Xia Qing felt that it was necessary for him to take the time to go to a lower level. No matter what, he set a small goal and earned him 100 million first.


"Next, let's go to the upper level?"

Then, under the leadership of Aina, the two headed towards the eighth floor.

This time I also took the model elevator and slowly ascended to the upper level.

"Okay, we're here."

"I didn't expect it to come..."

When I opened the manual door of the stopped elevator, I saw the same scene as on the fourth floor.

Swords, spears, axes, mallets, knives, bows and arrows, shields, armors, and all kinds of armor...

Specialty shops selling all kinds of weapons are spread out on this wide floor.

Also, for some reason, there are more guests, or adventurers, here than on the fourth floor.

Thinking that all the people here are LV.2, and sometimes there are also LV.3 adventurers, Xia Qing doesn't want to go in, because to be honest, the people here are really weak.

Of course, the quality of the weapons and armor, if you look closely, is not so bad that you can't stand it, but wearing this kind of armor not only affects your movement, but the defense is not as strong as Xia Qing's body.

Miss Aina took me into a store with the most customers.

This is a gun store.

As she continued walking towards the inside of the store, Miss Aina stopped in front of the gun shed set up against the wall.

The majestic battle spears were lined up one after another with their sharp tips facing the ceiling.

It looks very gorgeous, as if it is not that bad, and the materials used are also good. Although it is not as good as the Oriha Gang in the lower level of the dungeon, it can be regarded as a very practical weapon.

Take another look at the price.

Twelve thousand faris, surprisingly cheap.

Maybe it's because I always saw tens of millions of weapons on the floors below, so there is a huge contrast now.

I actually had the idea of ​​"Ah, let's just buy a cheaper one."

No, this will lead to collapse. Forget about it.

At this time, Aina walked up to Xia Qing in a good mood.

"The difference between [Hephaestus Familia] and other [Familia] that specialize in blacksmithing is that even lower-ranked craftsmen have the opportunity to continuously produce works, and those works will also be placed in the shop. Sell ​​together.”

"Compared with first-class craftsmen, wouldn't it be..."

If you are completely compared to someone else, you will become someone else's foil, right?

"Of course, they will still be sold separately from the works of skilled blacksmiths. Moreover, the weapons produced in this way will first be accurately valued by the store's management team, and then adventurers will be selected and purchased conveniently...

The direct evaluation obtained in this way is very precious to the immature blacksmiths. "

Eina continued.

"Whether it's the highest praise or the embarrassingly harsh evaluation, it's like a detonating agent for them, motivating them to rise up and continue to produce better works."

Just like what I have seen before, those authors of online novels who hide in a small dark room with a haggard look on their faces. They clearly have backache and tenosynovitis, but after being stimulated by more sounds from the outside, they will still fight. Hormones code like words.

Various sounds will become stimulation, and this kind of experience will more easily become food for growth.

No, a picture of a group of people feeding dogs with dog food suddenly appeared in my mind...

"This will not harm the store side. After setting up such a system, even the lowest level adventurers can become a source of customers and be guaranteed."

Among these people, there may be fledglings who will become top adventurers in the future. When they mature, they may purchase first-class products and become patrons.

So the key is to build a pyramid-like customer layer, Aina said.

The larger bottom floor absorbs most of the guests, and selects a few guests. When these guests mature, they will be absorbed into the upper floor.

This is the characteristic of labyrinth cities after all.

Taken together, no one knows how much benefit an adventurer can bring.

"The most important point in this mechanism is that the novice team composed of adventurers and blacksmiths will continue to build and deepen the connection during this period, which may be deeper or shallower, but it does exist."

Xia Qing listened to Aina's explanation, walked into the store, and began to select from the rows of shelves.

“The new blacksmith will engrave his name on the work he makes, and the new adventurer will remember that name after purchasing his work.

If they are of the same mind, they may even meet directly. The talents that the buried rough stone blacksmiths have that even the management team has not discovered may be discovered by adventurers with a discerning eye.

Although it is not yet the same level of responding with the same voice, it is true that only the adventurers who actually feel the blacksmith's work directly with their skin can truly understand the emotions they pour into the work. "

"Oh my God, why don't I usually see you talk so much?"

"I'm explaining it to you. Listen carefully, Xia Qingjun!"

"Oh, I get it...this leather armor sucks."



After that, under the leadership of Aina, Xia Qing came to a store specializing in selling various weapons.

Completely different from the previous store that was extremely obsessed with guns, this store is filled with all kinds of well-made weapons.

Eina, who finally finished explaining the complicated things, stuck out her tongue.

"Hey, I talked so much about myself that I almost forgot about the real thing."

"Hurry up and forget it."

"Anyway, in order to repay Xia Qing for your life-saving grace, I know this is not enough, but I have chosen a weapon for you."

Eina lowered her gaze slightly, a blush appearing on her cheeks, as if she was a little shy.


As Xia Qing watched, the girl turned her hands behind her back to the front, holding a black straight sword in her hands.

However, the hilt of the sword is red and black, and so is the scabbard. The black scabbard is wrapped with red lines.

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