Ace finally blushed when she saw this outfit, which was similar to what Tiona was currently wearing.


Lefia's shoulders trembled and she exploded.

"How is it possible, how can Miss Ais be allowed to wear such sentimental clothes! Miss Ais must dress more purely, more beautifully, and more gracefully! Yes, just like us elves!"

Lefiya patted her chest and made a strong statement with a blushing face.

Seeing her unconscious burning sense of racial antagonism, Tiona tried to impress her.

"But, don't you want to see Ace wearing this kind of clothes?"

Lefiya froze immediately.

Her blue eyes stopped at the skirt and chest Tiona was wearing.

An inexplicable longing welled up deep in my heart.

Lefiya suddenly realized that she was almost convinced by Tiona.

"How, how is it possible!"

"You've thought about it, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lefia blushed and shook her head to hide her embarrassment, and she grabbed Ais' hand.

"Miss Ais, let's go to the elf's shop! Although I'm not talented, I'm willing to do my best to choose clothes for you!"

"Lei, Lefiya..."

Ais was surprised and confused, and was pulled out of the store.

If Lefiya recalled this scene after regaining her consciousness, she would be shocked and her eyes would be dizzy.

Tiona and Tione looked at each other, raised the corners of their mouths, showing twin smiles like looking in a mirror, and then ran after them.

Later, they continued to confuse Aisi.


When Ais changed into the clothes carefully chosen by Tiona and the others, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya all made oh-huh sounds.

Tiona and others all praised in unison. Ais, whose cheeks were stained red from shyness, stood like a doll with her head hanging slightly.

A white short top paired with a mini skirt is beautifully embroidered with flower-shaped patterns.

Although it is just a simple outfit, the clothes are well-organized and matched with the beautiful long golden hair. The two complement each other perfectly. It is really impeccable.

"Well, it suits you very well, Miss Ais!"

"Yeah, it's so pretty!"

"My skin is so good, and it has dimples wherever it should's really enviable."

They shouted excitedly around Ace who was trying on clothes.

She wore no armor and no sword on her belt.

Ais moved her lips and almost couldn't help but want to ask: Wouldn't she look weird if she wasn't a swordsman?

Seeing that she couldn't lift her red face, Tiona and the others couldn't help laughing.

"Ais, just buy this one!"

"Uh, um..."

"In the end, I bought it at a human store."

"Hey, you won't go wrong this way. If you don't have any special requirements, I'll usually buy it here."

Tiona said excitedly, Lefiya and Tione on the side looked around the store again.

They have visited countless stores.

Unknowingly, the purpose of shopping became to choose clothes for Aisi, and now the goal was finally achieved in a human store.

"Tiona, money..."

"It doesn't matter! Think of it as a gift from me! Wear it often!"

Tiona rushed to speak without waiting for Ace to finish speaking, forcing the stunned Ace to nod stiffly.

Chapter 22 Hill (3/4)

They quickly checked out and left the clothing store.

It was almost noon, and the sun rose into the high blue sky, shining brightly on the slate floor paved with bricks and tiles.

Tiona and others walked in the busy back alley surrounded by various clothing stores.

Aisi's original clothes were wrapped in a cloth bag, so she was forced to put on the new clothes she had just bought.

She often looks coy in cute outfits that she would never wear normally, causing Tiona and others to laugh.

"Would you like lunch? I'm hungry."

"Although it's still a little early, let's do it this way. Lefiya, do you know any good stores?"

"Well, I remember there seemed to be a coffee shop in front..."

"I want a cappuccino!"

"Did we forget something?"

"Whatever, don't think about it if you can't remember it, your head will explode."

When they were chatting, Loki ran towards them.

"Ais! I'm going to meet someone later, will you be my bodyguard?"


Tiona and others, who were still chatting enthusiastically, could only watch with dull eyes the scene of Ais being pulled away by Loki.

"Taken away..."

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