikoto reached out and patted Xia Qing for no reason.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto has returned to her original lively self.

"Speaking of which, you really have no dreams! A friendship develops between a high-tech computer with a human heart and a human being. Don't you think this plot is quite romantic?"

"Unless you make me an angel, a maid or something, I can accept it reluctantly. Also, how could the eldest lady kick the repaired vending machine?"

Xia Qing said seriously.

"What did you say? That's enough. What kind of stereotype from the old days are you talking about? I am also a mortal, and I read comic books in a convenience store every Monday and Wednesday!"

"Can't you just buy it and take it home? I'll tell you why you're always standing in front of the window. It turns out you want to have sex for free!"

The air suddenly fell into silence.

After a moment, Mikoto asked hesitantly.

"you saw it?"

"You never look at the counter when you enter a convenience store. Ha, has it become a habit to have sex for free? She is such an interesting woman."

Xia Qing said with a sneer.



Xia Qing, who was different from Mikoto Road, finally separated from her. However, not far away, she found a girl who looked exactly like her squatting by the roadside.

Judging from the goggles placed by her feet, it should be Miss Misaka.

To be honest, if Mikoto wore these goggles, it would be really difficult to tell the difference without speaking.

"It seems that a similar plot happened yesterday..."

This scene full of déjà vu made Xia Qing murmur involuntarily.

Sister Misaka seemed to want to feed the black cat, and gradually approached with a small piece of bread in her hand, but the black cat lowered its ears and looked frightened, as if someone was raising a fist in front of it to attack it.

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