"Brother, brother, brother in black clothes."

Hearing that call, Xia Qing turned her head subconsciously.

Nothing can be seen.

"Brother, it's down there!"

Following the girl's voice that was tinged with anger, Xia Qing looked down...no, looked down.

He was about a hundred centimeters tall, with a cream-colored robe hanging loosely around his body. Only a few maroon bangs could be seen through the brim of the deep hood.

On her back was a backpack that was several times bigger than her petite body.

That backpack was so huge that it would scare you at first glance. In short, it was really out of place for the girl's body shape.

"It's so big. Aren't you tired of carrying this all day long?"

Xia Qing asked.

"Eh? You're not tired. It's Lily's work at the moment."

The girl raised her dull eyes and answered Xia Qing.

"This is our first meeting, brother. Although it's a bit abrupt, are you looking for a supporter?"

This blocked Xia Qing's voice, and the girl pointed her slender fingers at Xia Qing's back. Xia Qing only had a sword on her back and nothing else.

Basically, all solo adventurers should bring a backpack, but Xia Qing does not, because he carries a "space ring" in his left hand. It only has ten cubic meters at first, but by using points, it can be continuously expanded.

So, the initial ten cubic meters turned into one hundred cubic meters.

This may not be very specific, but to be more precise, it is as big as a semi-trailer or a small conference room.

"If there are supporters, adventurers don't have to collect magic stones by themselves, and they don't have to carry backpacks."

The girl showed a smile as bright as the sun.

However, Xia Qing could see her dull chestnut eyes, as if they were covered with a layer of haze.

"Didn't we meet yesterday?"

Xia Qing asked with slightly narrowed eyes.


The girl tilted her head.

"Brother, have you met Lily? Lily doesn't seem to remember such a thing."

Facing the cute girl with her head tilted, Xia Qing's lips curved.

"How about you, brother? Do you need support?"

The girl then asked.

"Hmm, sounds good."

Xia Qing rubbed his chin.

"Really! Then, why don't you take Lily with you? Brother!"

The girl was innocently excited, and her eyes hidden by her hood and bangs were constantly shining.

His big eyes fixed his gaze on Xia Qing's left index finger, which had a silver ring on it.

"By the way, Lily hasn't introduced herself yet. It's really rude."

With that said, the girl took a step back and showed a hearty smile.

"Lily's name is Lilyluka... Lililuka Erd, and what is my brother's name?"

The eyes of the girl who looked up to Xia Qing shone with a strange light.

"Just call me Xia Qing."

"Okay, brother."


"In other words, you are not an idle supporter..."

"Yes, Lily has successfully joined the [Familiar Clan]."

When the word "family" is mentioned, the emphasis can be clearly heard.

At this moment, Xia Qing is leading the girl towards the connection point on the first floor. This time he plans to walk slightly towards the middle floor.

However, if he went to the middle level all at once, the people following him might not be able to make it in time, so Xia Qing slowed down.

Following yesterday's incident, the adventurer man organized several people from the girl's [Familiar Clan] to come together.

Ever since Xia Qing came to the Tower of Babel, she had been trying her best to follow him.

The deeds of Xia Qing LV.2 are currently only spread among [Loki Familia] and the gods, and in order to hide his identity, he deliberately wore a windbreaker today. Without the badge of [Loki Familia], it is difficult to be recognized.

Chapter 42 Who is plotting against whom! (Tactical fallback) (3/4)

If it were other adventurers, they might know Xia Qing's information because of their Lord God's talkativeness, but [Suma Familia] definitely would not.

As the main god, Soma was not even interested in talking to these dependents who disappointed him.

"Lily's Familia is [Soma Familia], brother. Lily thinks it is a relatively famous Familia."

The girl was minding her own business and said to Xia Qing.

She didn't know that the person in front of her already had all the information about her.

Afterwards, Lily began to tell (made up) the reasons why she applied to be Xia Qing's supporter.

According to the girl, it seemed that she originally negotiated to accompany the adventurers as a supporter in exploring the dungeon and was allowed to accompany them. However, for some reason, the contract was terminated with the companions who had been working together until now.

After that, I was troubled and spent my days going back and forth between the guild and the Tower of Babel day after day in order to find the contract partner again, and then today, I found Xia Qing.

Only a ghost can believe it.

He has neither an adventurer companion nor a supporter, so he is truly a solo adventurer.

In her words, people other than this guy don't take it into consideration. Rather, it's just this guy's feeling.

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