Then, the soldier from behind who tried to get closer and slashed with the knife seemed to have been hit hard by some invisible force. The chest that was hit burst out with blood, and the broken heart mixed with the thick black blood covered the faces of other soldiers. .


The soldiers suddenly became frightened.


Thanks to Wen Zijun for his monthly pass and blade*2 and to Mo Ai, the Otaku Demon King, for his monthly pass*2

Chapter 65: Urine leaked out

The obese middle-aged nobleman was so frightened that he became incontinent on the spot after seeing this bloody scene.

Urine leaked out.

After all, he had always relied on money, power and a group of soldiers to dominate. How could he ever have the mentality that he might die?

When it comes to toying with others or torturing them, this nobleman can be said to be extremely skilled, reaching the level of mastery.

"To deal with a guy like this, treating him the way he wants to be treated would be a good way."

After taking a look at most of the soldiers who had been killed by Raphtalia who jumped from the second floor, Xia Qing smiled at the noble and said.

The latter took several steps back after hearing this, and was so frightened that he could not speak clearly.

"Hey! Go kill the shield demon!!"

The fat noble quickly commanded the remaining ten soldiers standing in front of him.


"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't go, what's the point of raising trash like you!? Don't forget that your families are still living in this town!"

Being threatened in this way, even if those soldiers were timid, they could only rush towards Xia Qing.

The noble took the opportunity to run away in the direction of his mansion.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"Oops, Lord Brave, if you let that guy report to the people above, your whereabouts will be exposed immediately!"

The elegant man who had just been untied quickly shouted to Xia Qing after seeing the noble escaping.

At this moment, the nobleman had already sat on a horse, abandoned the soldiers, and fled.

Seeing that their boss had escaped, the ten soldiers who were left behind didn't know what to do. They could only form a group and face Xia Qing and Raphtalia, shivering in fear.

"Your master has escaped, who else is coming to die?"

Xia Qing asked.

Then, he added another sentence.

"If we surrender now, it's still too late to catch up with that guy."

This sentence was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Even if your family is threatened, as long as you kill that guy, won't you be able to protect your family? As for other matters, this noble will help you deal with it."


The elegant man who had just stood up couldn't help but feel his legs weaken after hearing Xia Qing's words, and almost fell down again.

"Master Brave, isn't this good? After all, the other party is also a local noble..."

Xia Qing patted the latter's shoulder.

"Abandon the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with gangsters, and annex them by the way. Without an opponent, your future life will only become more nourishing than now."


Feeling that what Xia Qing said made sense, he immediately lowered his head and started thinking.

After observing this scene, Melty didn't know how to criticize. She had never been beaten by society, so she could only speak angrily.

"You guys are all the same!"


The soldiers led the way to the fat noble's villa, and it didn't take long for them to arrive.

A large villa was built on the high ground in the city, which can be said to be the best place to govern the town. On the top of the villa, a long iron pole was erected with a flag hanging on it.

Xia Qing gave beautiful words of praise for a villa located in such a location.

"This is the one that gets priority when there's thunder."

Raphtalia, who was following beside her, nodded in approval.

"Speaking of which, why aren't there even any soldiers patrolling the streets?"

Hearing this, the soldiers leading the way explained with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

" was supposed to be there a few hours ago..."

Just by listening to these words, you can know what they mean.

Xia Qing nodded and said.

"Well, this town is different. If there are too many surveillance eyes, the people living here will feel troubled."

Faced with these words, the soldiers could only smile and dare not say a word.


According to what these soldiers described, the obese noble had an interest in torturing demi-humans, and screams could often be heard coming from the basement.

Inside the villa, there are still this group of security soldiers, but their combat effectiveness is basically the same as the previous soldiers. Raphtalia alone can't even cope with that group of people.

Moreover, the current level of Raphtalia is only LV.40. If it were not for the constraints of level, the sword skills and dark magic taught to her by Professor Xia Qing would have been enough to knock the other three heroes to the ground and hang them. .

"Lord Xia Qing! This way!"

Raphtalia walked through the atrium as if there was no one around, turning a blind eye to the guards who did not dare to step forward, and pointed at the door of a room in front of the corridor.

"There is an entrance to the basement here. There should be children of slaves captured by that noble."

"Do you want to save them?"

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