Feng Zhan no longer had the ability to see the current situation clearly. When she found that there was nothing in the torn arm, she kept waving her hands and feet, as if she wanted to swat away the bugs on her body, and then headed towards The dark world deep in the passage fled in a hurry.


Shirley shouted softly and tapped the surface of the crayon with her fingertips. Alice raised her fist and hit it on a nearby pillar. Boom! The entire underground street was shaking and the ceiling was creaking.

In an instant, the building material above the guard holding the rifle suddenly collapsed and fell down.

"Hmph! Hurry! Alice, catch up!"

Shirley took a deep look at Xia Qing, and then manipulated Alice without hesitation to escape into the darkness. She probably wanted to catch up with Feng Zhan Binghua before Xia Qing arrived.

Xia Qing glanced helplessly at the guard whose head had been penetrated by a bullet and blood was flowing.

Finally, he scratched his black hair to make it even more messy.

"Tsk...it's really troublesome..."


Shirai Kuroko was stunned.

After sending the annoying nun and sister to the surface, I returned to the underground street again and saw that neither Xia Qing nor the girl with a weak sense of presence was gone.

"Where are the people...??"

Fortunately, no sounds of fighting could be heard at all now. But when the fighting will begin again, no one knows. And here, there are dozens of ordinary people.

These people in front of me are very likely to be hit by stray bullets, and they really can't abandon them.

It seems that the outsider in front of you is more important than the people involved who don't know who they are.

After thinking for a while, Shirai decided to save the people in front of him first.

"The value of life has no distinction between high and low. Although I know that my sister is very worried and wants to help her find someone, it doesn't seem right to leave these people here."

Shirai sighed and walked towards the group of students who were frightened by being locked up in the underground street.

The wind cuts through the ice blossoms.

She is the aggregation of the AIM diffusion fields of the 2.3 million ability users in Academy City.

In Academy City, there are all kinds of superpowers.

Every person with superpowers releases a weak power unconsciously.

Although the power released by each person is very small, when they are all gathered together, a complete meaning will be integrated.

Just like English letters such as B or P, they themselves have no meaning, but if several English letters are arranged, they can form meaningful words such as SELECT or START.

"Wind Cutting Binghua" is like a computer program composed of countless English letters arranged into commands.

After each student in the city provides an English letter, these English letters are arranged into commands, and then the commands are integrated into a program.

Using a machine to detect the human body, many values ​​can be measured, such as the generation, release, and absorption of heat, and the reflection, refraction, and absorption of light.

The generation of human body current and the formation of current magnetic field, the consumption of oxygen and the emission of carbon dioxide.

More fundamentally, there is mass and weight.

The human body has thousands or tens of thousands of different values, and by combining these values ​​of the human body, "Wind Cutting Ice Flower" was born.

For example, those with the ability to ignite fire are responsible for the body temperature without knowing it, and those with the ability to generate electricity are responsible for the electric current of the human body without knowing it.

If the power of telekinesis is cleverly created to push the finger back, a touch feeling similar to the elasticity of human skin can be produced out of thin air.

By manipulating air vibrations, "sound" can be produced.

By manipulating the refraction of light, you can "see" shapes.

All of these are added up to become the execution program of "Wind Cutting Binghua".

The AIM diffusion field naturally emitted by the 2.3 million students in Academy City is the true face of the "Imaginary Math Zone·Five Elements Agency".

"Imaginary Math Zone Five Elements Mechanism" is in another phase with the same coordinates as Academy City.

Feng Zhan Binghua was born in this "Imaginary Math District·Five Elements Mechanism" which she called "The City of Mirages".

"Mirage City" and Academy City are completely overlapped, and the things created by the AIM diffusion field are not just Fengzhan Hyoka.

The "Mirage City" has no shadow, no weight, and no air circulation. It is very thin and has no sense of existence.

When the wind blows, buildings, street trees and passers-by will sway in the wind like candle flames, emitting gray visual noise.

People in the entire city are like this. Their appearance, personality, and memory will change appropriately according to the needs of each scene.

People in this city will change their appearance in order to achieve "missions". On the other hand, if no one gives them a "mission", they will not take any action, and the functions of the entire city will suddenly come to a halt.

And Feng Zhan Binghua’s identity is Clockwork.

Chapter 115 The Key to the Five Elements Mechanism (5/5)

For example, when she walks into a convenience store and wants to buy a bottle of drink, the convenience store clerk will start to move, the beverage logistics company will start to move, the power plant that provides electricity for the freezer will start to move, and the factory that manufactures the beverage will start to move. Plastic bottle recycling companies will start taking action.

Urban residents are all "gears", and they must rely on the power of the "clockwork" of Feng Zhan to influence each other bit by bit, and finally make the huge precision machine of the entire city start to run.

Feng Zhan is not the master of this entire system, it is just the clockwork.

In other words, it is also part of the system.

This is the key (key) of the so-called "Imaginary Math Zone·Five Elements Organ".


It was only now that Feng Zhan Binghua began to feel the burning pain.


Half of his face, left wrist, and left side of his abdomen all felt severe pain, as if hot molten iron had been poured into it.

Not to mention running away, Feng Zhan couldn't even stand and could only fall to the cold ground.

In order to distract herself a little, she began to swing her feet randomly and roll on the ground.

He received pain information that would be fatal to ordinary people, but he couldn't even escape through death. It was like hell on earth.

However, the pain did not last long.

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