Steele, who was still lying on the ground unable to move, looked at Oriana, who was standing there as if she was blind, with a blank look on his face.

The more he looked, the more horrified he felt, and Steele could not help but murmur in a trembling voice.

"Why is this happening...?"

In his sight, Xia Qing was not killed at all. From the beginning to the end, he stayed beside Orianna, holding his hands behind his back and looking at her face fearlessly.

That fair and beautiful face had several expression changes in a short period of time. Each change appeared in Xia Qing's eyes, but Oriana herself was completely unaware of Xia Qing beside her.

Naturally, she would not know that she had fallen under the illusion and was stuck on the edge of consciousness. Unless she noticed it or Xia Qing took the initiative to come into contact with the illusion, it would be impossible to unravel it.

When Xia Qing walked to Steele, he had time to ask questions.

"Hey, what did you do to that woman? Why does she seem to have lost her soul?"

"I didn't do anything, just let her immerse herself in her own fantasy world for a while."

"Immerse yourself in fantasy... There is such magic, but you haven't prepared it in advance, have you?"

Steele was puzzled.

"There is no preparation in advance, just take a look."

Xia Qing said without looking back.

"Take a look? What do you think?"

Steele couldn't move his body at all, but he could still speak.

After hearing these words, Xia Qing, who had not turned around at first, turned his face around at this moment.

"...Look at it this way."

This time, Steele was stunned.

Because Xia Qing's originally black eyes suddenly turned red like blood, and there were three magatama in them.

It looks extremely strange, like a ghost in a painting.

"Hey, why are there commas in your eyes?"



"It was set up."

After finishing her conversation with Academy City Chief Aleister and issuing instructions for many deployments, Laura Stewart, the Supreme Bishop of the Puritan Church, sighed.

Several hours had passed since the call between the two ended. It was probably noon in Japan, and there was about a nine-hour time difference between there and London.

St. George's Cathedral is surrounded by the darkness and silence of the night, as well as the icy cold air on the ground.

Sitting on a chair in front of the pulpit, with her long blond hair that was more than twice her height hanging on the ground, she exhaled and stretched her hands to the back of her head.

She grabbed the roots of her long hair with both hands and swung them vigorously like a fishing rod.

She neatly grabbed the front end of her hair, which was wavy like a snake crawling, and picked up a silver hairpin with one hand to fix her hair.

In an instant, it returns to its normal hairstyle of folding the hair in half.

Due to her proficiency in this series of movements, it may seem a bit crude at first glance, but her movements are full of refined beauty.

Especially when the blond hair is bathed in the moonlight and made into layers of waves, it looks like an art of light full of sensual beauty.

In the past, John, one of the twelve apostles, forbade women from growing long hair and forced nuns to cut their hair short and put it in a hat.

The reason is that women's long hair will tempt men into perversion.

It seems to be a ridiculous fallacy in modern times...but the luster and brilliance of Laura's hair are enough to change this idea.

"Is what is written here true?"

Laura grabbed the file on her lap and shook it.

Written on the twenty pieces of paper is the British Museum's report on the "Jiangsu Hang Sword".

Actions that seem random at first glance do contain emotions.

That emotion is called anger, and the temperature is extremely cold.

Hearing Laura's voice as if talking to herself, the other party paused for a breath and then responded.

That was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"I'm really sorry. You appointed us to manage it for a long time, but we haven't noticed it until today. As a result, the wrong display continues..."

"That's enough. There's no need to be so scared. I'm not angry with you. On the contrary, it's really hard for you not to get off work at this time."

Laura noticed that inside the cathedral under the light, the person near the entrance shrank into a ball out of fear.

Seeing that look, the other person seemed to be quite frightened even under the same moonlight as Laura.

He is Charles Conte.

He is both an authority on archeology and the "keeper" of the museum.

Unlike investigators who travel around the world collecting museum items, he is the person responsible for the management and restoration of items in the museum.

In order to enter an item that can have a history of three thousand years, and continue to spread the deployment for a thousand years, it requires the minds of scholars and the skills of artists of the highest level in the world.

Charles is approaching his late thirties, but he is still not out of the field where the industry is looking forward to newcomers.

He is now at a level where, although capable, his experience remains unrecognized.

Among the items they handled, there were actually quite a few magic props... The staff of the museum were all ordinary people who had nothing to do with magic, even the curator was no exception.

Puritanism provides relevant opinions on the handling of exhibits from theological, religious, and ethical perspectives and exercises indirect control.

The museum itself is too famous and also conducts general recruitment.

If the magic is deployed openly, the name of magic will spread all over the world in an instant.

Chapter 165: Erecting the Cross (3/4)

Charles himself did not know that the Puritans were proficient in magic, nor did he notice that the items he used to investigate and write the report were magic props.

His respect for Laura was not threatened by her physical power, but simply out of devout faith.

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