Index stopped and walked into the empty cafeteria.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you to strangers for my monthly ticket*1 and Yue Yue’s monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 102: Wind Slashes Binghua (2/4)

The cafeteria is large, but the decoration is very simple. There is a round table with four iron chairs. There are about a hundred sets of tables and chairs like this.

There is a dining counter in the corner of the wall, and behind it seems to be the kitchen.

The sound of cooking came from the kitchen, and there were three meal ticket vending machines in the other corner.

"I remember just putting money in there and food vouchers would come out."

Index compared what was going on in front of her with the biased thoughts in her mind and came to this conclusion.

On the bookshelf in Index's head, in addition to famous magic books such as "The Book of Creation" and "The Book of Laws", there are now some juvenile comics.

If Steele and the others knew about this, they would probably faint.

But for Index, who is able to keep her memories properly, this doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Index stood in front of the meal ticket vending machine.

He straightened the two wrinkled round bills in his hand and put them into the vending machine.

"Hmph, I can do it too. Xia Qing said I'm an idiot with electrical appliances. It's impossible no matter what I think! I'm so smart, how could I be stumped by something like this? All I have to do is press the button!"

Index felt slightly proud, and when she stretched out her finger and was about to press the button on the machine, her movement suddenly stopped.

Because there is no button on the meal ticket vending machine.

"Huh? Huh? What's going on? Where should I press?"

There is something like a joystick on the vending machine, and the front end is connected to two LCD screens. The price of the product is marked on the screen.

There is nothing else, absolutely no buttons to click.

"Hey, you know?"

"Misaka Misaka was born less than a week ago, don't count on me~"

In fact, this vending machine uses a touch screen just like the ticket vending machine at the station. But of course Index didn't know about this.

"Ah... ugh... yes, by the way, let's get the money back first, ah... eh? How to get the money back? Where is the button?"

The cancel button knight was in the corner of the screen, but it had completely become Index's psychological blind spot.

Ever since she saw the calico cat not reacting to the cooking show on TV with its cat fist, Index no longer thought that reaching out and touching the screen was a meaningful action.

Index grabbed the vending machine and shook it, then peeked into the change slot, but of course this behavior would not bring about any change.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...what should I do..."

The desperate Index could only collapse to the ground weakly.

Like a high school baseball player who lost the decisive game at Koshien, he lay on the ground and sighed sadly.

Only the calico cat still didn't understand the situation and yawned leisurely.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind.

Just when Index was slightly surprised, someone tapped her shoulder lightly.

The person who patted Index on the shoulder was a girl she had never seen before.

He is taller than Index, but shorter than Xia Qing.

Her hair is black with a hint of brown, but it doesn't seem to be dyed, it's her natural hair color.

The hair is straight and smooth, and the length is about around the thighs, but there is another small section of hair separated from the ears and tied with a rubber hair band.

He wore a pair of thin-framed glasses with intellectual beauty on his face, but they slipped a bit for some reason.

Index looked at the girl's chest. Judging from the protrusion rising from the inside, it was a pity that the girl was slightly better than Index.

'Who is this guy? ’

Although Index was not in a position to say anything about others, this girl's dress was quite different from the people in this school.

The female students here are all wearing white short-sleeved sailor uniforms and dark blue skirts, but this girl is wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a long blue skirt.

It looks like a red tie for men. It looks quite eye-catching against the white and blue clothes, but it is also obviously different from the uniform of this school.

Index and the girl's eyes met.

Behind the slightly slipped glasses, you can see eyes like small animals.

" have to press the button."


"That...button on the screen..."

The girl said softly and pointed at the meal ticket vending machine. After a while, Index finally understood. Looking in the direction of the girl's finger, I saw the LCD screen connected to the vending machine with an arm.

Index's current expression was like that of a child who was lost in a country where she didn't understand the language.

"Button? But there's no button on the vending machine?"


The girl seemed a little overwhelmed.

"I mean...just touch the screen...don't you know? Ah...please don't look like you're about to cry."

"You're lying! I know that if you touch the people on the TV, nothing will change."


The girl walked silently to the vending machine and pressed the "Cancel" button in the corner of the screen.

The vending machine made a roaring sound as it spit out the two thousand yuan that had just been swallowed.

Index was stunned by this scene.

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